What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

Here is my most gross, yucky, disgusting nursing story! Nurses Humor Article


I was working a night shift on a tele floor as a new Nurse.

We had this one poor old lady who was confused and was restrained as usual for her safety. She was our designated resident nightmare geri from hell, so she was placed near the Nurse's station.

So we are chilling out at the Nurse's station, chatting and trying to get through another night...

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see our lady in question standing in the dimly lit doorway of her room!

I instantly leap out and run to her. As I approach her, she appears to be falling towards me, so I meet her in a bear hug...my arms around her waste, and her arms around my shoulders.

As I catch the lady, I notice a very strong smell of feces, and I feel something warm on my hands, arms and shoulders...

My fellow heroes come in behind me, and as the lights are turned on, my worst fears are instantly realized.

Yes, I caught the poor old lady with a good old bear hung football catch, but I was also covered in the lady's feces.

As I look at her, she has feces smeared all over her arms and hands... (and even her face!)

And of course, now so did I! :D

This is why I sing hymnals on my way to work! "Please watch ova me Lawd! (hahahaha)"

My worst experiences had been while I was an EMT with the county contracted ambulance 911 provider. We often responded to county calls from protective services. the bay area has quite a few cities that are highly "elderly" populated.

We are called to a scene in which an elderly woman was reported with ALOC (Mayun...I hate to hear ALOC now! its a catch all!). We are told to enter fully gowned/universal precautions. Well, it was hot that day and at the time our company wore jumpsuits, so I declined to put one on. We get to the home, the inside was dimly lit and filed with books stacked to the ceiling, empty cans of food, trash thrown everywhere the books and empty cans weren't and styrophone cups with old coffee in them. You can imagine the stinch! Oh...did I mention roaches, flies, "lions and tigers and bears...oh my!!!?"

The woman was in the back of the house. It was a narrow walkway to her. We decide to sit-pic her a short distance to the guerney and get her outta there. The first attempt, I lost my footing and my knees hit her carpeted floor. "Splat"..I thought "awwww @#$!". It wasn't untill we got her loaded into the ambulance that I realized it was urine and a few roach body parts on my knees. A leg, an antenna. (Bare with me...I'm blanking out and sweating telling this even though that was eight years ago!)I asked her the typical "how are you feeling today?" She insisted she felt a little tired after coming home from teaching the children that day, as a roach climbed from under her wig to the back of her neck. I wonder if she noticed during

"recess" the petrified poo-log that was working its way up her back?

Our unit was down long enough for me to take off my jumpsuit, throw it in the dumpster and go home, swatting imaginary roaches that ran through the flashes of my mind! Our ambulance was out for a week to make sure it didn't become those critters new home!

(Imma faint now...bye!)

:roll oh my god that is so funny

I am laughing so hard I am crying. I did not actually witness this one, but my husband is also an LVN and a paramedic. He told me about a call they got on a homeless guy that had passed out in a parking lot. When they rolled up and assessed the guy they began doing CPR and were preparing to inutbate and the guy starts puking, and not just your ordinary vomit either.... he was puking catfood and peanut butter. My husband loves peanut butter, but said it was a long time before he could eat it after that.

Brace yourself for this one. I was suctioning a newly trached patient in the ICU and went a little too far causing the patient to gag and cough. Luckily I wear a face shield right? Well after her coughing jag I removed my face shield and leaned over the patient to comfort her. She suddenly coughed and out of her trach came a fair sized mucous plug...that flew into my mouth and down my throat! :rotfl: I was the one gagging after that. Now I never-ever remove my face shield until away from the bed.

Some of these stories were really gross but yours, beats them all for now! I'm still gagging! Still a student but I'm definately going to watch out for those trach pts.

If anyone know's what this is please tell me When I was an aide in California many years ago I was sitting with a Pt about 85 years old receiving blood product she was dying of cancer.

Her stomach began to fill up with the blood and she began to sweat I noticed that when I sponged her down with the white wash cloth that there was blood on the wash cloth .I thought maybe she had a tear some where but she didn't have any tears I noticed that the sweat droplets looked blood tinged So I touched her arm with my glove and noticed blood on the glove.Withen in minutes the lady expired when we moved her we noticed on the sheet where her upper back had been there was blood also.

