What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

Here is my most gross, yucky, disgusting nursing story! Nurses Humor Article


I was working a night shift on a tele floor as a new Nurse.

We had this one poor old lady who was confused and was restrained as usual for her safety. She was our designated resident nightmare geri from hell, so she was placed near the Nurse's station.

So we are chilling out at the Nurse's station, chatting and trying to get through another night...

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see our lady in question standing in the dimly lit doorway of her room!

I instantly leap out and run to her. As I approach her, she appears to be falling towards me, so I meet her in a bear hug...my arms around her waste, and her arms around my shoulders.

As I catch the lady, I notice a very strong smell of feces, and I feel something warm on my hands, arms and shoulders...

My fellow heroes come in behind me, and as the lights are turned on, my worst fears are instantly realized.

Yes, I caught the poor old lady with a good old bear hung football catch, but I was also covered in the lady's feces.

As I look at her, she has feces smeared all over her arms and hands... (and even her face!)

And of course, now so did I! :D

It was my first job as a new grad. I was working telemetry nights. Often I would sit next to the monitor tech and watch and learn. "What's wrong with that one," I said. "She's dying!" the tech replied as he vaulted over the desk into the patient's room. Naturally, I followed. Patient is asystolic by now. I began doing chest compressions. This was a sixty something female, s/p ventral hernia repair. It was my very first code!!! After about 30 seconds of compressions, her suture line split, and her entrails spilled all over her lap!! Now, that's what I call a code!

I remember one time working in an ER and a young man came in. He had been drunk and had fallen from a high distance and landed on his head. Needless to say we were performing CPR on him and with every compression, blood came out of every orifice in his head. He didn't make it......

Originally posted by RN auditor

I remember one time working in an ER and a young man came in. He had been drunk and had fallen from a high distance and landed on his head. Needless to say we were performing CPR on him and with every compression, blood came out of every orifice in his head. He didn't make it......

Really? Huh. The things you learn. ;)

I think my 2 most gross stories were a few years ago I worked for a new M.D. (fresh out of school and this was his first practice) he and I were doing and I&D on an abdominal abcess on this elderly woman in the office, well he did the incision and the smell was making me gag, and she was just yacking and yacking (and I'm thinking how can she handle this smell) I look over to him (we had a way of talking without talking) and when he went to drain this abcess it literally squirted him in the eye. The whole time the smell is making me sick to my stomach and I'm blotting his eye with gauze and then made him let me rinse it out..... bodily fluids just attract to his eye I suppose. A few weeks later, we were doing a simple Pap and when the speculum clicked in the open position this girl's lady partsl fluids squirted in his eye again.... I finally bought him some goggles and told him he was to do nothing pertaining to anyone's body fluids without them... Not as gross as some of the others but still pretty gross if you ask me. Have a good day all!

Originally posted by ThirdWorldGirl

I think my 2 most gross stories were a few years ago I worked for a new M.D. (fresh out of school and this was his first practice) he and I were doing and I&D on an abdominal abcess on this elderly woman in the office, well he did the incision and the smell was making me gag, and she was just yacking and yacking (and I'm thinking how can she handle this smell) I look over to him (we had a way of talking without talking) and when he went to drain this abcess it literally squirted him in the eye. The whole time the smell is making me sick to my stomach and I'm blotting his eye with gauze and then made him let me rinse it out..... bodily fluids just attract to his eye I suppose. A few weeks later, we were doing a simple Pap and when the speculum clicked in the open position this girl's lady partsl fluids squirted in his eye again.... I finally bought him some goggles and told him he was to do nothing pertaining to anyone's body fluids without them... Not as gross as some of the others but still pretty gross if you ask me. Have a good day all!

I was helping turn a patient when she projectile vomited into another nurse's mouth (she was talking). Blech!

Specializes in pre hospital, ED, Cath Lab, Case Manager.
Adult protective services will do a heavy duty cleaning, but they really only scratch the service. I went into an apartment after a heavy duty cleaning & when I opened the kitchen cabinets a horde of roaches poured out & raced around the walls like they were in the indy 500.

OK.. I Think Valk wins with this one from the roach thread. Skieve roaches. Used to hate when people would bring their "pets" to the ED.

I once took care of a patient who stuck a AAA battery up his urethra. He came to the hospital because he had not voided in 24 hours.......

Specializes in Oncology, Cardiology, ER, L/D.


Maybe he needed more energy? hehe... ;)

Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow! I mean really...

Just the proportions involved (even for a >ahem!

I once worked triage in ER on a very busy night. There were two of us working the desk to maintain traffic flow. The other nurse was fielding a phone call when a gentleman walked in and sat down on the chair. Now, he was obviously mentally disabled but I wasn't expecting his chief complaint.

I asked him what was wrong...

He replied in a very loud voice (one loud enough to make several people in the waiting room look up), "I did a very bad thing! I put a Q-tip up my member and it got stuck!"

Now, if he would have moved closer and whispered something like, "You know, I was messing around and got a Q-tip stuck up my weiner," I would have been fine. No problem. I've dealt with strange things before. However, I was not expecting a full-throated explaination of this sort.

I just about choked trying to hold back the laughter. When my partner got off the phone she asked me about his CC (she had not heard his outburst). I stiffled the laughter and got out, "You ask him!" before I ran out of the waiting area to laugh hysterically for about five minutes.

The Q-tip was removed without incident and the man was discharged with a straight catheter to use as he saw fit.

I yanked this contraption outta that feller down the hall,' she announced, handing over the apparatus before heading back down the hall to her own room. "Guess now he's got something to holler about!!"

If i had a nickle for every time I've wanted to do that to some obnoxious patient... I would not have to nurse any more!!

Specializes in Step down, ICU, ER, PACU, Amb. Surg.

Some of these have me beat but I'll share mine anyway.....lol

I was required to give enemas till clear to a 30 ish male patient that was not the brightest crayon in the box and had no bowel control. I enlisted the assistance of my NA....glowned, gloved and masked with face shield which proved to be wise. The enema went in....a pause and then the most explosive expulsion of feces and water you ever did see.....all over the curtain separating the beds! EWwwwwwwwww!

Another patient...elderly with senile dementia, had ambulated into the batheroom.....I went to check on her only to find her trying to give Picasso a run for his money as she abstractly smeared feces all over the walls........YUK! lol lol

A thrid one, a yound man in his early 20s...parapalegic from a car accident, had a trach...and I empathized with him for he was very angry. My coworker was having troubles with him and his behavior (he acted out his anger and frustrations) so i went inot the roomto see if I could help. I noticed loogies stuck on the walls by the door and was trying to figure out how this happened as I tied a mask on and POW! a loogie went right up the sleeve of my scrub top and afixed its self to my arm pit!!!!!! I was totally grossed out (he cultured + for psuedomonas) and was less than happy and I let him know his behavior was unacceptable when we were trying to help. A spare scrub top and a bottle of alcohol made for a fine bath till I could get home......lol

God knows how much we need sick humor and he provides it for us marvelously!
