Want to vent about nursing schools in general


This probably will be deleted. No program is flexible for working people.

The only programs in our State that are LPN programs but still not flexible because I work variable shifts. Add in the $30 to $40 thousand cost to attend these program's.

There is only 3 evening program's in our State. 2 are not all evenings it's a lotto system when you have clinicals. You have 1000 people applying to just 1 of these programs and only takes 60 students. One of these programs is supposed to be shutting down shortly.

The third evening program is 40 Miles away and 80 Miles round trip cost $60K to attend.

It's ridiculous!

Specializes in Rehab, Ortho-Spine, Med-Surg, & Psych.


I agree with you that no program is flexible for working people. It is a marketing (false) tactic to get you to apply to their program. The reason no school can guarantee it is because of clinicals... you have to show up at a particular time whether it's convenient for you or not. If the curriculum did not have a clinical component, it would actually be flexible.

So get past that. If nursing is really for you, pick the best program for you.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Online University | Accredited Online College Degrees | WGU has a prelicensure nursing program that allows you to work during the program. It is only available in five states, but it is a quality program.

But the other thing to consider is your current job. Maybe IT is the thing that needs to change in order for you to attend nursing school. Maybe a weekends only job is what you need. I know a large number of nursing homes that have weekend only employees. They work either 2 12s, 2 16s or something similar.

Perhaps you're complaining about the wrong part of the equation?

Specializes in School health, pediatrics.

But the other thing to consider is your current job. Maybe IT is the thing that needs to change in order for you to attend nursing school.

Perhaps you're complaining about the wrong part of the equation?

This. I changed to an online only program from pre-nursing before due to my work schedule and the clinical schedule in nursing. Eventually I realized that I would need something else so I could apply for the evening track. Evenings mean clinicals that can start as early as 3pm. So I took a job that pays less than I made before AND is fewer hours.

Not at the point to take a pay cut. Have considered it down the road. If I wait longer risk losing prerequisites. Tried applying for out of State job's didn't pan out.

Been considering going LPN route. The schedule is either 4 days a week for 15 to 20 month's. Could ask my work for Baylor shifts for 20 month's. It mean people have to give up their weekends for me. Work at a hospital and they don't hire LPNs so not sure how flexible they be with me. The other LPN program would work, but I still have to make switches on the weekend since it is every Saturday.

The other option is pay $60K and travel 120 miles a week in addition to my 400 Miles for work for an evening program at a private college in my State. You only meet twice a week and every other Saturday.

Was also looking at going the PTA route. Your last two semesters have to do an internship 8 to 4 M-F.

Debating to pay more debts off. Go for my EMT cert. Then in the Summer of next year look for a night EMT job. Take a $4 to $6 pay cut. Then pay $30K for an LPN program. Knock that out in 2 yrs. Move to a State that had 10 year prerequisites luke Texas get my BSN there. It seems like the only option.

Was considering going paramedic route. The classes are inexpensive and flexible. MWF 8 to 4. Only downside is only 3 in the State and super competitive to be accepted. Need to know someone usually.

The other option was going OTA to OT. IT schools are mostly private here and cost up to $40K for a two year program. Few issues run in with that can go part time but do believe internship is full time and the programs for OTA have a low pass rate. Few programs risked being shut down.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

OP: complete sentences make it easier to read your posts.

Specializes in Neuro.

Do they have no community colleges in your area or is that something you aren't considering?

Do they have no community colleges in your area or is that something you aren't considering?

Considered them twice and wait listed twice. CCs are super competitive. Plus possibly one is going to be shut down a nursing program at a CC. They don't offer second choice anymore at the CC. Have about a 10 percent chance of being accepted (400 to 600 people apply 60 to 70 accepted).

Most CC programs aren't very flexible to people working.

Though was talking with the Wife may look at the for profit associate program as it's 2 to 3 days a week. Just very expensive. Can still work during the program.

Yikes! That's a steep amount of tuition for an LPN program. I know you mentioned that you tried some out of state schools that didn't pan out.

I don't know if you considered Utah. Here in metro SLC one of the Tech schools offers a 1 year (Fall start; Aug to May of the following year, 900 clock hours) LPN program for only $4500. You can then transfer to either the local CC or state university for the LPN-RN bridge for another $6000 +/- which is another year.

There are quite a few private schools here that charge upwards of $38k-$58k of course they have no waitlist or as many hoops. I took my prereqs over 8 years ago and one of the local CC's will still accept them that old. If you're able to move you may want to consider states that you hadn't already applied to.

Also, if you already have a bachelors degree (non nursing degree) have you considered an accelerated program? Of course you would have to find a means to earn an income (since you have to attend school full time with no work) but typically it's for 15-18 months versus 24-36 months (traditional program)of trying to find work that is flexible with a traditional nursing program.

Hope you can find something that will work out in your favor. Good luck!

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