Warning Nurses! Holding It All In Can Kill You!

Have you ever wondered what the stress of nursing is doing to you? Nurses Stress 101 Article

We know that stress causes cortisol levels to rise which raise our blood pressure, raise our blood sugar levels, increase our lipids, etc. Blah, Blah, Blah. The point of this article is not to teach you something you already learned in pathophysiology class.

We know that high stress levels can cause weight gain and we know that obesity complicates every disease there is. Obesity has been linked to higher cases of breast cancer, etc. As nurses, we KNOW all this stuff.

Let's not go there right now. Instead the message of this article is to talk about the emotional price of high nursing-related stress in your life. Nursing stress is so unique. It's practically impossible to explain to non-nurses...that's for sure!

How do you explain what it feels like to have your pager go off for two different patients at the same time? One is in severe pain and one is throwing up. Add to that scenario "a transport tech" arriving on the floor asking if your pre-surgical patient is ready to go to surgery because the anesthesiologist and surgeon are waiting downstairs. Yikes! You didn't get the checklist done yet! Multiply that scenario several times an hour for 12+ hours at a time and you've got nursing stress.

Nursing stress mounts so quickly that it leaves you speechless with friends and family. The thought of describing what you go through during your work day becomes so exhausting that you just don't do it. You don't tell your friends. You don't tell your family. You may find yourself becoming emotionally shut down to a certain extent because you start to hold stuff in.

Have you ever wondered, "Am I depressed and I don't even know it?" You may find the answer to that question by examining what you do on your days off. After a brutally stressful day at work, it is not uncommon to hear a nurse describe her day off like this, "All morning, I could still hear my pager going off and the monitors too. I stayed in my pajamas until the afternoon. All I had energy to do was zone out on TV and eat."

It's a matter of life and death to find healthy outlets for the nursing stress in your life!

When the thought of picking up the phone and talking to a dear trusted friend to "relieve some pressure" becomes too much for you to handle, there may be a problem. Perhaps you used to refer to it as a "mental health" day, but when all your days off look like this, there may be a problem.

In general, isolation (not talking, stuffing with food, not socializing) can be warning signs of too much nursing stress in your life. Beware of "shut down" mode.

Conscious separation is a problem. Conscious unity is an answer.

Here are some of the things that can work to combat nursing stress:

  1. Talk about it. Talk to your fellow nurses, your charge nurse, your department director, your friends, your family, your mentors. If you don't want to talk about details, at least talk about your feelings and what you plan on doing to change your circumstances.
  2. Utilize mentors in your life. (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, entrepreneurial)
  3. Walk/hike with your spouse or friend regularly each week.
  4. Participate in groups with similar interests as your. (Don't just attend. Talk!) The power of a group cannot be underestimated.
  5. Take advantage of nutritional vitamins and supplements.
  6. Eat healthy snacks (remember low carbs/high fiber/high protein).
  7. Watch your sugar intake (there are alternatives to high sugar coffee drinks!).
  8. Blog on different subjects.
  9. Join Online Nursing Forums and participate.
  10. Write and journal.
  11. Share your writing and journaling with people you trust.
  12. Go on a 30 day Mental Cleanse (be extremely selective with what you "take in" mentally).

A very wise woman once gave a speech to a group. She said that she had come to a turning point in her life and wanted to make a change. The single most important thing she did to change her life around was this: She started to "LIVE OUTLOUD". She ended her silence.

Nurses, if you do nothing else, start living outloud!

Specializes in Mixed Level-1 ICU.

Dear 5yrsdiasspointed,

Your manager is threatened by you. He is of the class of humans who haven't the courage to admit their shortcomings. And were he too, he doesn't have the class to do anything about it.

Also, the righteousness of your behavior more brightly illuminates the mediocrity of his.

You will never change him and any efforts to do so will be seen as weakness in his eyes.

You can simply do your job and remind yourself it's not about him but about your patients.

I'm not sure how he has turned other staff against you. But if it is by simple false rumoring, and the staff knows otherwise by your daily behavior yet they choose to backslide into Jerry Springer-type mentalities, but may become increasingly difficult for you to tolerate it.

Me, I would write to the CEO citing the abuse--already documented--and the continuing abuse. Your language has to be compelling incise, powerfully persuasive. If both your manager and the director of nursing are behaving in such an unprofessional manner can the facility risk their foolishness in these times of nursing shortages. The facility's chief might want to know about it

Of course, you risk it all by writing the CEO. He/she may unceremoniously have to canned. You could sue them for unwarranted firing if you have properly documented the episodes.

