What should you do with patient's medications when NPO


Thanks very much I know what to do when administering Blood transfusion. In our hosp, I don't even know if there is a policy. some doctors will say no meds during transfusion others say give only PO meds. Would you please an lighten me on Medication I/v and PO when patient is NPO. Again some drs will write pt. npo except PO med only.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

It depends on the meds and what they are NPO for. The best thing is to ask the doctor. I have never seen a patient NPO for a blood transfusion. I have had people sit up and eat lunch while it was running .

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

Why no oral meds while receiving blood? I've never heard of such a thing

Most orders usually specify. Such as "NPO except meds"... but if not you can always page the doctor. I have also never heard anything about not meds when giving blood....

The only reason why I can think of why a patient should be NPO while a blood transfusion is going is if they're going to a procedure that day that requires deep sedation. Obviously, there are more, but that's the first that comes to mind.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

We use Epic, and the NPO order has an exceptions field: e.g. NPO except sips with meds, ice chips, strict etc.

Strict NPO is strict NPO. If they can have po meds, they get their meds. I have contacted the MD for a strict NPO order, where they don't write an IV equivalent for important po meds. For example, pt on oral Keppra but strict NPO -- dr needs to write for IV Keppra.

I have never in 13 yrs of nursing seen an order altering meds during a blood transfusion, or an NPO order for the blood transfusion alone (pre procedure transfusion yes, bc pt was NPO for the procedure.)

But anyway, when in doubt, clarify.

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