What is your passion?

Nurses General Nursing


Without a doubt, we are all great nurses, whether it be BSN, ADN or Diploma.

My question for all of you is "What is your passion"? What non-nursing dream sets you apart from the nurse next door. None of us are one dimensional.

Researchrabbit and delirium are to be seen in the future on the New York Times Best Sellers List...

Where do you see your secret dream taking you in the future????

Originally posted by John Coxey

Fly-Fishing is my passion. After being laid off from Hewlett-Packard in Jan 2002, I spent the remainder of the year fishing and living out of my mini-van.

If and when you get the chance fish the San Juan river thru Colorado, New Mexico. Absolutely fabulous.

My passion is marine mammals ... want to go and get my DVM and PhD and research their illnesses, develop treatment protocols, but would have to earn a living as a nurse... :chuckle

I, too, have a niche for decorating and artsy things and love to cook and bake for events like Christmas and other occasions. I often get rave reviews for my Christmas dinners and decor. I also would love to be in business for myself whether it an even planner, caterer, the wedding business. These things I truly enjoy. I never had so much as when I did my own wedding...I even designed the cake bu didn't make it, not enough time. I would even like to design scrubs...but with my touches. Just getting one of the these dreams out of my mind and on the ground...

Downhill ski racing!! Even though I'm 40 years old (plus), I still love pointing 'em downhill and skiing with reckless abandon!

Specializes in inpatient hospice house.

A concert violinist. I just started taking classes this year so I have a long way to go, but my teacher tells me I'm doing very good and learning fast. I'm almost done with my first music book. :):roll

Oh yea, my husband and I want to go into business for ourselves selling what else but %$$%& %!*, its a secret.

I love horseback riding too cybercat! I want to be a nurse anesthetist but wouldn't mind being a famous movie star as well.... :lol2:

Gardening, roses in particular, but I have a big vegetable plot and herbs and flowers, etc. I love being in my yard and laying out stone paths, listening to the wind chimes, the birds, seeing life grow where nothing was before. The whole cycle of life, birth, growth, death, resurrection, is fascinating.

Ok, you will all think I am a dork, but I have loved country line dancing for years now. I joined a dance team at my last college and it was so much fun! I'd love to do the dance team thing again and maybe even choreograph some of my own dances.


Originally posted by NightMoonRN

Researchrabbit and delirium are to be seen in the future on the New York Times Best Sellers List...

Um, yeah. Maybe we should write something together?

I would like to open a little floral and gift shop.

Originally posted by delirium

Um, yeah. Maybe we should write something together?

Yeah, a stark psychological thriller/historical romance! Woot! Whole new genre!!! :D


Someday I'll have my own property in the country, with my own barn, my own horses that I'll show in hunter/jumper shows, and miles of trails for riding!

Although I barely have time to eat or sleep right now (nursing school!) I'm still trying to find the time to ride regularly, or I'd go crazy. At least when I'm at the barn, the horses don't quiz me on med dosages, need care plans, or have call lights!

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