Was my last NCLEX question a passing level standard? I took 265, a bit worried!


Hey everyone! So I have always loved to browse around on allnurses and be able read different topics people may share on here. Well I finally decided to be a part of this community. I have a few concerns regarding my NCLEX! I think after nursing School it was time to make an account:cat:

I tested today for my 2nd attempt at the NCLEX RN, and I took the full 265. My first time I did 265 as well, and failed. 1st time Only used Kaplan which I never fully absorbed the rationales. Just kind of crammed through the qbank to get as much of It done as I can. This time I used Uworld and I seemed to grasp the overall concept and understood the rationales while taking notes. I also did shorter q bank tests and focused on specific areas. I'm wondering why I took the full 265 again because I was sure I would shut off at 75. But I kept going :unsure: . I got a total of 60 SATA out of the 265. I got infection control, priority, and only like 2 med math? Should I be worried? Are med math nonpassing standard because I find them too easy, really.

Is it true that if your last question is a passing level then you pass even though you might get it wrong? I appreciate everyone reading this novel!

But to my knowledge, that last question was indeed a passing level question. SATA are hard questions and I think if you got a lot of those indicate a good sign and because you went to 265 means you were doing good. Did you do the Pearson vue trick? What did it say?

Do the pvt, my last question was a knowledge based sata and i passed good luck.

I'm scared of doing the PVT because at the moment I don't have the 200 to spare (just incase all went wrong). But I'll have my quick results in a couple days. I'm just hoping my last question was an analysis/application.

I'm scared of doing the PVT because at the moment I don't have the 200 to spare (just incase all went wrong). But I'll have my quick results in a couple days. I'm just hoping my last question was an analysis/application.

It doesn't matter if it was application or not, the question just have to be above the passing standard. My 265th question was also a SATA only difference is that it ask me to list the risk factors of a disease, thats just knowledge.

All the Kaplan videos I've watched said that the understanding/recognition questions like "what are manifestations of so-and-so" are nonpassing and the higher level such as application/analysis are at the passing level. So I would hope my

last question SATA about newborn phototherapy plan of care would be a higher level. Did you pass? Risk factors may be a recognition Q but you never know

Try it. If the card doesn't have funds it will simply decline.

you will feel better after, trust me.

All the Kaplan videos I've watched said that the understanding/recognition questions like "what are manifestations of so-and-so" are nonpassing and the higher level such as application/analysis are at the passing level. So I would hope my

last question SATA about newborn phototherapy plan of care would be a higher level. Did you pass? Risk factors may be a recognition Q but you never know

I did pass and it wasn't an application question the NCLEX isn't black and white its a "big picture" exam. You'd have to be an expert in bloom's taxonomy to know for sure what an high level question looks like.

Yeah I was just curious if that's how it works because the Kaplan videos explained it that way. Thanks though! Just a matter of waiting now

My last question was correct but I failed with 265Q my question were lots priority and SATA... I hope you pass..

For those of you wondering what kind of question is above the passing standard and what is below, the simple answer is there is no possible way for you or anyone else to know.

SATA is a formatting type, not a level of difficulty. These questions are not rated higher than other question formats such as multiple choice, drag and drop, true/false. Not liking the format doesn't make it a higher level of questioning. I can make a very simple, basic (and therefore not an Above Passing question) using SATA. Means nothing.

Having 265 questions isn't good or bad or anything at all. It does mean that the person who had all those questions wasn't able to stay above or below the passing standard long enough for the computer to determine to a 95% satisfaction that the test-taker was competent. Having 265 questions is good if you pass, it's bad if you fail, that's pretty much all that means.

Having the last question correct isn't relevant. It might have been below the passing standard and getting it correct can still leave you having failed. It might be above and getting it wrong won't matter, the determination of Pass can still be made.

Priority, delegation, none of that means anything either. You will be tested in all areas of knowledge and practice, until the program determines that you are competent, or incompetent. People love to read way too much into this, but if you just focus on what the questions are asking you and answering them, that's all there is to do!

Any update yet Nursebabe?? i feel this stress! I'm only a PN but i took the boards on friday and found out yesterday that i passed. i wanted to do the pearson view trick but didnt have the funds either! hoping that you passed and sending good thoughts your way

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