Waiting and Hoping...

Nursing Students NCLEX


hey everyone...

i have really been following this for the last couple of weeks while studying for the nclex. well i took it yesterday morning at 9am, and i think i have checked the pearsonvue website like 200 times. the waiting is driving my crazy! i have a lot riding on this exam. i was offered a position in the picu, but need my rn license before i can start. hoping they won't get rid of me if i don't pass. i'm trying to be positive...i got 109 questions (was bummed when i went pass 75 seeing how i studied very hard). i got tons of priority and infection control questions, some meds, but no drug calculation. i also got 5 or 6 of those 'select all that apply'. i know i made some stupid mistakes, but so many of those questions were really really difficult. i really just don't know what to think. all i can do at this point is wait...:o

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

Specializes in Trauma, Education.

Can you let us know how it went? I took the boards today (6-15) and got 83 questions. Same thing-lots of priority, infection control, no drug calcs, 5-6 select all that apply. I have a job offer on a stem cell transplant floor, but the difficulty of that test makes me wonder if I'm going to be waiting another 45 days or so to try again!! Good luck!!

I just found out I passed with 75 questions (I took my test June 13). Your test sounds a bit like what I had. From what I have heard priority is an upper level question and med calculations are a lower level! The waiting is the worst part.......just do some fun stuff and think positive!

Ps I felt I made some stupid mistakes too.......just remeber we dont nee to get all the questions right!

I just found out I passed with 75 questions (I took my test June 13). Your test sounds a bit like what I had. From what I have heard priority is an upper level question and med calculations are a lower level! The waiting is the worst part.......just do some fun stuff and think positive!

Ps I felt I made some stupid mistakes too.......just remeber we dont nee to get all the questions right!

Thanks for all your positive thinking. I was offered a job in the PICU, basically what I have been working for through all 4 years of nursing school. I felt like some of the infection control were ridiculously hard. I just hope once I got it down to the last 2 that my guessing skills were okay. Congrats on Passing! Hopefully soon I can also say I am an RN!

Can you let us know how it went? I took the boards today (6-15) and got 83 questions. Same thing-lots of priority, infection control, no drug calcs, 5-6 select all that apply. I have a job offer on a stem cell transplant floor, but the difficulty of that test makes me wonder if I'm going to be waiting another 45 days or so to try again!! Good luck!!

My feelings exactly! The test was very difficult. I have read on other posts that we should have thought it was difficult and that if we thought it was easy we would have been getting lower level questions. A stem cell transplant floor sounds great, you must be quite excited to find out you passed so you can start working. I got offered a job in the PICU so I know exactly how you are feeling. Good Luck, hopefully soon we can both put the RN after our names!

Specializes in Trauma, Education.

JPPICU, did you pass?? I had posted a reply earlier to yours about taking my exam on the 15th. I found out yesterday that I passed and wondered how you did!!


I'm kinda on the same boat. I have already recieved an offer for my dream job in acute pediatrics. And it'll be the perfect opportunity to learn and grow greatly. The new grad program is one year long and pretty much that unit sees any kind of pediatric disorder. Only thing in my way right now is the NCLEX. I'm studying really hard for it right now and taking it July 1.

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