What Freaks You Out?

Nurses General Nursing


Okay, people. It's time for a nice, fun, light-hearted discussion to blow off some steam.

WHAT FREAKS YOU OUT? What bodily fluid can't you STAND? What wound gives you the absolute WILLIES? It doesn't matter if you're an ADN, BSN, LPN, CNA, PQRST, ABCDEFG...every body gets the heebie jeebies over SOMETHING...even you stomach-of-steel ER nurses!

Mine is eyeball injuries/surgery...aaaaaaaaackkkkkkk!! Gross! Makes my skin absolutely CRAWL. Or when someone gets a little cut on their finger/toe/whatever and then squeezes it to make it bleed!! Bleah!! Then there's the ever-popular RESPIRATORY SECRETIONS. I can handle poop, pee, amniotic fluid, lanced boils, pus, whatever...but give me a nasty snot-filled trach, and I'm OUTTA THERE.

Share, share, share people! biggrin.gif


The grossest thing I ahev ever seen was a few years ago when we had a patient that had a crani. Her cerebral edema was so bad that the area where her skull had been cut split apart and, yes folks, her brain started to ooze out.

Another thing that grosses me out is snake like creatures. We had a patient that required leech therapy a few years ago and I just couldn't stomach handling those smelly disgusting things! eeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!!!

Had a pt come in for psych eval after cutting her arm and getting sutures. I walk into the room and there is the >300# pt digging her fingers into her fatty tissue after puling out her own stitches. Tried not to gag and calmly said "Oh dear, that is going to have to heal from the inside out now". Also the patient who refused to let us into the home for two weeks. Finally got the key and found him stuck in bed (literally) from a mix of urine and feces. Needless to say, I peeled him out of bed, showered him and then called the squad for an involuntart admit (those ER nurses should be thanking me). Finally was the 80+ year old man with a parasite infestation who asked for the bedpan. He insisted in sitting in his chair so as I leaned in to place the pan, he begins defecating and flatulating right in my face (I mean inches here) ERRRGHH!

I had bought my alzheimers chocolates for Valentines Day this year. The day after he was in the beauty shop(yes, we have one in our center) and the beautician had to escort him out because he got the chocolate and his feces confused. Needless to say he received excellent oral care that day.

You know, I guess that cruton (sp?) that was pulled out of a patient's nose was the worst. It had been up there a few weeks. Began to smell. That's why they came in.


The tampon that had been lodged up inside this patient for 2 months. Again, the horrible smell prompted an office visit. Her husband didn't think that his semen was that foul. heehee

Ladies and Gentlemen... 2 words...

Wharton's Jelly

Now I must vomit...


I'm sure that's something absolutely lovely.

What is it?

My vote has to be when I have to work with illeostomy pouches. That smell has to be the worst. I'm getting a flash back to a few years ago when I cared for a lady with a combo of enteral feeding and an illeostomy bag. One night she ordered in pizza and completely corged herself on it. Her pouch exploded like three times that night an guess who had to clean it up. I wanted to strangle her.

We have a patient like that who comes in to the hospital all the time. She is in her early 80's, and has had surgery after surgery for cancers. she has nothing much left of her 'innards, and everything she takes in gushes right through and into the bag, which has to be emptied like every hour or two or else it explodes. She's skinny, but a total glutton, so the bag is always heavy with fluids and chunky stuff, and leaking and needing re-doing, because she also gets up to pee

every 30 minutes. She and her family are so rude & demanding! Not only do I get her in the ICU, but I have gotten assigned to her every time I float to the floor we transfer her to. Her 20-year-old grandson bosses me or finds fault or argues about everything. He is supposedly her primary caregiver at home, but he refuses to touch her in the hospital, wants the nurse to do EVERYTHING and then some. I know what you mean about that 'strangle somebody' feeling!

Uh, sorry, I got carried away with ileostomy

diarrhea of the mouth on that last post.

What I really meant to say was, that I still

want to know what 'Wharton's Jelly' is.

MY FIRST TRACH SUCTION!!!! nothing like skills lab, NOTHING!!

The gurgles, slurpies, hacking, spewing out of the trach site, skimmin past the scrubs,splats on the wall type spew.......excuse me, while I huuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl.......forget the emesis basin--LEAD ME TO THE COMMODE. blech, icky, eeeeeeew

Does the sight of doctors or administrators nauseate anyone else??? I'd take a lunger hocking up a lugie with a leach on his leg and his brain oozing out any day than deal with some of THOSE people!

Originally posted by fedupnurse

Does the sight of doctors or administrators nauseate anyone else??? I'd take a lunger hocking up a lugie with a leach on his leg and his brain oozing out any day than deal with some of THOSE people!

Hey, fedupnurse, I'm right in there with ya!

By the way, do you know what Wharton's Jelly is?

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