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Nurses General Nursing


I think my nursing career is over. I have had it! I upped and quit my last job after only a year there because I *hated* it. I only took it because we had moved and I needed something in our new area. I was miserable. Gave appropriate notice, but they were still upset when I left. Took another job at a big hospital that said they would cross train me in 3 areas and I was promised a particular schedule that sounded great for my family. Thats why I took the job! The cross training and the good schedule. It's been so hard to get any interviews in new specialties and I want out of mine. Im trapped. Welp, instead they dumped me right into the area I just left at my other job, doing exactly what I wanted out of. They are now saying they need me there they are too short to cross train at the moment and sorry but we had to put you on a later shift. I HATE it. I got tossed in with hardly any orientation. Don't know anyone, but I have been figuring it out. Been trying to suck it up because I have bills to pay. And they really are super short so I figured I would try to make it work and ask about cross training again in a few months.

Fast forward to today - Today a patient pulled me aside to complain about something that happened that they were very upset about. I reported it after the patient left as it was a very valid complaint and the patient had told me to please pass it on. I urged her to write it on a feedback card, but she was afraid of the doctor. Well the doctor the complaint was about got pissed, called the patient, confronted her, and claims the patient denied saying it. Now I am accused of making it up? Was reprimanded and accused of lying . Why would I make something up about someone I don't even know? I am so upset. I do not know the doctor. I have no reason to make anything up.

I already hated the job. And now they are upset with me. I am new and don't have anyone that knows me or trusts me and my work. I feel like my reputation and integrity are ruined. I feel so awful. I feel like a failure. I am hurt by the patient denying it, but clearly she was right about this doctor. I don't think I have ever felt this hopeless about being a nurse. How am I going to find a new job now? I really want to just quit. This one is not the one for me. I know that for sure

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.
1 hour ago, Crookshanks24 said:

Im open to any area that is willing to train me at this point. The only thing I am afraid of is home health because of going into peoples homes alone and the brutal traffic going from place to place. I think I might like psych actually . Any other ares you can suggest.

It often means a bit of a pay cut but clinics often have openings and that might be as simple as transferring to an open position within the system you already work for. The clinic hours are nice, so that'd be a valid reason for you requesting the transfer if you could get hired to a clinic job.

Of course my specialty, a skilled nursing facility is an option. Believe me they are always hiring! Be careful if you decide to look into that though. There are some fantastic facilities but there are also some that are amazingly awful. Expect a crazy ratio but if you land in a decent place with good CNA's and management you can live with it's very doable. Depending on your experience you might qualify for a unit manager type of position if you want to avoid the floor, but that position comes with it's own set of headaches.

Hospice is an option, but if you are concerned about home health that might not be your best bet since it seems at least in my area the only jobs that ever open are hospice home care instead of the inpatient positions.

In the vein of home health but without as much travel is private duty nursing, you'd be working with a smaller case load but spending much more time with the clients you serve. This can be done as an independent but without an agency working for you it'd be a lot harder finding clients.

Speaking of travel, if you have enough experience don't rule out travel nursing. Especially since you live in a major metropolitan you could probably look for contracts that are local for you. Travelling does require some experience and flexibility to work out though and again would require an agency. Some agencies are good, others not so much.

Of course there's also school nursing. Especially since you are in a metropolitan area there's likely to be openings and this is the perfect time of year to apply since the school year is ending and they are going to be looking toward filling open positions for next year. That would also likely mean a pretty significant pay cut depending on the school district but the schedule is a big positive draw. No weekends, no holidays, summer vacation! I have friends that are school nurses that love it and put up with lower pay because the schedule is so nice. A couple of them are still casual/on call employees where I work and they pick up several shifts during school vacations.

There are also jobs in insurance, case management, legal consulting and tele-nursing. They usually require quite a bit of experience but don't be afraid to apply to open positions if those types of jobs intrigue you. What's the worse they can say? You for sure won't get the job if you don't even apply. Many positions in these areas even have work from home options.

There's a few ideas to toss around, I am sure there are other's you can come up with some creative thinking.

On 5/24/2019 at 11:49 PM, Crookshanks24 said:

I think my nursing career is over. I have had it! I upped and quit my last job after only a year there because I *hated* it. I only took it because we had moved and I needed something in our new area. I was miserable. Gave appropriate notice, but they were still upset when I left. Took another job at a big hospital that said they would cross train me in 3 areas and I was promised a particular schedule that sounded great for my family. Thats why I took the job! The cross training and the good schedule. It's been so hard to get any interviews in new specialties and I want out of mine. Im trapped. Welp, instead they dumped me right into the area I just left at my other job, doing exactly what I wanted out of. They are now saying they need me there they are too short to cross train at the moment and sorry but we had to put you on a later shift. I HATE it. I got tossed in with hardly any orientation. Don't know anyone, but I have been figuring it out. Been trying to suck it up because I have bills to pay. And they really are super short so I figured I would try to make it work and ask about cross training again in a few months.

