Published Dec 4, 2013
49 Posts
I am taking pre regs now, and I am actually doing great on it. However, while I really want to be a nurse, I have no idea what the nursing school is like.
What do we learn exactly? Is it like some of current pre-regs? And how is the test style?
What is clinical? How can we test it? I am so so excited and curious!!
1 Article; 1,265 Posts
Nope, not like pre reqs. The grading scale is different. The tests are different, no rote memorization and cramming, it just won't work. Clinical is scary and fun. Patients are awesome and every one offers a new learning opportunity. You learn fundamentals first and build on that. Even though you are overwhelmed and think, there is no way I am retaining this information, you do retain it. Most of it. Good luck!
missmollie, ADN, BSN, RN
869 Posts
Nursing school is all together a different beast, and I don't think it's because of how the tests are. I think it has to do with the fact that you learn, you apply, and then the next week you learn something that would've helped your previous patient.
It's a big responsibility. It's not so much about getting an A as it is about knowing the material. Someone depends on that. It may be your next clinical day, it may be a year down the road, but it is an awesome responsibility and one to be taken seriously.
4,161 Posts
It is learning and comprehending the material and applying that information on a test. There will be less and less knowledge based questions (What is xxxxx?) and more application type questions (Patient is on Lasix, what lab value would you be concerned about?) and then learn more information and test on the new material and what you learned from the previous test. The next semester you build upon knowledge from the previous classes and are expected to be able to apply knowledge from previous classes on tests (you are learning about cardiac system this semester and learned about the kidneys last semester. How does acute renal failure affect the heart?)
SmYle4PeDs, BSN
315 Posts
Thanks for your insight! Not my post, but still wanted to reply :) I had the same questions! Reading your responses, made me even more excited to become a nurse!
39 Posts
I am almost finish with my first semester of nursing school. I just did a post talking about it!
What do you learn exactly?
You learn everything from human growth, nursing process, nutrition, elimination, asepsis, oxygenation, heat and cold, neuronal, mobility and fluid and electrolytes....I know its a lot but that's only half of it...LOL
Is it like some of the current pre-regs? completely different!
How is the test style?
They don't ask you knowledge base questions. Most of the questions are about "what nursing action is most important/ first priority" which basically means all of the answers are right but which one is the most right, if that make any sense....LOL! You will find yourself double guessing yourself on testes!
What is clinical?
It's when you go the hospital ( the program choose for you, which mean you may have to do some traveling, because the hospital I did my clinical at was an hour away from where I stay and I had to be there at 7 in the morning!) But you will enjoy clinical. At first it will be scary but you will get use to it. Clinicals are not for everyone because you will SMELL all kinds of smells and see all kinds of things.....I'm just going to say that! I remember one girl in my class drop out the day after her first clinical.
It's good that you are excited but remember that nursing school will test to see if this is what you are really cut out to do! Good Luck and Happy Holidays!