i want to move to melbourne but i have a problem


as the title says, i want to move to melbourne to finish off my nursing program here in Guam, USA because of personal problems. my question is...are there any schools in melbourne that will take my nursing credits and allow me to graduate on time (2010) with my BSN. i dont care about going to a fancy school, just a school with good instruction and kind transferee admissions would be great. thank for any help any kind soul would be willing to extend my way. thanks.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I think you will have problems transferring credits. The course layout is more than likely different.

I think the best thing to do is contact schools in Australia and see how the land lies.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Ortho/HH/Radiology-Now Retired.

[quoti think the best thing to do is contact schools in australia and see how the land lies. e]

that's exactly the thing to do!

Another thing to consider that if you were given some credit and where in enrolled cross years..most people who transfer unis often have to do this.....our university year begins in early March, so you may have to wait till second semester that starts mid July or start again in early March 2010.

^ july is fine. the goal is to finish with my BSN by 2010. i just need to know somewhere i can transfer without being delayed. please help for those with kind hearts or knowledgeable minds...or since we're all (student) nurses....both. please.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

As I mentioned I doubt you will be able to transfer your credits. You really need to discuss with the university or schools of nursing and see if they will accept you or not.

any suggestions for schools would be greatly appreciated. personal references is a lot better than the sugar coated websites that the internet offers. also former transferees' input would be love!

Specializes in CTICU.

Some schools for nursing in Melbourne: Deakin university, Monash University, RMIT, LaTrobe.

You should contact the schools directly via their websites. They will need to see your transcripts to give you an accurate answer. Noone here can tell you for sure.

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