What prereq coures should I try to not overlap in a semester


Hey I am a previous degree student realizing that my degree is worthless and its time I go back to school and do what I wanted to do from the beginning...

I was wondering if I could get some opinions about the courses I will be taking and when to take them.

I already have 3 prereqs but I need these 5 courses to apply to (most) nursing schools I am looking at: A&P1, A&P2, Microbio, Nutrition, and Developmental Psych

I have this summer and Fall to complete these courses. I realize that I cannot take A&P2 without completing one. But would it be wise to take 1 in summer A and 2 in summer B? All 5 of these courses are offered either for the entire Summer, Summer A or Summer B. Along with being offered in Fall.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to organize these 5 courses so its not crazy for me?

Thank You All

Personally, I think it would be challenging to get through any science course in summer A or B. I think you should span the entire summer with it if you can.

I would take A&P I in the summer and A&P II and Micro in the Fall. I found Nutrition and Dev. Psych to be fairly easy so you might get away with taking both in the summer with A&P I or maybe take one on-line?

I, too, had a previous degree from some years ago and had to take these and more (be grateful you don't need Chem). Good luck!

Summer I AP1 Summer II AP2 Fall the rest of the junk. This will keep you at or above 3/4 time, and shouldn't be taxing (I took AP1&2 over the summer and loved it, very brisk pace).

I agree with FL husker. Maybe better to take either Nutrition or Psych to the fall rather than both over the summer.... maybe see which makes the better schedule (by hours or by preferred profs) or try for summer and have fall in case you can't get one of them.

Taking A&P II over summer is suicidal I've heard. It's basically long lecture/lab, quiz next day, long lecture/lab, practical next day, long lecture/lab, exam. Rinse & Repeat. Since the content is more in depth than the general stuff that's easier to memorize in A&P1 you can really screw yourself by slacking one day.

A&P II in the summer is CAKE! got an 96%. If your going for your BSN i would suggest you take A&P1 summer 1 and Micro Sumer 2, and the A&P 2 in the fall. Reason being that for a second degree BSN you may have to take patho the semster your applying. And everything you learn in A&P 2 applies to patho and i mean almost everything. From kidney functions to body pH balances (alkalosis and acidosis). But A&Ps are awesome classes compare to mirco.

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.
Personally, I think it would be challenging to get through any science course in summer A or B. I think you should span the entire summer with it if you can.

I would take A&P I in the summer and A&P II and Micro in the Fall. I found Nutrition and Dev. Psych to be fairly easy so you might get away with taking both in the summer with A&P I or maybe take one on-line?

I, too, had a previous degree from some years ago and had to take these and more (be grateful you don't need Chem). Good luck!

how did you get into micro and physio without general chem?

Some schools are weird, or mine sucks....

Mine wants Chem too...booorrrring...lol :no:

If you feel fairly comfortable with the sciences, I would take A&P I during summer A and A&P II during summer B. The other three courses then can be taken in the fall.

It really does depend on your level of comfort, the perceived difficulty of the classes at your college, the instructor, etc.

In other words, most of the time you can plan all you want, and it ends up being a crapshoot! :)

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