What to do....quit?


I have been a nurse for over 14 years and have done everything from med-surg, to er. Plus everything in between. And now my current job has raised the patient nurse ratio with little to no help. I'm constantly stressed out anymore and hate going into work. I am getting to the point to were I am absolutely hating nursing in general and desperately wanting to get out of it. The patients are rude, unthankful and most anymore drug addicts that are jus wanting their fix. And that's jus not on my floor. I can't tell you how many times I have been screamed and yelled at by the drs and the patients. The Drs face no repercussion for their actions. My management is only looking at the bottom dollar and can really care less about the patients safety or the nurses. Thus the major increase in patient to nurse ratio. And now im getting called into the office because of my recent attitude change. I'm jus on my soap box and wanting to rant. But I do believe I am burnt out and if I had something to fall back on, I would leave nursing with a sprint. I have even discouraged all my child's friends about going into the nursing field. I'm sorry but I truly think nursing is not my calling. :no:

Maybe think long and hard about nursing. Is there many things you like about being a nurse in general? If you could find a different place to work would you love being a nurse again? It could be the burn out is on your current situation more so then the career itself. My sister in law is an RN and it did her a world of good to get out of the hospital she was in and get a slower paced job in a retirment home. It was not that she could not handle the hospital job, but having a different enviroment has helped her be happy again in her career.

There are so many differant avenues you could take that do not have such the demands that hopital jobs have. What about more 1 on 1 feel to your job. There is home care, hospice, even a dr. office like ob gyn or something might give you a different feel to your job where you can say I like being a nurse again.

Sounds like my last hospital job:eek:

You don't need to leave nursing, you need to leave hospital nursing.You have MANY options available to you. My example is... left a very similar job to working from home for an insurance company.

Don't waste another day. Find your dream job and let us know when that happy day comes!

Have your tried venturing outside of bedside nursing. How about home health, school nursing, telephone triage, clinics and etc. Yes, it may be less pay but maybe you'll find an area of nursing that you actually enjoy.

Specializes in Peds critical care.

And that is what got me into peds so many years ago. It wasn't because I thought "oh, kids are just so wonderful." It was because adults can be oh so.... difficult.

Turns out the kids can be fun and if you just try to empathize with the parents, it's makes it much easier.

Thanks all for the advice ... I have applied to an outpatient va clinic. I know your right about my hospital, once this ratio got raised people can't leave fast enough and the ones who are still here are making statements on how their job hunting and jus waiting for a call, any call! The only thing I will hate to give up is the three days a week compared to five but I think my sanity is more important. Keep your fingers crossed, maybe I'll get the call. And soon!

Can I suggest going to the nursing specialties forum here at allnurses? Many, many other areas that would give you a break from the insanity that you are facing in the hospital wards everyday. It is difficult to work in an unsupportive environment where you don't feel valued and appreciated.

The VA culture is different than the private sector. It just is because it is federal. It will take time to get through the hiring process and vetting. Now that Uncle Sam has decided to put some more cash into the system, it may not take as long to get hired as it usually does. Outpatient is sweet (at least where I work at) and you cannot beat the benefits. Good luck!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

Nursing isn't my calling either, but I've been successful at it for 38 years. Nursing is a career, not a calling.

Some jobs are miserable, and sometimes it's just YOU that's miserable. I've been burned out a few times. Burn out is susceptible to change. Change or shift, or your rotation. Maybe you need to change your specialty or just change your employer. Sometimes major burn out requires a major change of scenery: I've quit my job, moved 3000 miles and started a new job in the same specialty and had a major attitude adjustment (in a positive way) in the process. Just be careful not to burn any bridges. You never know when that obnoxious cardiologist you knew on the WEST coast is going to be the new medical director of your ICU on the EAST coast!

Where do you look for those insurance company jobs?

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