Holiday Stress Busters

It seems every year it becomes an issue when December arrives and then it becomes a Rat Race until the New Year arrives.  You know the drill – you are already too busy with your life (I even wrote the book Too Busy for YOU? with that in mind) and then you get loaded up with even more to accomplish, with no extra time to fit it all in.  So here we are again and what are you going to do about it? Nurses Stress 101 Article

Holiday Stress Busters

Sure, you might have said last year I’ve got to do things differently and yet here it is again in your face.

Tips to Decrease Holiday Stress

Of course, some of you have already made some great changes to simplify, slow down and put the holiday in perspective, (I know I have) and I would love to have you share your strategies at the end of this post. But for the rest of you, here are some tips that might help right now bring more peace and less stress.

Step 1 – What prep needs to be done?

Look over this list and select the most important things that need to be done and delegate the rest. Try to select only 5 things. I know this list is exhausting to read, but you don’t have to do everything.

  • creating the gift list
  • making or buying decorations
  • decorating
  • putting up outside decorations
  • prep for holiday travel
  • making family advent preparations
  • planning family reunions
  • getting ready for relatives
  • holiday baking
  • cooking for family reunions
  • planning parties
  • inviting friends to the party
  • shopping for the party
  • cleaning for the party
  • cooking for the party
  • cleaning up after the party
  • buying or making cards
  • writing notes on cards
  • making or buying stockings
  • buying stocking stuffers
  • making travel plans
  • volunteering for charity
  • helping out at church
  • helping out at school
  • holiday activities at work
  • buying or cutting down a tree
  • decorating the tree
  • shopping for gifts
  • making gifts
  • buying gift wrapping supplies
  • wrapping gifts
  • mailing gifts
  • cleaning up after the holiday
  • writing thank-yous
  • planning holiday menus
  • getting kids to write thank-yous
  • putting away decorations
  • special grocery shopping
  • disposing of the tree
  • taking down decorations
  • other _______________
  • other _______________

Step 2 – What do you really value the most over the holidays and want to have time for it?

Check those you want to have happen and decide how all the busy-ness from all the tasks above will affect them. Feel free to cross more tasks off the list above so you have more time for those below.

  • Spend enjoyable time with my immediate family
  • Reunite with my relatives
  • Celebrate the birth of Christ
  • Create a festive, beautiful home environment
  • Show my love and generosity through gifts
  • Remember the poor, lonely and needy
  • Be active in my spiritual community
  • Celebrate with friends
  • Relax and be renewed

Step 3 - How important is self-care for you over the holidays?

Review this list and check the items that reflect your reality. Then decide whether you need to make some adjustments.

  • Have less free time
  • Get less sleep
  • Get less exercise
  • Eat more sweets and consume more calories in general
  • Drink more alcohol
  • Have more tasks and responsibilities
  • Have less time to be alone
  • Am more worried about money
  • Spend less relaxed time with friends
  • Have less relaxed time with my family
  • Have more responsibilities at work

Step 4 – Implement Stress-busting Strategies to regain valuable time for YOU!


Thinking that you still have to please your long-gone relatives and bake every cookie from scratch. Having to bake 12 dozen perfect cookies for the Cookie Swap!


Go to a fine baking establishment and pay for some cookies made from scratch that are probably better than yours! I’ll cost you less time and money.


Thinking you are superhuman and wearing yourself out shopping for the perfect gifts for everyone when all they really want is a gift card.


Make one trip out to get gift cards for everyone and they’ll love you for it, and they won’t have to stand in the return lines after the holidays.


Creating a holiday blood sugar rampage by eating all those cookies, candies and cakes, and wondering why you are so exhausted and can’t fit into that holiday outfit.


Load up the frig with healthy snacks that your family can graze on. Prepare healthy fun snacks to serve and give away as gifts.


Driving on the roads and shopping in the stores just when everyone else decides to do the same thing.


Go OUT when everyone else is IN! Get over the adrenalin rush of shopping in a frenzy with large crowds of people – your body and mind will love you for it!


Having to rummage through 100 different “stuffing” recipes and then discovering they all have the same ingredients.


Buy a bag of instant stuffing mix and tell everyone it is your “secret formula”.


Going to everyone’s house over the holidays, including yours, and having the same holiday dinner over and over again.


Try serving an old fashioned 4th of July picnic meal for your holiday celebration. Celebrate July at Christmas instead of Christmas in July.

Hopefully, this holiday review is helpful and a wakeup call so you can truly enjoy the holiday season with all the peace and joy you deserve.

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