Vocational school students...


Specializes in Telemetry, Gastroenterology, School Nrs.

Who takes care of their immunization records? We have high school students that attend vocational school, everyday; however, I still have health folders for them. My question is, who is responsible for collecting the required immunizations from these students, what do you all do? I can't seem to find a clear cut answer and I'm trying to get these last few collected. :banghead:

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

i don't know about Vo-tech students, but on occasion I share a student with a neighboring district. We generally keep the original records and vaccine card at the home district and send a copy to the other school. I don't know if that's right, but it seems sensible to us. I can't imagine sending the originals to an out of district part time school.

Specializes in Telemetry, Gastroenterology, School Nrs.
Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

Voc students attend their programs off-site in our district. I maintain records here for those students. Student enrolled at my school who attend voc still attend classes at my school, our voc program is a 1/2 day program and students attend either an AM or PM session.

Some students register here at our school to only attend voc. Those students are home schooled or attend a charter/private school, but have to register at the public school of their home town to go to voc. The student who attend a charter or private school have records there so I don't need those here. I do need to track the home schooled students to make sure their immunizations are up to date.

Specializes in NCSN.

I have to keep records of ANY and ALL students that are related to our school. Part time SSD, virtual classrooms, and current students are all my responsibility. I asked in the beginning why we have health files on our home-school/virtual classroom group and I was told that if they ever become able to transition to a classroom environment or ever visit and have an emergency we need their health records to be up to date.

Which is still think is silly for some of mine who I know I will never meet in person...but it's above my pay grade to argue

Specializes in kids.

Their home or sending school

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