This has alway kind of intrested me as they have said in the bible Jeaus when he died bled from every pore.Alway been a mystery to me.

It might have been DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation. You can do a google search to find some good resources about it. I just got home from work, so I'm too tired to go into an explanation. ;)

I have been contemplating whether or not I should post this one or not. It was definately a BAD day for me the day this happened, but things happen, right?

One morning I came into work, was informed that an elderly 80 yr old lady had passed during the night, about four hours earlier. She had been ill for quite some time, and her death was expected. Her family was in full attendance, with approximately 20 family members out in the hallway.

The morgue attendant came up to the floor, and asked me to assist with the transfer onto the gurney, and escort the body downstairs. We went into the room together, shut the door, and wheeled the gurney beside the bed.

I locked the wheel on my end. I KNOW that I locked my wheels. The attendant said she was ready, so we leaned over the gurney, grabbed the ends of the body bag, and got ready to do the one, two, three, heave ho. Did I say that the patient had weighed approximately 200 pounds?

I guess it is evident what happened, the gurney toppled over on top of me, with the deceased (all 200 pounds) also on top of me. I crawled out from under the gurney, but there was NO way that I was going to stick my head out into the hallway and ask for assistance. Remember, the family was still in the hallway?

We put the bed in the very lowest position, then both of us got under the same end of the body bag, and lifted, half shoved the deceased back onto the hospital bed. During the course of working up a sweat, the morgue attendant commented that this was like lifting dead weight. Uh, yeah right, I guess thats what it was.

We finally completed the transfer to the gurney without further incident, but I did notice several large bruises on myself the next day, along with strained muscles from the lifting. My lesson learned was to always, always lock the wheels, and also to double check that all wheels are locked.

It might have been DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation. You can do a google search to find some good resources about it. I just got home from work, so I'm too tired to go into an explanation. ;)

Thanks ER I think this could be it.

i'm a new registered nurse and i don't have much experience yet...but the experience i can't forget was the BKA i assisted when i was still a student. the amputated leg was sooo gross...it looks like the ones in horror movies (kinda scary looking, making it hard for me to sleep that night. :)

I was listening to the police scanner the other night, the fire department tone went out for a car accident. When EMS got on scene they pronounced a 10 yo male DOA. The father was critical and they radioed for a medivac unit to fly him to the trauma center. As my cousin and his partner from the ambulance service were giving report to the crew of the chopper, you could hear the patient in the background at first I thought he was moaning and then I realized that I was hearing his breathing. It reminded me of a dog that had been hit by a car whose lungs were collapsed. I cried and then slapped myself and told myself that if this were my patient I can't cry, they were too critical for me to go outside and take a crying fit. I felt like buying :redlight:EMS:redlight: a few drinks:cheers:. I know that had to suck for all involved.

Thanks ER I think this could be it.

Glad I could help! :clown:

I was a new CNA in the nursing home and feeling very proud of my first step in my chosen career.

A nice littel old man in a wheel chair waved at one of my co-workers (a pretty littel 18 year-old, fresh out of high school sugar and spice type of girl). He said "honey come over here please" as she bent down to talk to him. He moved the blanket covering his legs and SPLAT! he ejaculated right in her face and mouth. I never saw her again and thus my nursing career beagn...........

no way. that is revolting. BLECH!!! poor poor sugar and spice girl...

During the SAE they claimed that it was caused by a strong cervival contraction at the same time the OB was attempting delivery...that along with it only being a 24 weeker. Only time Iv'e seen or heard of it and hopefully I never will again!:o

I never saw that but as nursing supervisor the L&D girls were telling me horror stories one night. They had that happen a couple times when the baby had been dead in utero for days or longer.

I once had a pt with mersa.He had it in his mouth ,urin ,and parts of his body.This guy was the biggest ***.I could never go in and wash him by myself.He use to spit at the aids and pull out his tube from his stomack.Then he would fling his piss bag around and try to get us wet with his infected urin.He new he had mersa and he just never cared.