visa screen requirement

World International


I'm a registered nurse from the Philippines and I'm planning to apply for visa screen. I'm rostered to take the CGFNS qualifying exam this November. It says in the application form for visa screen that I have to list all the schools i attended for my nursing education. My dilemna is, I'm a second courser, my nursing school incorporated my transcipts from my previous course which is a health related course in my transcipt for nursing. CGFNS accepted the transcript from my nursing school. Do I need to get a separate transcript from my previous course and a separate license verification for my other license and give it to ICHP in order to have my visa screen?

I'm asking this in behalf of some friends who are applying for visa screen also. They are second coursers just like me. They took up nursing after taking medicine. They are licensed physicians in our country and just recently passed the nursing licensure exam here. They also applied for CGFNS qualifying exam and are rostered to take it this November. They already requested their nursing school to provide a transcript for visa screen and are in the process of applying for a validation of their license as nurses. They would like to ask if they need to submit a copy of their transcript from their medical school to ICHP for visa screen and do they have to submit a validation of their license as a doctor to ICHP also? Their transcripts from medical school was also incorporated in their nursing transcript and was the same transcript that they used to apply for CGFNS. Any info will be highly appreaciated. Thanks in advance.:p

Legally yes, it is professional training.............if they leave it off, it can come back and bite them on the butt later as it would be incorrect documents submitted to a government agency here. Adn could be grounds for not getting the visa. Do not leave anything off the application.

This is another reason that NY gets high marks from me, you list it on the applicaiton for VSC and CVS, then CGFNS will decide if they need and want those documents. They will only request what they need and may decide to waive them, but only they can decide. And for it to be left off of the application can get someone into serious trouble.

Especially with all of the issues of falsified documents coming from Manila right now, better to err on the side of caution.

I'm asking this in behalf of some friends who are applying for visa screen also. They are second coursers just like me. They took up nursing after taking medicine. They are licensed physicians in our country and just recently passed the nursing licensure exam here. They also applied for CGFNS qualifying exam and are rostered to take it this November. They already requested their nursing school to provide a transcript for visa screen and are in the process of applying for a validation of their license as nurses. They would like to ask if they need to submit a copy of their transcript from their medical school to ICHP for visa screen and do they have to submit a validation of their license as a doctor to ICHP also? Their transcripts from medical school was also incorporated in their nursing transcript and was the same transcript that they used to apply for CGFNS. Any info will be highly appreaciated. Thanks in advance.:p

I'm confused. If they already applied for the CGFNS exam and got rostered then it means that their transcripts (w/c already includes the pre-med and medicine) was evaluated and CGFNS found no error on it. They also must have submitted a validation of the their nursing licensure. Obviously, since they're rostered already then CGFNS found no error or missing documents.

Does one need to submit again these documents to CGFNS/ICHP for the visascreen or ICHP will just use the same "evaluated" documents from CGFNS?

ICHP does ask in the application form if you aplied for a previous service from CGFNS and asks for your CGFNS #. :)

Maybe you can ask your nursing school about this. Particularly the one who actually handles this things. The "registrar" doesn't always handle these things and mostly just provide the transcripts and validate it. Just remember that your not the first "2nd courser" they handled. Ask what they did for the previous batches, particularly MD-RNs. They must have a lot of experience gained from the previous batches that came before you.

My point is you're going there and ask them to send it anyway... you might as well ask their advise, opinion and experiences. Don't intimidate them just because your MDs. They usually get intimidated and just follow what you want eventhough they know its not needed. It's your money anyway.

They know MORE about these tyhings than you do.

If he/she is not very knowledgable of the ins and outs or if you have your doubts, just follow Suzanne's advise and you won't go wrong.

My friends are a bit confused regarding the requirements for visa screen. They taught that they wont need to re-submit their transcripts since they already applied for CGFNS and on their aplication form for visa screen they indicated their CG#. They were rostered to take the exam this November so they scheduled their english exam afterwards. They were about to submit their application when they read in another nursing forum that they need to submit their transcripts from their premed and medicine even if they are incorporated in their nursing transcript and not only that they need to have their physician license validated for visa screen. Do they need to provide ICHP their premed and medicine transcripts and validation of their license as a physician? They were thinking of cancelling their english exam and just take it in the US since they received their ATT already.:uhoh21:

My friends are a bit confused regarding the requirements for visa screen. They taught that they wont need to re-submit their transcripts since they already applied for CGFNS and on their aplication form for visa screen they indicated their CG#. They were rostered to take the exam this November so they scheduled their english exam afterwards. They were about to submit their application when they read in another nursing forum that they need to submit their transcripts from their premed and medicine even if they are incorporated in their nursing transcript and not only that they need to have their physician license validated for visa screen. Do they need to provide ICHP their premed and medicine transcripts and validation of their license as a physician? They were thinking of cancelling their english exam and just take it in the US since they received their ATT already.:uhoh21:

Just follow what Suzanne says to be sure. I think there's no harm if you re-submit it anyway. just extra dough. ASK your nursing school if you need to re-submit it. ASK what they did for the previous batches. They must have known all the ins and outs and the do's and dont's by now. just my two cents. :)

Just follow what Suzanne says to be sure. I think there's no harm if you re-submit it anyway. just extra dough. ASK your nursing school if you need to re-submit it. ASK what they did for the previous batches. They must have known all the ins and outs and the do's and dont's by now. just my two cents. :)

Thanks. I'll just tell my friends to ask our school about it. :)

Hi philrn!

I went thru the same thing your friends did. ICHP will waive the transcript requirement from their med and pre med schools as well as the license validation of their physicians license from PRC. But I submitted mine to ICHP anyway, just to be sure. No harm in doing that. :)

Hi philrn!

I went thru the same thing your friends did. ICHP will waive the transcript requirement from their med and pre med schools as well as the license validation of their physicians license from PRC. But I submitted mine to ICHP anyway, just to be sure. No harm in doing that. :)

Thanks. I'll let my friends know what you said. How many months did you wait for your visa screen certificate?:)

Thanks. I'll let my friends know what you said. How many months did you wait for your visa screen certificate?:)

You're welcome! :)

I am still in the process of passing my English exam. :o

Specializes in Medical-Surgical.
..i have a 5 pages of my transcript of nursing incorporated with my first about the licensing agency? i'm going to ask them to mail 2 validations, one for nursing and the other for med-tech, right?

You only need to submit your nsg license.

Specializes in Medical-Surgical.
Thanks. I'll let my friends know what you said. How many months did you wait for your visa screen certificate?:)

In my case, I waited nearly two months. My sister only wait 2 weeks.

In my case, I waited nearly two months. My sister only wait 2 weeks.

Thanks. I'll be applying (fees and transcripts) for the visa screen this November and I'll be taking the english exam this December. Hope I can get my visa screen certificate after passing these exams. I just received my eligibility letter for CA BON. I was given a year to schedule my exam.:)

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