What advice would you give your 19 year old self?

Nurses General Nursing


Im 19 years old and pretty much just thinking about the future and where I will end up in my career. I was wondering, what would YOU tell your 19 year old self back then? or if so, now? or later on?

Specializes in Cardiac and OR.

It's not love, it's low self-esteem; love doesn't make you cry and doubt every move you make. Get some therapy, believe in yourself, and soar.

Specializes in Medical-Surgial, Cardiac, Pediatrics.

1) One day you'll move across the country for a crazy little person who isn't even born. It'll be a good decision. But you should have more confidence in it, and yourself, because you ARE better than her dad thinks you are.

2) Enjoy the music education major. It won't last, but it'll be a heck of a good ride, and you should appreciate it more, because nursing school later will suck.

3) You should tell people you love them a LOT more than you do.

4) You can't fix him. He won't fix himself. You'll figure it out. Be a lot more patient with yourself while you're realizing it.

5) You need to learn the value of "No".

6) You'll kind of become your mom, and that's okay. Because you'll be able to differentiate the parts you don't like and the ones you do, and celebrating one part won't mean you'll embrace the entire dysfunctional package.

7) Tell yourself you're awesome. Because you of all people need to believe it, and you don't say it to yourself often enough.

God knows we all wish we were 19 again so we could take the advice we want to give. What a great question!

. Try one semester away at college. Get whatever help you need to do it, including counseling.

. Consider what is important to you in a spouse. Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't bring those important things to the relationship. Marry someone you love and respect and someone who loves and respects you.

. Have fun by yourself and with other people.

. Learn how to be a good friend.

. Expose yourself to people you admire in your personal and professional life. Pick their brains, observe their habits. Keep what you like, trash the rest.

. Be aware that the 2 motivators in life are love and fear.

. Take very good care of yourself so you can afford to care for others in a healthy way.

. Name 3 things you are grateful for when you wake up.

. God first, family second, work third.

. Be a life long learner.

. Being happy is SO much more important than being right.

Marriage is wonderful and motherhood is the best job in the world. I never understood how marriage could be "work," but it is. When I was 19, I had met my future husband. We have 2 fantastic girls, he held it all together when I had cancer, he's grown and I have grown. He is of good character. I got a diamond in the rough. It has been emotionally demanding but worth it. Be thoughtful about who you date. Don't date someone you wouldn't want to marry (like a great guy who drinks too much, socially of course.) It's easy to fall for a guy who sincerely loves you. Be aware, as a nurse, you are a care taker. Lots of guys need to be taken care of. That's not a marriaage. You could also ask what the best decisions we ever made were. It's important to know what to do as well as what not to.

I just turned 19 in July and what I have learned from reading all of the comments is to stay single! It seems like the recurring theme of these comments is relationship regrets.

Just always choose yourself first. It's sometimes hard in this profession where we typically have a put-others-first mentality. These are your most important years. Build yourself. Love yourself. Always choose yourself. Follow what you love (your career, fun Pilates classes, randomly learning how to play a new instrument, nights out with your friends) not who you love. Your career won't wake up one morning and decide they don't love you anymore.

Specializes in ER.

Don't marry a lazy man. Don't have kids with a lazy man. Don't drop out of college. Don't reject middle-class values just because you're angry at your parents.

Buy that $80K condo in Whister!

Don't go to my Mum for relationship advice. Worst mistake I ever made.

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