Fast forward to today - Today a patient pulled me aside to complain about something that happened that they were very upset about. I reported it after the patient left as it was a very valid complaint and the patient had told me to please pass it on. I urged her to write it on a feedback card, but she was afraid of the doctor. Well the doctor the complaint was about got pissed, called the patient, confronted her, and claims the patient denied saying it. Now I am accused of making it up? Was reprimanded and accused of lying . Why would I make something up about someone I don't even know? I am so upset. I do not know the doctor. I have no reason to make anything up.

I already hated the job. And now they are upset with me. I am new and don't have anyone that knows me or trusts me and my work. I feel like my reputation and integrity are ruined. I feel so awful. I feel like a failure. I am hurt by the patient denying it, but clearly she was right about this doctor. I don't think I have ever felt this hopeless about being a nurse. How am I going to find a new job now? I really want to just quit. This one is not the one for me. I know that for sure

If the pt is too cowardly to speak up (and I do understand the pt's vulnerability and fear), why should you get involved? I had a c/o from a frightened pt once about a CNA who was terrorizing him. I told my boss immediately. This CNA was soon fired or allowed to quit, although she just went down the road and got another CNA job. My employer did nothing, to my knowledge, to protect the public. I wonder if she even explored the pt's c/o or if she had other c/o's about her or what.

Someone suggested that you say to such a pt, "Let me report this to someone who can help". or something like that. No, you don't ask the pt to "let" you. You tell the pt you are going to report it to your boss and then you do it ASAP. Or you just keep out of it altogether and tell the pt to grow a pair (nicely, of course).

Tell the pt what the DA always tells reluctant witnesses on Law and Order. You need to testify to prevent the accused perpetrator from doing this again.

Put the responsibility where it belongs - right back on the pt.

I hope you are looking for another job, as you seem quite unhappy where you are. Best wishes to you. You'll be ok, just keep going. Make no further waves.

On 5/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, panurse9999 said:

Sounds like your run of the mill workplace that lied through their teeth to get you onboard with absolutely no respect for you as a human being, or as a nurse. Rings so familiar, and so frequent, that in my last interview in a piss poor nursing home, I stated in the interview, that if I am lied to in any way about what this job is going to be, I will leave, because I've done it before. Of course I NEVER heard from them again, but it saved me the waste of time of taking the job, and leaving 2 weeks later. My advice is to quit immediately. If not financially possible, look very hard for a new job. Not sure what the job market is like near you, its very bad near me.

About patient complaints ...I once worked in a toxic hospital, on a toxic unit, where a morbidly obese nurse who hated the world, actually went into my confused patient's room, and recruited her to complain about me. She harassed other nurses this way, and other ways, and yet, they continued to keep her on the unit. SMH.

Was she the relative of someone in power?

did her pts love her?

On 5/25/2019 at 1:17 PM, panurse9999 said:

I remember a service recovery issue that I handled in a hospital over an "NPO" order. Patient had raised the issue for 2 consecutive shifts, and nothing was done. I took my time, stayed at the bedside, and made phone call, after phone call to get to the bottom of it. I assured my patient that I was not leaving the room until I had an answer for her. It was drilled down to miscommunication between radiology and a surgeon. I was able to D/C the order and get her a tray. The beating I took from the surgeon over the phone was severe. I guess he thought I embarassed him. This is a damned if you do, and damned if you don't scenario, of a good deed never going unpunished. The doc should have thanked me for not blowing off what was his mistake. , but I digress.

Did you ever tell him so?

And you should have told him you were not going to allow him to speak to you in other than a courteous, collegial manner.

3 hours ago, Crookshanks24 said:

I'm open to any area that is willing to train me at this point. The only thing I am afraid of is home health because of going into peoples homes alone and the brutal traffic going from place to place. I think I might like psych actually . Any other ares you can suggest.

Have you thought about a correctional facility? Adults, juvenile facilities, mens' facilities, women's; (State, county, federal Bureau of Prisons)

The fed and probably state prisons do some surgery, have lots of ambulatory medicine, and inpatient infirmaries.

You pass a ton of meds, help the doctor in Clinic, hold Sick Call where you can treat by Protocols (like athlete's foot, headache, heartburn, or other minor pain, stuff like that) if there are some Protocols/Standing Orders or refer to doc, dentist, or psychiatrist. You handle emergencies - chest pain, SOB, injuries, abd pain, trauma from fights or accidents, lots of mental health issues, etc.

You might have emergencies with inmates or prisoners or staff or visitors.

If there are women, there are OB/GYN matters - cramps, bleeding, early labor, PP, maybe even providing care for the children of women if their children are in the facility with them. I once had a female pt at the jail who was pumping her breast milk and we would refrigerate it for her and give it to her mother, who was caring for her infant. Not especially challenging, but heartwarming. I was glad to be able to help her and her baby.

Some nurses in the jails or prisons work in Intake, screening every new arrival for injuries and a medical history. You need to determine who has DM, COPD, epilepsy, other chronic illnesses that require ongoing treatment. Who is in withdrawal or at risk for it? drugs, alcohol

Some new arrestees are beaten or might have dog bites or other injuries. You determine who is fit for confinement in a non-hospital setting with no doctor present. The police know they must take such injured or ill persons to the ER, but they haven't always done so before bringing them to the jail. You have to not let the facility or yourself be dumped on. They will train you on this.

There are nurses who work with Death Row inmates.

Working on a cruise ship? Public health working for the state, local, or fed gov?

Home health is likely not nearly as dangerous as you might think. I have no statistics, go on the appropriate topic here on allnurses.

OR, Recovery, Peds, OB, ER, a doc's office or a clinic, outpt surgery center, so many choices.

Teach Nursing, teach CNA's.

Parish Nursing

Occupational Health

Work Agency for a while at different facilities to see what they are like.

Change shifts. Maybe Nights is easier without all the bosses around.

Get out of Nursing? What else interests you?

Do not vent your frustration on your resignation letter. Just say you are leaving for personal reasons and gush about how much you have learned and grown. And you have learned a lot, even if it wasn't all about Nursing. You have learned how vile employers can be, how evilly (is that a word?) they sometimes treat staff.

And say how much you enjoyed working at and appreciate the opportunity to have been part of the great _____Medical Center.

Puke after you write it. Just kidding. You probably feel like speaking your mind, but don't do it. You will be glad later that you controlled yourself because you will have a good reference.

Your future is bright, friend. God bless you.

On 5/25/2019 at 12:50 PM, JKL33 said:

If a patient complains to me about anything in which I have no involvement, my response is always some version of, “Let me report your concern to [customer service/patient experience people/manager/supervisor]. They will want to speak with you about it.”

7 hours ago, Kooky Korky said:

Someone suggested that you say to such a pt, "Let me report this to someone who can help". or something like that. No, you don't ask the pt to "let" you.


That was me, and trust me, it's not a plea. It's a concerned-sounding way of saying what I'm going to do, which is to not get in the middle of it.

I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time. In terms of of the patient complaint, consider this a learning lesson. Don't ever take responsibility for reporting someone else's compliant, patient or co worker. By all means listen to their complaint and tell them how to lodge a complaint if that is their wish but don't ever do it for them. They will throw you under the bus in a heart beat

Pay your bills, let that be your mindset. You will be more stressed not having money unless you don't have to worry about that and I don't mean relying on someone who can't really help you. I am learning to let shizz go, who really cares that all of this has happened. Has it killed you? You haven't been there long enough to know if this has happened to another nurse. This doctor may not have been happy no matter what. Stay out of things as best as you can. Don't talk bad about anyone, stay general. You see, I hope, that no matter where you go there is some stuff that you will have to put up with. It is rare to find otherwise. The recruiters and managers sell you a pack of lies to get you hired, because if they told you the truth you probably would not want the job but as I said, don't you have bills to pay? If things end up being unicorns and rainbows well great, if not O well. Don't talk to anyone about this situation, let it blow over, chart, and protect your license.

13 hours ago, Workitinurfava said:

Pay your bills, let that be your mindset. You will be more stressed not having money unless you don't have to worry about that and I don't mean relying on someone who can't really help you. I am learning to let shizz go, who really cares that all of this has happened. Has it killed you? You haven't been there long enough to know if this has happened to another nurse. This doctor may not have been happy no matter what. Stay out of things as best as you can. Don't talk bad about anyone, stay general. You see, I hope, that no matter where you go there is some stuff that you will have to put up with. It is rare to find otherwise. The recruiters and managers sell you a pack of lies to get you hired, because if they told you the truth you probably would not want the job but as I said, don't you have bills to pay? If things end up being unicorns and rainbows well great, if not O well. Don't talk to anyone about this situation, let it blow over, chart, and protect your license.

It's not just the doctor thing, it's the whole having been lied to, duped, and disrespected. And all of the ongoing lies, the broken appointments.

yes, she probably needs the money. Sad thing.

15 hours ago, Kooky Korky said:

It's not just the doctor thing, it's the whole having been lied to, duped, and disrespected. And all of the ongoing lies, the broken appointments.

yes, she probably needs the money. Sad thing.

I am not saying she should not go elsewhere. I am saying that at some point something will have to work, otherwise she will hop around her whole enviornment and run out of places to go. If she really feels the needs to go, then she should go but I would noy leave unless there was no way to make it work and her post doesn't come across that way. Being lied to and disrespected can go on in many places but one has to know how to handle it. Knowing how to let a patient complain and it not come across like you are in on it with them makes a difference to.

Think I found a new job! Have a second interview this week. Cannot WAIT to quit this one. The schedule keeps getting worse and the unit is just full of miserable people constantly complaining. It seems I am not the only one who doesn't like it, but I have been keeping to myself. I have now reminded the manager twice about where she promised to put me and she keeps saying she will, but then does not. So I will feel zero guilt quitting.

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