What Do You Hate About Nursing School!

Nursing Students General Students


I had an aweful day and need some humor to boost my mood.

O.K. I'll start.

Things I hate ablout nursing school!

When you get to clinical and your patient has been discharged, because you have to start a whole new careplan on a different patient.

When you find art history class difficult because you are trying to use critical thinking on your art exams.

When the ex-nurses aid that you have class with always tries to correct the instructor on every procedure because she "Worked as an aid for two years and that's not how they did it"

Let's vent everyone and try to add a little humor. Sometimes if I don't laugh about these things I just might cry. I'd rather laugh about them and keep some sanity (what little I have left at this point). Oh my goodness listen to me it's only October.

Specializes in Med-Tele, ICU.
Classes so long that you can feel yourself dehydrating. Breaks so short you have to decide between getting food OR going to the bathroom. And you really need both.

Balancing nursing school with a full time job. :o

Check-offs. :crying2:

Feeling like their is always something unpleasant and/or stressful looming in the future. Asking yourself, "is what I'm feeling a return of my chemical imbalance, or is it just nursing school?" lol

White shoes when you have big feet anyway.

I hated check-offs - thank goodness at my school, they are all done during your first year. NO check offs during 3rd and 4th semester!!

I agree with "klone" about the getting up at 5:00am - I only have one more early clinical this semester and the rest are evenings - yea, get to sleep in (or go back to sleep once my 7 year old is up and off to school!)

I wish our classrooms were warmer - no wonder we're sick all the time (not to mention the stress, lack of sleep, etc that cause our immune systems to shut down!)

We look like a bunch of baseball players in our uniforms (white tunic top with navy piping, navy pants) At least the pants aren't white and I don't have to worry about the color of my underwear!! :rotfl:

May 2005 can't get here fast enough!!

~ 12hour days between labs and lecture with only 1 hour break.

~Trying to not only find the time to schedule returns, but the time to practice.

~The fact that you study your butt off before a Pathophysiology lab, and then the next week realize that you friend got a perfect score, when she didn't even study.

~Definatly working and going to school

~Having lecture or lab right after your clinicals

~When professors give you a 2min demo, on a 20 step procedure that you have to return by next week.

~When your professors argue which is the best "sterile technique" when all you want to do is pass the return.

~Professors lecturing material on Tuesday that you will be tested on the following Thursday.

Like you all, I am sure the list could go on! But I agree, we need to just lighten up, and actually laugh over the things that stress us. Easier said then done. :uhoh3:

Classes so long that you can feel yourself dehydrating. Breaks so short you have to decide between getting food OR going to the bathroom. And you really need both.

I hear ya sista! You sit there feeling your blood sugar drop and then you get that 5 minute break and you need to make a choice should you go potty or should you run to the vending machine? God forbid you come in late after the whole five minute break and get glared at like you are the devil. Even if you bring snacks and try to eat them during lecture the paper rattles and you still get glared at. I have quickly found out that a nursing instructors 5 minutes is really 3 minutes!

Specializes in Med-Tele, ICU.

Quote[~When your professors argue which is the best "sterile technique" when all you want to do is pass the return.

And "sterile technique" in the real world is a totally different story than in nursing school! :uhoh3:

-Clinical paperwork being due the same day you have a test

-My pt being discharged on day 1 when I am at the hospital for 2 days and having to come back after postconfrence to get another pt and spend yet another night researching meds

-Not knowing the grade I got on my test I took thursday until monday morning

And ATM thats all I can think of....

Specializes in LTC.

Lectures that are filled with so much mis-information that it takes you 8 hours to sort through it all. :uhoh3:

Instructors who make up the key to a quiz with the book in front of them and STILL get answers wrong. :angryfire

Instructors who mispronounce words like crazy and don't know they are doing it:

synonomous = symomonous

opaque = opek

... and too many others to name. These are the two that are seared into my brain forever! :chuckle

Like the others, May 2005 can't come soon enough!!! :nurse:

Specializes in Med-Tele, ICU.
-Clinical paperwork being due the same day you have a test

-My pt being discharged on day 1 when I am at the hospital for 2 days and having to come back after postconfrence to get another pt and spend yet another night researching meds

-Not knowing the grade I got on my test I took thursday until monday morning

And ATM thats all I can think of....

That's when my big mouth asks the instructor to extend that deadline!! I did it last week cuz we had a test - she extended to Friday (was initally due Wednesday) - don't know 'til you ask!!

Specializes in LTC, med-surg, critial care.

* Getting up at 4:30 AM for clinical

* Going to bed at 8:00 PM for said clinical

* Bleaching my white uniform so many times that my school patch is faded and I need to shell out $8.50 for a new one.

* Being so uptight that my shoulders and constantly at ear level

This particular moment (midnite), with 50 NCLEX questions, 1 test tomarrow on psych drugs that I haven't looked at, the rest of my care plan and a worksheep, (sheep?) due at 10;00am......and a husband who needs a kick in the pants. There, I feel better.

I had an aweful day and need some humor to boost my mood.

O.K. I'll start.

Things I hate ablout nursing school!

When you get to clinical and your patient has been discharged, because you have to start a whole new careplan on a different patient.

When you find art history class difficult because you are trying to use critical thinking on your art exams.

When the ex-nurses aid that you have class with always tries to correct the instructor on every procedure because she "Worked as an aid for two years and that's not how they did it"

Let's vent everyone and try to add a little humor. Sometimes if I don't laugh about these things I just might cry. I'd rather laugh about them and keep some sanity (what little I have left at this point). Oh my goodness listen to me it's only October.

Specializes in Critical Care, Cardiac Cath Lab.

My biggest pet peeve (so far) is having to do skills lab practice with a student who just finished a cigarette two minutes before. It's very uncomfortable having to be "up close and personal" with someone who smells so strongly of tobacco. My school has a "no smoking" policy when we're actually at our clinical sites and in uniform, so hopefully their patients will be spared! :rolleyes:

Specializes in ER, Medicine.

The Long Lectures. The expense. The fast paced nature of things that shouldn't be crammed in your mind all at once. (AHEM...Pharmacology). Having to bring our own paper to print out stuff. That I do not understand.

Specializes in NICU.

Not a student anymore...but the number one thing I hated about nursing school was waking up at 4am to get to my clinicals at the crack of dawn. I am a night owl by nature, and this was absolute TORTURE for me.

Needless to say, when I got my first job after graduation, my boss was THRILLED that I asked to be placed on permanent night shift.

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