What makes Kaplan successful


Is it Kaplan's decision tree and strategies that helped you the most? Or was it helpful answering questions and reviewing the rationales (pretty much just knowing your content)? Combination of both?

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

The Kaplan questions are set up just like the NCLEX. Same blue and white screen, same drag and drop format, etc.

I think being familiar helped to reduce test anxiety.

Yes the decision tree was also helpful. I ended up having lots of SATAs, and didn't stress too bad about them. I passed in 85 questions.

Specializes in NICU.

Like the previous poster, I agree that everything being familiar reduced my test anxiety SO MUCH, I was completely comfortable taking the test just because it was familiar (isn't that funny? haha). Some of the strategies were helpful and made me look at questions in different ways, but their practice questions are GOLD. Every time I took an exam I would go through the rationales and write down little notes/facts or I would look up things I really didn't understand in my Saunders book.

I personally did not use the the decision tree really at all, I found that I never full grapsed the concept of it. I answered all of the questions, and read the rationals, I also bought thier Q&A book along with the online program my school made us do. I think it was most helpful that the questions where similar in set up to the actual test. I also used other books (saunders, LaCharity and Lippenscott alternate level questions) and read the rationals to those questions. I did very little content review, mostly went over rationals and did lots of questions (close to 4,000). I passed with 75 questions. Everyone is differnt though and you need to do what works for you.

So is it true kaplan questions are similar to nclex questions and the topics? people say that their almost the same, questions on nclex are just arranged differently

I didn't think it was exactly the same. I felt my test was just extremely hard, but the priorties abd delagation question I thought was similar. Plus it is set up in a similar fashion as the online Kaplan. All abd all even though I didnt Luke the decision tree, I thought Kaplan to be the most useful prep our of all the ones I used

Ohhh i see thanks for the feedback, now i know that im on the right track, im also doing kaplan qbank, and reading rationales as well wenever i made a mistake or even if i got the question right, im bout to take the nclex in 2 weeks

My program requires us to purchase the Kaplan package as part of tuition costs. I was looking at the Kaplan NCLEX RN info online and they say "guaranteed to pass or its free". So i looked at the restrictions and they are: Must graduate from an NLN or CCNE program (my program is ACEN, formally NLNAC), must be taking the NCLEX for the first time, and must be attempting the NCLEX within 6 months from graduation. All of these restrictions apply to me so i am happy i will get the tuition back if i do not pass the first time. If i do pass, then money well spent! :)

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.
So is it true kaplan questions are similar to nclex questions and the topics? people say that their almost the same, questions on nclex are just arranged differently

I don't think the questions were identical, but the format was the same. My thinking, prior to taking the NCLEX PN, was that it would be better to expose my mind to different styles of questions from different sources. That way I would hopefully be prepared for a variety of questions.

I don't think the questions were identical, but the format was the same. My thinking, prior to taking the NCLEX PN, was that it would be better to expose my mind to different styles of questions from different sources. That way I would hopefully be prepared for a variety of questions.

Ohhhh I see, thats what im trying to do also, and i think im getting used to answering this type of nclex style questions,this kaplan qbank helps me alot with strategies, i noticed with scores as i keep taking more qbank questions, but not really satisfied with my scores, been getting 40s before and now went up to 50s the highest score that i got is 58% , really worried this is gnna be my first time taking it hope i

There were people in my class that were scoring in the high 50's low 60's and still passed, so it is possible. Just keep reading over the rationales even for the ones you get right. Also, even though I didn't do a lot of content review if there was an area that I kept getting the questions wrong with I definitely went over it. For example, I kept getting child development questions wrong, so I went over that until I wasn't getting them wrong. Granted I didn't get any questions on g&d but I still glad I went over the areas I was consistently weak on.

Good Luck!

There were people in my class that were scoring in the high 50's low 60's and still passed, so it is possible. Just keep reading over the rationales even for the ones you get right. Also, even though I didn't do a lot of content review if there was an area that I kept getting the questions wrong with I definitely went over it. For example, I kept getting child development questions wrong, so I went over that until I wasn't getting them wrong. Granted I didn't get any questions on g&d but I still glad I went over the areas I was consistently weak on.

Good Luck!

Thats what I'm exactly doing too read all the rationales whether i got it right or wrong, knowing that theres some people who managed to pass with below average scores on kaplan qbank, it just reduced my anxiety somehow, i guess its not about how many mistakes u made from it, its the content, style, wording and the strategy how to eliminate questions from qbank that help people the most, THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK GUYS! I for sure will let everyone know how my test goes!

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