Published Sep 30, 2005
3 Posts
I had to answer 170 questions before the test quit. I had made 993 on HESI and am one of the better students in a top 10 program. So I figured I'd sit down, answer 75 questions, and be done. So I just panicked. I do think I answered the last question correctly, but basically spent the whole test guessing between two answers. Ten percent of the questions were about herbs, which I never studied. Anyone else have or know of this experience? Thanks
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Welcome to
The number of questions has absolutely no bearing on whether or not that you passed, as well as if you got the last question right or wrong. Please check out the NCLEX Discussion forum for helpful information for you.
Just go and take sometime for yourself now, you deserve it. There is absolutely nothing that can be done until you get your results.:wink2:
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
Welcome. Good luck. The number of questions is only the number of questions. They don't mean a thing. Don't fret over the numbers. I'd like to say "relax" but that isn't possible while waiting, but try not to obsess over the number of questions or you'll make yourself crazy. :)
DianeS, RN
284 Posts
I don't know about your state. But, in Michigan, the number of questions does not mean a thing. I only had 75 questions. But some of my friends had the whole 265 questions and passed.
Relax and take some time to be nice to yourself. :balloons:
Smiles and hugs. :icon_hug: