Published Apr 20, 2013
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
What do you do to pass the time from going crazy?
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kalevra, BSN, RN
530 Posts
Get a work out regimen going.
145 Posts
I checked my email every 20 min.!
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
That was me for the last month!!! Just got my letter today...woo hoo!!! :D
8 Posts
Waiting is the worst part! Since I'm in a community college, the waiting list for nursing is super long. I can proudly say that I'm a pretty well rounded individual since I've had to take so many random classes while waiting. I passed the TEAS test back in 2012, and just got my letter saying I'd be starting in September. Super excited!
126 Posts
Totally agree with kalevra! I want to get my mind and body into shape because if I do get accepted for the accelerated ADN for this Fall then i want to be prepared physically and mentally for the challenge. I won't find out until July and the wait is killing me. Congrats to everyone that has received their letters!
19 Posts
I am also wearing my family out with my stress of waiting, I got one acceptance but waiting for my first choice. I am so anxious and can't wait for June, don't know how I will cope. This has been a long road and stressful ordeal but I am looking forward to starting the program this fall. Congrats to all of us who will be official nursing students this year.
1 Article; 1,265 Posts
I am a VERY non traditional student (49 years old, started my pre reqs and co reqs two years ago). Got an alternate letter my first try in (but didn't get in), got a rejection letter my second try, and finally got my acceptance letter this time around and start in August. When that letter came a few weeks ago, my hands were shaking. I sat in the post office parking lot wondering if I should even open it, and if I was rejected again, what I would do. When I opened it and saw that I was accepted, I started laughing and crying at the same time. People walking by gave me funny looks. I didn't care one bit. Then I got on the phone and blubbered to my family and friends. Joy!
3 Posts
I know how you feel about waiting. I will be finding out sometime before July 4th. So anxious!!
457 Posts
Am waiting for my first choice too, I should know in mid July. Good luck!
anashenwrath, ASN, RN
221 Posts
That was me before my NLNs
That was me before my interview
That was me before my acceptance letter came
That was me before each test
That was me waiting for each grade
That was me after finals
That was me before NCLEX, and
That IS me now, waiting for my NCLEX results.
Seriously, I'm lucky I'm on a ground floor apt, bcs otherwise my feet would have gone through someone's ceiling.