3/19 What I learned this week: more about employment laws than anything else

Nurses General Nursing


I'm sorry for another late post this week. Honestly, I'm not really sure where to begin. The last few months really haven't been kind, but we might be at the cusp of an upswing. Vacation next week, surgery to follow. If my leave is approved (yes, still waiting, and very anxious about this), I'll be off for quite awhile, which I think I've really needed for my own health. I'm hoping to use a lot of this time to brush up on patho and pharm in anticipation of school this fall. I just wish my employer would communicate with me. I have no idea what is going on.

So, with that said, this week, I have learned:

Malpractice insurance lawyers are not occupational lawyers. I mention this because I see so, so often on here, "contact your for guidance," whenever someone comes on here with a work-related, potential legal issue. I definitely think no matter the issue, it's good to at least make sure they have your issue on file in case the issue does affect your license or patient care. But, they will not get involved with workplace complaints. Very disappointing and, frankly, scary news in my world right now.

If the body isn't able to be in REM enough, eventually there is a rebound effect during which you will go into REM while awake. Literally, you will be sleepwalking.

Symptoms of the above:

*going from one topic to something wildly different mid-sentence, each thought potentially being understandable or not

*inability to complete things, adequate patient care, maybe even simple tasks, when you may typically be a fully competent, fully functional and great nurse at your baseline

*total personality change in a person who is typically normal and stable

*falling asleep, even mid-sentence


*essentially appearing to be drunk, doing heroin nods, on acid

I imagine there are plenty more symptoms than that. If you witness this behavior, your first instinct may be send the nurse for a drug test. Certainly that's a good idea. But make sure you send that nurse to the ED for it, so they may be assessed by an MD/NP/PA. Any other person in a hospital with a severe change in mental status would be given immediate medical help. An employee should be, too. This person needs medical attention.

I'm still not sure if I'm employed. This is actually beginning to really bother me.

A dog's normal heart rate is 70-180 with a regular rhythm. Mine goes quite brady and irregular when she's resting. When she gets up, she begins to pant. My nurse brain has decided she needs an ekg while resting.

If you shave your dog to determine if she has a heart block, you may be a little unbalanced. (I did not cross the line. Mostly because of the next line. [emoji23])

It's minimum $600 for an ekg or tele monitor on amazon.

I begged my PRN job's nurse to take a day off because I considered shaving my dog for an ekg. I need to be nursey. I'm craving it!

I left my stethoscope at work.

When I'm not thinking about work's uncertainty, I'm feeling happy again. Legitimately happy. I forgot how good that feels, and I wish I hadn't allowed myself to get swallowed by the big dark cloud that hovered over me.

A lot of very random threads that are older have been getting bumped lately.

TPTB here on AN are working on ideas for better thread visibility. I've discovered my, and guest OPs', WILTW threads have been labeled Journals and I really like that. These things have become journals to me, and I love that I can look back through almost a year now and see where I've been in my growth as a nurse.

I "forgot" how much fun quotation marks can be.

The entrepreneurs hub they just started here has been tempting me, but I don't know how committed I would remain over time.

With all of this uncertainty with employment, I've considered what might be my plan B. I've been stalking a few posters who have mentioned they work from home. Since I'm heading back to school, this may be a good for fit me.

Boy Child is so happy to have his mommy home that I've been stock piling the sweet greetings, snuggles, and unlimited hugs. Girl Child is all like, "whatevs." *sigh*

My step-uncle, who happens to be my grandfather's best friend in this world, decided to move hundreds and hundreds of miles away, when he's never lived more than an hour away his whole entire life. I live hours away. My mom lives twice the distance away that I do. My other living uncle lives an hour away but is very limited in his spare time. My step-uncle was the main support that Grandpa had. Grandpa is going to be destroyed by Grandma's Alzheimer's. I wish I could be there every day for him. I'll be stepping up and being there more for them because I just can't see Grandpa being okay, or asking for any help. I'm furious that my step-uncle would do this, now of all times.

FMLA paperwork requires a diagnosis be disclosed.

The show Cuckoo is hilarious, and I love Greg Davies.

