West Coast University - BS Nursing

U.S.A. California


i have questions about the bs nursing program at west coast university - orange county

  1. i have only high school diploma, do i need to do prerequisite courses at west coast university before i start the bs nursing program?
  2. west coast university got [color=#b22222](ccne) accreditation, does my bs degree (from west coast university) will be accepted in other universities (ucla, uci and csu) in case if i want to apply for ms program?
  3. does the $126.000 enough to cover the 39 months of study at west coast university? or i need more?
  4. is it easy to get a job after graduate from a private school? do you think employees prefer graduates of state universities than private universities?

oh okay congrats and is their tuition just as high?

A fraction of wcu

ok just asking cuz i feel once accepted the next challenge is dealing with the high cost of tutition

you have been accepted to a couple? nice! now how many programs have you attempted? Sounds like this hatred story is starting to unfold lol. Guess thinking others have it easy by paying a lot for school makes it easier falling out of multiple regular programs. Sounds like by the time you will be done I will have made my school cost times 5.( This is all based upon observation of this unknown person bashing on something they clearing know nothing about )

Assuming I'm going to fail a regular program is stupid... Especially when I earned my grades and my acceptances. Don't make yourself sound stupid by making assumptions. I actually denied a school today because I got into the school I wanted to get into.

I only make what i can of what your saying because all of your responses are based upon rumor and assumption. All of your ranting about this school that school, this price that price, this quality that quality, isn't that all opinion and assumption? Everything you say when asked is vague such as prices specific school or personal experience. I didn't assume you were going to fail....I said you attempted by that I ment from what I see your having programs going through the complete processes of any given school. I mean tell me otherwise or not I'm just responding because I don't like when people rant about something they don't know much about.

Oh you should also go back and read some of the funny things you said that are rumors that you made seem like facts. Also since you said multiple times people who go here can't handle lives may I ask if you have ever had an important role in any healthcare setting? I've been working on an ambulance several years and trust me it isn't about high grades or doing super excellent in school......90% of the learning is done in the field not in the classroom. So when it comes down its about the individual not the school. I know your prob just ignorant and going to keep posting without retaining a word anyone throughout this post is trying to get into your head.

Does anyone know if you can apply @University of Phoenix for their NP program with a BSN at WCU? Thanks.

Yes you can apply for NP at Univ. of Phoenix.

Thank You Nomsa. Do you mind answering a couple of questions since you are currently enrolled at WCU. I am looking at the November or January start. My teas score is good enough and I have already attended the BSN information session and just need to finish 4 more pre-reqs. 2 general ed classes that I can take online and 2 science classes that I have to take on location at WCU. I have not been able to find the patho-physiology class at any CC where I live, so for this one, I will have to take it at WCU. For the other science class (Biochemistry) can you tell me if the Chemistry class I am currently taken at CC will be accepted by WCU? It's called Organic/Biology Chemistry - it's 50% organic and 50% biochemistry. Again, thank for your response.

Honestly It dosnt matter what school you get your BSN from when it comes to getting a job. as long as its regionally accredited and WCU is. the UC and Cal State systems are ridiculously overburdened and underfunded and those schools are soo impacted. getting in you pretty much require a 3.8 GPA or higher.

I work at a Hospital, Ive talked to a few people in my department who are Nurses and they told me, Experience and who you know are the best ways to getting a nursing job. I am planning on going to WCU if i cant get into a Community College (which are also ridiculously overburdened and packed to the rafters). The community colleges here are either Lottery draw (which is a shot in the dark, and can take you a couple semesters or more to get in!!!) or a point system which requires you to have the best GPA, TEAS test score.

and honestly if i go to WCU and get my BSN i have a better chance of getting a nursing job than a UC/Cal State Graduate who knows no one and has no experience.

I dont have the best Pre-Req grades or the best TEAS score, but does that mean im going to be any less of a Nurse than someone who has a 4.0 GPA in their pre-reqs? NO! a person can have super high GPA's and Test scores (or go to a UC/Cal State) but can totally freeze when it comes to a code (or other stressful situation in nursing) or break down and cry or still be a lousy nurse.

Best way to get a nursing job: Start working in the hospital now! and/or start making connections (weather its an Uncles cousins dogs best friend who is a Nurse Manager or a fellow staff member.)

I heard that if you do all your pre-reqs somewhere else you can knock the tuition down to about 50-60K

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