What is your grading scale?


Specializes in psych/dementia.

I see a lot of different posts talking about grades and wonder what their grading scale is.

My school uses a 10 point scale as well as rounding. So an 89.5 is an A, 79.5 a B, and so on. We also do not have pluses or minuses, which is nice at times but not so nice at others. I'll take it though, especially given the grading scale and the rounding.

In my program (entry level CNL Master's degree) you must maintain a 3.0 at all times or you have to repeat the course you got a C in. There are also certain courses, such as patho, you must get an A or B in to continue, no matter what your cumulative GPA is.

What about you?

Here is ours:

A+ 99-100%

A 95-98%

A- 92-94%

B+ 89-91%

B 85-88%

B- 82-84%

C+ 79-81%

C 75-81%

anything under a 75% is failing. There is no rounding in figuring grades. A 74.9% is failing.

Here is ours:

A+ 99-100%

A 95-98%

A- 92-94%

B+ 89-91%

B 85-88%

B- 82-84%

C+ 79-81%

C 75-81%

anything under a 75% is failing. There is no rounding in figuring grades. A 74.9% is failing.

My school was the same, except we had no A+'s. That, and, 75-77 was a C-.

No rounding either.

At my school

90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

59% and below F

Needless to say if you get anything less than 80% you fail.

A - 93-100

B - 86-92

C - 80-85

Anything less than 80 is a failure, when figuring final grades they go to the hundredth place and round up to the nearest whole number, so after it is all said and done a 79.45 is the bare minimum total grade you can receive to pass the semester. Anything less is considered an F. We do not get letter grades during the semester, and our exams, HESI, and quizzes are all weighted differently. Usually 3 exams are worth the most percentage of our grade, HESI next, then quizzes are generally worth 5%. We don't have homework we turn in for a grade, written assignments are pass/fail and do not count towards our total grade.

Here is ours:

A+ 99-100%

A 95-98%

A- 92-94%

B+ 89-91%

B 85-88%

B- 82-84%

C+ 79-81%

C 75-81%

anything under a 75% is failing. There is no rounding in figuring grades. A 74.9% is failing.

Ours is exactly the same.

My school's grading scale

90-100 = A

80-89 = B

78-79 = C

70-77 = D

0-69 = F

Anything below a 78 is not passing. My school does round!

Specializes in Med/surg, Onc.

80-85 C

86-92 B

93-100 A

Anything less than 80 is failure. You must receive 80% total on all exams and then you can add to your grade with homework, class work etc

Specializes in psych/dementia.

I'd love to know why grading scales aren't universal. It seems like it would make the application process easier for admissions also.

Specializes in public health, women's health, reproductive health.

My school will not round.

90 - 100 = A

88 - 89.99 = B+

84 - 87.99 = B

81 - 83.99 = C+

75 - 80.99 = C

Below that is failing.

Specializes in CVICU.

Old: A 93-100

B 84-92

C 75-83 (everything else a fail)

New (just got changed this semester). I am happy and ****** since my grades would have been so much better if this started a few yeas ago, but oh well. Made straight a's this semester and just graduated today!!!!!!!!!

A 91-100

B 82-90

C 75-82 (everything below 75 is a fail)

My school does not roung either. It is also point based for each class.

A- 100% - 94%

B- 93% - 87%

C- 86% - 80%

F- 79% - 0%

Anything below a C is failing...so you have to make at least an 80%.

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