Published May 17, 2007
1 Post
17 Articles; 45,841 Posts
Hello and welcome to
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I moved your post from an off-topic thread to its own thread.
Good luck.
4,177 Posts
check with the state-run schools or some of the private schools
if you want to open your own school you need to get in touch with the state you are in and find out the steps that you need to go to be certified
some states will allow a lpn to teach cnas and some require a rn
you will need to check and see if you can take students to hospital for clinicals
which ever you decide make sure that you have license insurance because these students will be under your license and students can do some freaky stuff
ceecel.dee, MSN, RN
869 Posts
Technical colleges run lots of these classes.
Good luck!
121 Posts
From what I remember when I first was certified as a Train the Trainer in the state of Michigan, some of the requirements are that you are an RN, you have experience working in LTC, have experience with teaching adults / supervising others, a current resume and attend a basic Train the trainer seminar. Mine was an 8 hour seminar. We follow the Michigan Model (currently being updated by the state as I understand). Then every 2 years you have to renew your certification by submitting proof of 8 hours of continuing education that has to deal with either LTC or teaching adults. I don't have the renewal letter here at home. Like I said, this is what I can remember off the top of my head. I've been teaching in the same facility (in-house program) since 1999. We do class, lab and clinical all on site. I thoroughly enjoy it.
Hello,I'd like to know how I get started teaching CNA classes. Thanks,:balloons:
Yes! Fellow nurses please respond. I'd love to teach CNAS. Can LPNS teach CNA coiurses in Florida
Hygiene Queen
2,232 Posts
This is one of the reasons why I chose to become a nurse... to teach the CNA class (believe it... or not!!!).
I could teach at my school with an associates and a year of nursing experience.
I'm building the network now...
I think it would be enjoyable work, even if I could only be a part-time adjunct clinical instructor.