If you are mad enough and can get another job, you may try the road of courage route. Or you could transfer off the floor. But the director of nursing will still be your superior.

I wish you luck,

Let us know what happens

yeah this job is really stressful even if your still a student good thing i've got hobbies like my band

great article it should be stickied :D

Specializes in ED staff.

I am THE triage nurse for an ER that sees (usually) at least 80 people during my 12 hour shift and I triage 80% of them. Many times we are full to the brim in the back but the patients just keep on coming. There have been times when I have 20 people I've already triaged waiting in the waiting room on a bed in the back. I'm responsible for all those people. It can be very nerve wracking, especially if I have kids with untreated fever or someone in great pain like a kidney stone, or maybe a brittle diabetic that hasn't told me they're diabetic. Had that happen last week, had a whole group of people sign in all at the same time... when I got to this lady the only thing really odd was that her temp was 94.5. I sent her back and instructed the tech to check her blood sugar, it had fallen from 300 to 53 in two hours! I've seen this several times with hypoglycemic diabetics.

Specializes in MS, OB-Ped, NICU,ER Community.

Thanks for your suggestions Nurse_Advocate and interleukin! Great tips from experts! Just graduated from my second course which is nursing this March. Although I don't have any experience yet when it comes to being an RN, I had experienced some of those stressful situations during our clinical rotation as a team leader. Though we can do multi tasking in other things, when it comes to our patients it should be one at a time to ensure their safety, we could always say no to other responsibilities that we cannot handle at the moment and do it later on. One thing that I appreciate the most is that we shouldn't let the situation take on us but rather we should control the situation, it is where leadership and management plays a good role. And of course don't deprive yourself of the privileges of a human being such as eating, it will just reduce the concentrating and thinking capacity of your brain.

Thanks again for your advices, I'll really share it to my friends... God bless you!:bowingpur:saint::loveya:

well done

i will try it

Great article! I am getting very burned out after many years in Acute Care. Not enough staff to cover for breaks. More and more hoops to jump through. Nursing has changed alot over the past 26 years. Trying to find something different. I wonder if that will help the burnout.....

Specializes in Medical Fragile Peds..

Thank You for the encouragement words... That is so true we as nurses always taking care of other people that we tend to forget about ourself....We need to take better care of ourselves so that we can take care of our patients...:yeah:

Specializes in ER.

wow!!! what a subject! i work er nights and am off on weekends. i usually work 48-60 hrs a week because i have 2 jobs. i use one weekend to "detox" and sleep literally the whole weekend. the next weekend i usually go out with friends and party and try to do something fun for myself. i also try to get some family time in on this weekend. lately, however, i have found myself spending more and more weekends doing the "detox" thing, because i am completely physically and mentally worn out. it's hard to take care of yourself when you spend most of your life taking care of others. i'm sure i'm cutting my life short!:banghead:

Specializes in Nursing, Midwifery, Public Health.

I feel better already. thanks

This is a GREAT article. I really appreciate your writing it. I'm going to share it with a lot of nruses who are stressed that trhey want to QUIT... and it would be a shame.

Wendy Leebov

Thank you for this article. I also want to respoind to 5yearsdissapointed and unforgetable2667. I am recently unemployed from a job I was in love with, thinking I was doing a great job. Nasty coworkers and HR that , well what ever they do can really play havic with you work skills, self esteem, and lives. Mix this with lay offs and having extra work added to your already filled plate can be a deadly combination. This is where I am at now, unemployed, depressed, no hope, and ready to give up. I have isolated myself, and at times I feel there is no way out. I do go to therapy, it helps. I too spoke to coworkers , only to have it totally taken out of context and repeated to the wrong people. I am going to try your suggestions.

Specializes in Home Health/Hospice.

Oh how I love your posts, shows reality and such. I talk to my husband about my job and althoug he's so lovely and understands does he?

Nurses find a hobby you have to. Mind is swimming 3-4 miles a weeks a mile for me is 40 minutes. I think about my nursing stuff and let it go with nursing.

learn to meditate.

Read, do anything to take your mind off nursing

And as for the cortisol have you noticed that a lot of nurses especially more experienced are overweight. That's the case with me, but I swim, do yoga, walk, and do the eliptical. I have to it's the only way to get rid of my stress. EG swimming for me is meditation and while I swim I let go of my concerns.

Also don't take your work to home. Leave your work at the door. Seriously you have to do this to relax and destress and not worry all the time/

Thumbs up on your post