What are the 3 "befores" in giving meds???

Nurses General Nursing


O.K. - just got a phone call from an acquaintance who is currently studying medications. Wanted to know why nurses massage a site after giving an injection (course I knew that), what are the 6 rights (thats easy),...but then she asked the next question and I do not have a clue.

What are the 3 "befores"?????

Anybody know what she is talking about? Thanks :)

Hi -

Unfortunately, I haven't heard from this acquaintance again, so don't know how she did on the exam. But I gave her everyone's advice on what the "3 befores" could possibly be - so how could she not do well, right!??

Thanks again to everyone for all your help :)

O.K. - just got a phone call from an acquaintance who is currently studying medications. Wanted to know why nurses massage a site after giving an injection (course I knew that), what are the 6 rights (thats easy),...but then she asked the next question and I do not have a clue.

What are the 3 "befores"?????

Anybody know what she is talking about? Thanks :)

One of the befores could be on a diabetic, check the blood sugar before giving insulin.

Right patient;

Right drug;

Right dose;

Right route;

Right time;

Right to refuse;

Write it down.

Check apical pulse before giving lanoxin. Check BP before given anti-hypertensive. Check last blood glucose reading before giving insulin. These are the rules I practice by and I think they are still the standard in every state.

Apart for what everyone else has mentioned, maybe the three "befores" include:

- checking allergies and/or sensitivites

- check the time of adminstration of the last dose of medication ie. to ensure you are not "double dosing".

- witholding the medication if contraindications suggest so (based on the patients current clinical condition) - patient has a pulse rate of 40 would NOT benefit from some digoxin!

This was my interpretation of the question also.

Check meds three times:

- check the box (from which the medicine came)

- check the MAR (med admin record)

- check to make sure it is the right patient


I'd add...if in doubt-DON'T. (don't give, don't draw up, don't guess if something is right)

Check and recheck the spelling of the med.

Don't assume ANYTHING. Docs sometimes can't spell. Sometimes pharmacy makes mistakes......

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