I'm currently in my 1st term at west coast university Ontario campus. I'm taking an anatomy class that is blended, meaning we pretty much barely have 2 hours of in class lecture per week then we're on our own to learn the rest of the material needed for that week. Also our lab and lectures never add up. I've taken a&p before & never had to learn half of this stuff they want to cram in a 10 week course. Apparently blended classes are a new thing for this school. Has anyone attended WCU and had a blended science course? I honestly feel like they are setting people up for failure! Also I'm started to second guess myself for choosing this school. After talking with MULTIPLE different people that should be able to help students with questions, not one person knew what they were taking about except the dean. The " for profit" really shows with this school, they can care less about the academic success of students....ADVICE NEEDED!