Published Jun 4, 2013
Irish_Mist, BSN, RN
489 Posts
I am going to apply to Baylor University's ABSN program. In order to apply, I have to have a certain number of prerequisites completed (3 of the 4 science classes). Here is what I have so far:
I am taking A&P1 in the Summer 2 session (July).
My remaining prerequsities are Microbiology, Chemistry, Nutrition, State and Local Government, Spanish 1 & Spanis 2.
For the fall, I'm thinking A&P2, Chemistry, Spanish 1 and State and Local Government.
For spring, I'm thinking Spanish 2, Nutrition, and Microbiology.
I have heard microbiolgy is the hardest prerequisite so I wanted to take it with a smaller courseload.
For those of you who have successfully taken these science prerequisites, does the order I have planned seem like the best course of action? I'm only interested to hear from people who have been there and done that to tell me what worked for them.
1,163 Posts
I disagree that microbiology is the hardest pre req. I found A & P 2 to be the hardest pre req, so would recommend taking that with a smaller courseload.
1 Article; 501 Posts
I agree. Microbiology was one of the easiest prerequisites for me. AP2 was a harder prereq just due the the information that needed to me memorized about the body systems. I took AP2 with Organic Chemistry ( along with a full course load for my major ( history) that semester- ) and did very well. Your success depends on your drive and your study habits. I made it a point to study often. I am now going to be starting my ABSN in August ( can't wait).
I think your plan is good
456 Posts
A&P, Micro and Chemistry were all challenging and time consuming for me. Just be focused and spend lots of time at the beginning to master the basics so you don't get behind.
Because of the number of classes you're trying to squeeze in, there's probably not a better way to do it.
Remember to get accepted into nursing school you don't just have to finish the classes, you need to complete them ideally with As or at least Bs.
366 Posts
Chem (Easy A), taking A&P 1 right now in Summer 1, then A&P 2 for fall, Microbiology & Pathophysiology in the spring. I have heard that A&P 2 is the toughest so I'm taking that with some fairly easy classes.
14 Posts
For me, taking one science class per semester seems to work best. I'm not saying it's impossible to accomplish however you'll have to be extremely diligent during your fall semester if you're considering A & P II and chemistry. At my school the committee really evaluate your sciences classes and with the course load of each class being very demanding I chose one science each semester. So far out of all my pre-reqs my science classes have been the most time consuming. I typically would spend an extra 5 hours per week really making sure I understand the concepts not including homework and lab time. Thankfully that extra time allows me to maintain an A in all my sciences :) Just something to consider. Wish you the best!!
31 Posts
I am going to apply to Baylor University's ABSN program. In order to apply, I have to have a certain number of prerequisites completed (3 of the 4 science classes). Here is what I have so far:I am taking A&P1 in the Summer 2 session (July).My remaining prerequsities are Microbiology, Chemistry, Nutrition, State and Local Government, Spanish 1 & Spanis 2.For the fall, I'm thinking A&P2, Chemistry, Spanish 1 and State and Local Government.For spring, I'm thinking Spanish 2, Nutrition, and Microbiology.I have heard microbiolgy is the hardest prerequisite so I wanted to take it with a smaller courseload.For those of you who have successfully taken these science prerequisites, does the order I have planned seem like the best course of action? I'm only interested to hear from people who have been there and done that to tell me what worked for them.
I found them to be equally as challenging. If you really master the first sciences it will make it a little easier for the other courses, because all the concepts are built on. I found A&P 1 the most challenging...but that's probably because it had been 12 years since I'd had a science course and one of my first online classes (Stella had to get her groove back :) ). But I aced them all and loved every minute.
Having a good teacher will probably dictate the level of difficulty...