Topics About 'Stress Management'.

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  1. In other words, as nurses, we see the terrible effects of disease on the human body and the human spirit. And sometimes it's easy to slip into focusing only on the negative. But if you do that, then you're at risk of becoming bitter and resentful and...
  2. We know that stress causes cortisol levels to rise which raise our blood pressure, raise our blood sugar levels, increase our lipids, etc. Blah, Blah, Blah. The point of this article is not to teach you something you already learned in pathophysiolog...
  3. Now More Than EverNow more than ever, we need to be in charge of taking the best care of ourselves! So let’s get started so you can get started right away too. First step is to frame your retreat into a model for you to follow. Since “mother nature...
  4. Let It Go and Relax

    You think your stressful morning is finally over once you make it out of the house, into the vehicle, and off to work. However, as many of us know, that is usually not the case. You merge onto the road thinking all is good until you get behind anothe...
  5. Hello all, This is my first post here so bear with me. I am a current RN student and while my main focus right now is finishing the program I am nevertheless interested in finding out more about different specialties from nurses who have been th...
  6. Maureen Bonatch MSN

    How Technology Use Can Impact Our Health

    Technology has become immersed in most areas of our life, and that of our patients. This can make some tasks easier, but it can also have negative implications when you can’t, or don’t want to, step away from the screen. Although there are many posit...
  7. Carol Ebert

    Holiday Stress Busters

    Sure, you might have said last year I’ve got to do things differently and yet here it is again in your face. Tips to Decrease Holiday StressOf course, some of you have already made some great changes to simplify, slow down and put the holiday in pers...
  8. If you're a college student, you're most likely being pelted by life stressors. The article, Spring Stressors You Can Expect, provides insight into unique sources of student stress and the related short and long-term consequences. Unfortunately, cons...
  9. Dealing with Toxic Energy I am challenged with how to bring that toxic energy down a notch and was reminded about this while on vacation. After spending time in the north woods on a lake, I found that on the last day I had finally settled down a...
  10. TheCommuter

    Resentment Will Destroy You

    Resentment is the strong, indignant feeling of pointed animosity we experience when we believe a person or group has wronged us in some way. Although resentment is a common emotional state, it is definitely not one of the more fleeting ones. In fact,...
  11. Is Nursing All About Stress?

    PART ONE: IS NURSING ALL ABOUT STRESS? As nurses, we know the meaning of stress. In fact, we may know its meaning more intimately than most of our peers who work in other professions. This is partially because we've seen the devastating effects t...
  12. FALSE! We know a lot more now about the effects of lack of sleep on our health and the news is not pretty. First I have to recollect my own years of night shift nursing and the toll it took on me. Fighting to stay awake all night when my circadian rh...