weight loss


I am a new grad and currently have put on some weight(40lbs) during my last year of school. All that sitting and studying. Now I work pm's. How do most of you keep off the pounds when you work this shift. I am absolutely starving when I get home, and eat too much. Any suggestions??

Do you work 3-11? If you, I would suggest a very brisk walk prior to your shift- I used to work 2nd while in school, and lost 25 pounds working 3-11. I got up in the am and ran everday prior to my shift, and made sure to eat only what I brought to eat, not all the tempting stuff that gets put out. And drink lots of water on those days off. Lots of the nurses I work with are on the weight watchers point system- they love it.

I hear ya on the weight gaining issue.

Unfortunately, my weight gain occurred during my 2 years of night shift. Very difficult to exercise and eat right working 11-7.

I was on weight wachers right after college and it helped a lot. As much as I have a hard time forking money over to the Weight Watchers Corp. The fact that you pay is also a helpful motivator.

Truly the greatest way I lossed weight was exercise and decreasing intake. I am starting evening shift in 5 days and I plan to bike, jog, walk ect prior to my shift starting.

I also was thinking of a way to bike to work and then have my husband pick me up after work with my bike, since I don't want to bike in the dark. He said he was willing to do this for me. I can't wait to get off the night shift!!

How can anyone deny the weight gain when you work 11-7? That snack machine just looks so so tempting at 4am. Just got off 11-7 for 7-3 last month. I've lost 5 lbs because I skip lunch so I can get home for the kids on time. I know, not the best of ways to loose weight but for now I'll take it. It can't last forever and by then I'll have gotten used to sleeping at night and eating right again. Good luck!

Take your meals to work with you and stay away from the vending machines. Graze. Keeps your blood sugar levels more stable. MAKE the time to exercise. That's a must. Seems appetites grow on nights and everybody brings in that good fattening food on nights. Let yourself have a taste now and then so you don't feel deprived but just load up on fruits and veggies to snack on and a good high protein, low fat, no simple carb meal - no sugar. You'll be fine. Your metabolism will soon adjust and you'll handle nights better if you're nourished appropriately and exercise well.


I worked permanent nights for @ 6 years, rotating days/nights for @ 4 years. The weight thing was not a problem, but I think it was because I didn't need to go home and sleep(no kids, no husband at the time). I went home, changed my clothes, went to the Y, or to the lake swimming or biking or did something active. Didn't go to sleep until noonish most days. As far as food at work being tempting, the candy machines were in another building, so I limited myself to the snack(s) that I brought w/ me. Every now and then, there was patient-provided food; guess I just indulged on those RARE occasions! Good luck.

Hi. I love this topic. I really feel there is one way and one way only, to keep weight under control; lifestyle changes. A reasonable exercise program and a reasonable diet are what works for me. I can't remember when I started all this, but it's been more than a decade, I believe. Pick an exercise you enjoy; walking is the cheapest and easy, but only if you like it; and I happen to love it. I also have an inexpensive stairstepper for cold months. It doesn't matter, but pick something, and do it at LEAST three times a week. If you add free weights a couple times a week, such as for upper body, this is great too. Mine aren't heavy and you can do more reps with lighter weights and/or fewer reps with a heavier weight. Get a wall calendar with large boxes big enough to write in and/or place a sticker on. Everytime you exercise for thirty minutes or more, place a sticker. I use smiley faces for my walking/stairstepping for thirty minutes and hearts for my upper body weights. Pretty soon, you can begin to see those stickers smiling out at you, saying "great job!" They really add up! Depending on your shift, you'll have to pick the time that's best for you. I never once finished exercising and said "gee, I wish I hadn't done that." You will ALWAYS feel good about yourself after you've done it! The second part is reasonable diet changes; and I stress REASONABLE. The exercise helps you with this, because as you exercise, you begin to build muscle, muscle takes more fuel to maintain it, therefore, your metabolism is stepped up and you're burning calories at a greater rate, even when you're not exercising. Muscle burns more fuel then fat, period. Exercising and building muscle allows you then to eat more of the things you love, in moderation, of course. Muscle also is more dense than fat and weighs more pound for pound, therefore, though you may not appear to be losing weight at the rate you desire, your body should become more lean and streamlined over time. I have saved my calendars for several years, so I can refer to them, esp if I'm not feeling motivated! Don't beat up on yourself if you get off track; just get back on ASAP, forget about what you didn't do and focus for the moment about what you CAN do to get back your groove! Oh! Also, if you can take advantage of your facility's cardiac rehab room, do it! Great state of the art equipment. At one facility, we had enough nurses, that I could actually leave the floor during lunch, and get my exercise done during my shift; terrific! Hmmm, where did those days go? Well, that's my input, and I've been able to maintain a very reasonable weight for years and years. Best of luck to you and all who struggle with this.


I have worked 3 to 11 the last 10 years or so. I too had added some pounds and some inches.

If I eat at all after I get home it has to be fruit or veggies. I also take my own supper to work. I find the cafeteria food to have too many fats and starch. This helps in not adding to the problem.

But the way I lost 40 lbs in 9 months was horseback riding. I am not sure if it was the riding, the grooming, or the mucking out the stalls but it did happen. I am aware not everyone has this option but if it is an option for you I recommend it highly. I happen to enjoy riding (English) and the posting at a trot is an all inclusive exercise.

I have not been able to ride as often for the past year and guess what-- yep-- gained back 20 pounds--need to get back on that horse!!!

Good luck



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