Published Oct 23, 2016
67 Posts
With the spring semester right around the corner, I was wondering what everyone else was doing. I was reading the " what are you taking for fall" thread and thought this would be a great idea. It could show insight into what is going on, and help undecided minds pick classes.
My schedule for spring:
Chem for health sciences w/lab
AP I w/lab
College Algebra
Spring is right around the corner and I must say I have never been excited for hard classes!
ItsThatJenGirl, CNA
1,978 Posts
I'm sort of up in the air. Originally I was going to do Organic Chem (lecture only), Microbio, A&P II and Government. I might move Microbio to a short summer semester and throw another class in for spring - maybe World Religions. I'm not sure I can handle three sciences at once, but I have to have my transcripts in hand with my math and sciences complete to apply by August 1. I'm still considering.
NerdyKnitter, CNA
103 Posts
We are on quarters here, so for winter I'm taking A&P 2 and microbiology. Spring I take Dosage Calculations and Intro to Pharmacology. Those are my last classes before I start the program in the fall! I can hardly believe it.
Lessh, LPN
30 Posts
Beginning Algebra
Intro to psych
That's intense. I too am worried about the sciences considering everything I've done so far has been pretty chill. I think I'll be alright just need to manage my time and be responsible and not procrastinate.
45 Posts
I am taking A&P 1 with lab, College English, Human Growth & Development and Art Appreciation...wondering if I bit off a too much as once.
Really trying to get my pre and corequisities by end of summer.
944 Posts
Might take Lifespan in the winter heard it's just a paper, but I might hold off to the Summer. If I can pass Chem and AP taking Micro and AP2.
34 Posts
English Comp 1 (I wish I would have started English this semester)
A&P 2
For the last one im trying to decide between Human Nutrition or Growth and Development. Any suggestions?
I am in human growth and development and enjoy it. It gives a nice broad overview of the stages of life and understanding of cognitive and physical behaviors as people age.
InfirmiereMaybe, BSN, RN
73 Posts
British Literature
Spin (mostly looking forward to this class )
My last classes before I start nursing school this fall... If I'm accepted:blink:
Just registered super nerve racking ha! They only announced 4 professors and I missed out registering by 16 hours so classes were starting to shut down. I registered for a micro class with a recommended Prof. Hopefully can get time off of work. Most Micro classes were evening and the Prof. that everyone doesn't recommend was during the days. I took a Friday AP2 class that fills the whole morning up and some of the afternoon. Was going to do it Saturday I might since I have Micro the Thursday before, but I'll have all week to study I figure and see if I can talk my work in to having Thursday's off and Friday mornings. No idea who is teaching the AP2 class hopefully they announce it soon so I can make some switches if I have to.
173 Posts
I am planning on taking Chemistry and something else but I am not sure what yet. I am pretty much finished with prerequisites so I might just take chem and have an easy semester.