

LTC / SNF / Geriatrics

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About Rizpah

Rizpah specializes in LTC / SNF / Geriatrics.

Married 24 1/2 yrs, Mom to 3 grown kids, grandma to 3 and lovin it!

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  1. nurse mom on the other side of the bed

    I too have been there, done that. My son was in a MVA last October - his Ford Taurus sideswiped a semi-truck. He's a miracle. I was able to lay aside my "nurse" roll and be mom, (as a nurse I know how staff freaks out when they find out a family m...
  2. Why have 2 20-hour positions rather than one 40?

    Yup - totally agree. We do the same with our CNAs - a mix of full and part time.
  3. Any ideas??

    Have you considered CNA? Then you could continue to work in the field while going to school (if that's in you plans), continue to make an income while gaining valuable experience. That's what I did and when in LPN school and those of us who were CN...
  4. How thick is the forrest? What do you see?

    If the hospital isn't concerned about lawsuits, they aren't going to be concerned about your license. I'd leave. Sad for the patients though.
  5. a little help..

    Keep your feet at least shoulder width apart to have a good base for balance. Always bend at the hips and knees. Never use the muscles in the small of your back - once you injure them, they remain highly susceptible to future injuries. Raise the be...
  6. Can you humor me?

    You'd be surprised at the little things we do in the course of a day that we think nothing of, that mean the world to our patients. I had a lady in for rehab after open heart surgery. She couldn't shower for a few days and was really upset over ho...
  7. Anger management

    What is the name of the book, where'd you get it? or are you just speaking of anger management in general?
  8. Care Plans and Care Conferences-Help!

    From what you've described, it sounds like you've walked into a nightmare. You sound like you know your stuff. Yes, there are regulations that require timely assessments, plans of care, interdisciplinary approach, etc. Do you have access to a regu...
  9. Reading these posts..... I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my doc....:icon_hug::1luvu::loveya: I've worked with her in the LTC setting for the past 11 years and she's my family doctor as well. I've been yelled at once and it wasn't even regarding MY actions - it w...
  10. Which End is Which

    cold lips - blue; HOT #ss - red
  11. From what you've described, it sounds like you did exactly what you needed to do for the resident and family. Discharges are supposed to include continuation of care and it sounds like that is what you did. Good Job! Unfortunately, something sound...
  12. Last night before leaving work, we had some bad weather kicking up. Everyone was doing their duties when the front door exit alarm sounded. One of the CNAs looked in the visual monitor and yelled, "someone fell!" So half a dozen people ran for the...
  13. This movie will make you think!!!!

    can't get it to come up
  14. Tricks to remember things

    I teach CNA class and use the following tricks for my students: For ROM instead of using all the technical terms: flex / extend of the shoulder/arm - the "hallelujah"; abduction/adduction of shoulder/arm - the snow angel; rotation of the shoulder - t...