Want to move to the OR


I work in 2 different units: cardiac and stroke (include but not limited to post CABG, post cardiac cath--I pull out sheaths too, stroke, heart failure, advanced heart failure, transplant rejection, and of course stroke). I have ACLS and BLS. I like my job--just don't think it's where I belong.

I've always wanted to be in the OR. I applied for some OR new grad positions right out of school, but they were very difficult to get into. What do OR nurse managers look for in someone with no OR experience but have acute care experience? It seems like OR positions require 1 to 2 years OR experience. At least from the ones I looked at. Thanks for all your suggestions.

Specializes in Operating Room.

Really, I don't have it too bad as far as cranky surgeons...my facility has made docs go to anger management and my immediate boss doesn't mind if we give it back to them.(within reason, of course). Any surgeon throwing an instrument at someone would be in deep s**t. But, I have a boss who most certainly is not a coward, so that helps.

No, most of the badness is coworker related..you know, either the crusty things that have been there for 30+ years or the young suckups that would rather be flirting with doctors than working. It can be a very high school environment.:rolleyes:

Specializes in O.R. Nursing - ENT, CTC, Vasc..
They look for someone with no expericence whatsover. That way you can conform to the insane way that the operating room works. It's a subculture. If you have so much experience in cardiac and ICU.. you'll never get hired in the OR because you already know too much. From what I've seen the best OR nurses are ones that come straight from school that don't know any better and can be brainwashed easily.

I like this reply....LOL! :yeah: Sounds very promising, for me! (New Grad).

Specializes in Cardiac ICU.

This post isn't going where I wanted it to.

But, it would be hilarious to see a surgeon throw an instrument.

...then the nurse cathches and throws it back at him; hitting him in the middle of his forehead. (yeah, yeah, I know it's illegal)

This is like my 'SCRUBS' daydream.

Specializes in Peri-Op.

Where did you want it to go?? I don't see your experience being a BA thing. I personally just don't like trained know it all OR nurses. Its a totally different world in the OR.

Specializes in Cardiac ICU.
Specializes in Peri-Op.

Sorry. Typing on my phone. BA =bad

Specializes in 2 years school nurse, 15 in the OR!.

Actually, we are looking for nurses that have experience, not new grads. We have found that new grads tend to leave once they finish the internship. Nurses with some experience seem to learn easier and faster and stick around after the internship. Anywhere you work there are lazy nurses, not just the OR. They drive me nuts. If they spent as much effort at their job as they do trying to figure out how to get out of work, they would be a great nurse!

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