I love that AN has connected me with some of the most amazing, supportive people to help me get through all of the stuff that's going on lately. Far, Ood, WK, and Dogen, I'd be out of my mind completely without you. Thank you!!!

A large number of nurses here only feel comfortable with disclosing their mental health challenges here. On one hand, how wonderful to have this great place to turn to. On the other hand, how sad is it that nursing doesn't accept mental illnesses well in the work place. If you didn't get to last week's thread and you want to bond with others who may share common experiences to your own journey, check out last week's WILTW, which has "ALWAYS taper your SSRIs" in its title.

You guys learn anything good this week? Perhaps something happy?

Small reminder - please try to keep this thread mostly related to topics regarding nursing, employment in nursing (including nursing assistants), or nursing student-related topics. Veering away from this too far will make the thread disappear, but it is okay to discuss side thoughts briefly, and always, always, always respond to each other with encouragement, questions, whatever you'd like to keep the conversation going. This thread is meant for hijacking, provided we stay mostly nursey. Thank you for this! I love these threads too much to see them leave the yellow side.

This week's video?

I'm fairly certain I've accidentally become this song. Except for the whore part.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
I have some virus that is going around. I feel like the vomit & diarrhea that came out of me (they were both the same color thanks to the Blizzard I had last night).


Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

Lol. TMI? Here's some more. I had to go between the sink to vomit & the commode to poo. This morning was NOT fun. My stomach is *still* recovering.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
Lol. TMI? Here's some more. I had to go between the sink to vomit & the commode to poo. This morning was NOT fun. My stomach is *still* recovering.

Not TMI...just hate awful GI viruses that makes one look like the swallowed food through the butt.

Specializes in critical care.
Let me know...I can do it...just PM me. :shy:

Yay!!! I'd be honored to have you on board, too! I'll get in touch if it's needed.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Not TMI...just hate awful GI viruses that makes one look like the swallowed food through the butt.

Hahahahaha! [emoji23]

Scheduled my interview for next week at SICU and CVICU. It has begun.

Sweet!!!!! Good luck!!!


Specializes in critical care.
Well... That was quite the explanation. And I thank you for it, Ixchel. You'd think that, having grown around many women at home (at some point, there were 7 of them), certain topics would have come up once or twice. Perhaps not over dinner, ya know... But still.

Alas, I was to remain somewhat clueless as to the finer and more intricate details of womanhood. Took a few years to fill in that knowledge gap and I still thing I was kept in the dark on purpose. Woe to me...

(And I used to wonder why my old man would spent sooo much time in the man cave - i.e. the garage... :sarcastic: )


Women only traditionally discuss these things in the face to face world with their besties, sisters, or moms. Boys usually don't get to sit in on these conversations because overall, we're embarrassed by the topic.

To bring this somewhat back to nursing-related, from a global health perspective, in developing countries, the stigma and lack of adequate hygiene products is what prevents many young girls from receiving education beyond menarche. They are also viewed as being dirty, made to feel shameful. We, as women, may face stigma here (have you ever thought, "geez, PMS much?!" or something similar before?), but, what we face here is tiny compared to what happens globally. There are humanitarian organizations who actually outreach to help with this issue. One specific example in my brain at the moment is Thinx. Thinx are actually rewashable underwear with pads built in. They claim to be discreet, odor free and highly absorbent. They're presently running a campaign to supply Uganda girls and women period panties with every purchase here in the US.

So, while it has historically been awkward conversation, we're doing pretty well with it here making it less embarrassing to talk about it. With any luck, starting to talk more openly about it may help girls and women abroad be able to remain hygienic during their own periods to finish school and to maintain employment. One can hope, right?

Specializes in critical care.
I'm really hard to make squeamish but you have succeeded with the menstrual cup details!!!

Calling in my depo refill now so my cycle will continue to be suppressed....

I'm sorry!

I'm really hard to make squeamish but you have succeeded with the menstrual cup details!!!

Calling in my depo refill now so my cycle will continue to be suppressed....

I was the Depo Shot Queen at my last job.

Specializes in critical care.
I was the Depo Shot Queen at my last job.

You just like to stab people in the ass.

You just like to stab people in the ass.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Exactly...there is power in a needle. ;)

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