What kind of LTC resident will you be?


When I have to go to a nursing home, I don't think I'll be a pleasantly confused LOL. I would be the one who tries to sneak cats into the facility.

And--since the information about how to turn off a door alarm is now lodged in a part of my brain that dementia would take time to erase, I'll be the facilities escape artist.

How about it---what kind of LTC resident will you be in the future?

Specializes in neuro, med/surg/, cardiac care.

Oh likely the one that pulls her foley out fully inflated just for fun, ouchie!! Or watches till after the nurse rounds at night, then takes off out the front door most likely headed for a mall!!



Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.

Wow... we need to start thinking about an AN Assisited Living/Nursing Home for the future. AN Members only.

Could you IMAGINE????????????????? :rotfl:

OK, Brian.. that's your next project. :D

Wow... we need to start thinking about an AN Assisited Living/Nursing Home for the future. AN Members only.

Could you IMAGINE????????????????? :rotfl:

OK, Brian.. that's your next project. :D

Great idea!!! As long as I get to keep my cats. There will also have to be a Squeakykitty-proof door alarm.

Specializes in subacute/ltc.


Funny our UM and I just had this conversation....

I'm gonna be the nightowl wandering the facility with a book tucked under my arm jonesin for a cup of coffee and trying to bum a cigarette from the staff...


Specializes in Telemetry, Case Management.

I'm gonna be the b*%@)& old lady in the private room on the far corner. Why, because I will torment all the crazy a$$ roommates they give me until they decide to just give in and give me a private room.

Then I will howl when they enter without knocking, ask them six times if they've washed their hands before they touch me, and examine each and every pill "That's not the pills I'm on, girlie, you'd better go check those out again."

And I do have the PITA daughter who will come in and raise hell about the care I do or do not get (she's an RN). I pity the place where they put me when the time comes.:specs:

Specializes in Operating and geriactric.
When I have to go to a nursing home, I don't think I'll be a pleasantly confused LOL. I would be the one who tries to sneak cats into the facility.

And--since the information about how to turn off a door alarm is now lodged in a part of my brain that dementia would take time to erase, I'll be the facilities escape artist.

How about it---what kind of LTC resident will you be in the future?

I will probably be like one of my old patients who used to be a nurse and worked third shift. She wandered into every ones rooms checking on them and readjusting their blankets and asking them if she could do any thing for them and she rambled in their things. We had hot patients with her wandering into their rooms all night long. She slept all day and even though they tried to keep her up she would always find an empty bed somewhere to sleep. One night as I sat in the nurses station tired and doing my final charting. She walked into the nurses station and sat down in a chair next to me, put her hand on her forehead blew hard and stated "If they don't get me some help I don't know what I'm going to do" She has since passed over a year ago. But yes some of us will end up in nursing homes. I will probably give a nurse or two a few headaches.:bugeyes:

Specializes in geriatric & childrens psych, rehab, woun.

lmao, i pray i'll be happily confused. i hope i'll believe that i'm at some swanky hotel where i don't have to cook or clean, and i'll be hitting on the poor young male staff. Most likely i will drive the nurses crazy as i try to pass meds and do charting. I would also be turning off alarms and going out through the alarmed doors. I'd also break a hip or too assisting someone to the toilet. I have seen entirely too many Older nurses. Who have yet to fade into the the realization that they can't do the work anymore. alzheimers or not. I have one sweet lady, who tries to relieve me for lunch on a daily basis I have her believing that we lunch together, so has stopped trying to take over my med cart. We have her fill the file draws with paper supplies, put paper in the printers and fax machines. it keeps us from getting stray orders that are gibberish.

Specializes in LTC, Medicare visits.

I will be the "poor eater" that drinks tons of coffee, refuses supplements (don't even think about a warm Ensure- yuck), and won't take a pill. I will be rolling into every room checking on the residents, making sure the oxygen and jet neb tubing is labeled.

I will be the one watching the nurse do med pass and constantly put my 2 cents in....." well back in the day, we did.......". I will be The perfectly annoying type, and I will sit in front of the nurses station hear the call lights and direct anyone nearby to "please go answer that".

I will also catch anyone wearing white, scrubs or a stethoscope and "consult" with them about any resident I feel needs help.:nuke:

The DON and ADON will recieve daily reports from me on whats going on, even if they try to move my w/c out of their doorways.

In other words I will be very busy working in my retirement, just as I do now, but they can't fire me!:bugeyes:

Specializes in LTC, Medicare visits.

Oops, failed to mention the aides will love me, even with all that coffee I will only need help with toileting every 8-12 hrs! Yes, a bladder can hold 2500+cc when needed, it's happens all the time at work.:nuke:

Specializes in med-surg 5 years geriatrics 12 years.

Don't forget to be the one wiith the call light firmly held with the finger on the button CONSTANTLY. And of course I'll be screaming at the top of my lungs but then won't remember what I wanted!!

Don't forget to be the one wiith the call light firmly held with the finger on the button CONSTANTLY. And of course I'll be screaming at the top of my lungs but then won't remember what I wanted!!

I'd be screaming for coffee constantly, and for pizza. If I don't get it, I'd call 911 to complain.

Specializes in Medicine, Geriatrics, Pedi,ICU, Oncology.

I will be the real picky lady who takes an hour to get ready every morning. I may be a stroke on my dominant side therby no longer able to pluck the stray hair on my chin, apply my lipstick, ensure my bra is on correctly etc. I will be frantic if I miss my hair appintment and they will fear my daughter if she comes in and I am poorly groomed. I will also have way too many clothes packed in the closet and will refuse to get dressed if they are wrinkled. I will also only drink vanilla Ensure unless someone makes me a special order in the kitchen.

I will also love my caretakers immensely and rat on the ones who have no compassion. I won't be private pay either, I will be flat broke when I go in and will spend my 60$ a month (that gift from medicaid!!) on lipstick and clothes at Walmart.

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