

Cardiac ICU

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About HeatwaveRN

HeatwaveRN has 10 years experience and specializes in Cardiac ICU.

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  1. Done, can anyone relate and share?

    I could totally relate. What's sad is that I've only been in this for a couple of years. (40hrs/week) I feel that they are just giving nurses more responsibilities with less resources. It's hard to be compassionate if you are burnt out by your pati...
  2. The best nursing advice you've ever received

    You are the NOT the FIRST one to make a mistake, and you will NOT be the LAST. Get over it because your patients need YOU.
  3. Where are all of the "experienced nurses hiding?"

    I found this website when I was a student. At that time, I didn't think I had anything valuable to contribute by posting. There were many things I learned just reading through the posts. I signed up sometime after I got my license. (2+ years expe...
  4. California Board of Nursing? CA nurses HELP

    Yes, I took an oral and written communications class. It was a prerequisite for my BSN as well as graduation requirements from the university. Maybe you've taken classes that are equivalent to these. You can't know for sure unless you ask the CA B...
  5. Attention OR Nurses

    Thanks for posting this. I too was interested in the OR. Speaking of personalities in the OR--I posted a similar thread months ago in the OR category. One person was posting how the best OR nurses are always new grads. Overall, his post was disco...
  6. I usually try to do a 12-lead EKG before giving nitrates, in case this is a real chest pain it would show changes on the 12-lead. The nitrates could immediately change the initial rhythm. Nitrates I usually give but I don't use it if the patients' BP...
  7. Bilateral Lower extremity Cellulits?

    I think the diagnosis of cellulitis is very general to having reddened lower extremities. Usually the patients are being ruled out for other possible diseases: venous stasis, for example. The patient may be diabetic and/or have CHF. The tree-trunk...
  8. Cried at work today

    :nurse:We need more nurses like you.
  9. Should have never gotten out of bed.

    Those types of nurses--I work with a lot of them in my current unit. They are very condescending. They ask me the most ridiculous questions that I think are useless to know about a patient. They make it their mission to find mistakes. I could be ...
  10. Another Vent....

    family members -- they either make our jobs easier OR A LOT HARDER. --I'm just sayin..
  11. Charting

    I would put.... 16fr foley catheter removed at 1600 as ordered by Dr. So-and-So. Catheter intact with no clots. Patient denies pain upon removal. 600ml of clear yellow urine in bag. Awaiting post foley removal void. Will continue to monitor pati...
  12. Hugs to you floor nurses

    TELLING OFF A PATIENT? By this I'm guessing making the patient aware that he/she is being verbally or physically abusive. I don't see anything wrong with that. I can understand that someone who has Alzheimer's or dementia can be rude because maybe ...
  13. So, do you answer to this?

    You guys are right. I've never waited tables before. My previous jobs before becoming a nurse was in sales, library, and accounting. I purposely avoided anything having to do with food and/or serving them--just seems like people get really angry w...
  14. So, do you answer to this?

    Would you answer to a patient's family member that calls you by using a "come here" hand or finger gesture? How about whistling to you to get your attention? I think it's rude--and I don't answer to this. I'm neither a child or a dog. I guess it cou...
  15. Aye "Dummie". Excuse Me!

    Write her up! Whether she called you "dummie" or "domo" you still told her to call you by your name. Yet, she didn't to do that. You should say "I'm not a dummie. Maybe I can teach you something about common decency."