how to verify your license


so this is my second time taking my test so idk if im doing this wrong or right . the first time my test stopped at 85 , did the pvt trick took my money found out i failed horribly but i know what i did wrong .. studied , fixed my mistakes & took the test again. this time my test ended with all 205 questions . did the pvt trick again & it took my money. but when i go to to verify a license , when i created an account put in my snn , name & birthdate .. it states " good news we found your information. please confirm your license/registration/certificate credentials . below is your current applicate , you will see the type of license you are currently trying to persue listed below " and then below it is has a number and then below that number it has my name then below that it says license/registration number . & below that it says click to confirm this is my license/registration . Does this mean i passed my nclex this time or this doesnt mean anything ? I didnt try to verify my license the first time i took my test so i wouldnt know if the bvnpt does this all the time or if u didnt pass it would say error we couldnt find you or something ? Please help i live in CA & i have to wait a whole MONTH for results , im stressed out .

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Usually if money is taken you failed but did you wait the full 24 hours before trying PVT? At the end of the day only the BON can verify whether you have passed or failed and BVNPT usually do not issue a license until the fee has been paid

i dont think i waited 24 hours , i was so anxious to find out .

and then when my sister does it , it says no record found . i asked a friend who passed she said " yea , thats u girl ! u passed thats how i found mine . "

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

You won't be issued a license as an LVN until you pay the $150 licensing fee. Period.

You might be able to process the licensing fee online since Breeze is new for BVNPT. If you tried the PVT before 24hrs the result is significantly less reliable. Many have tried before 24 hours and then found a different result the next day. If you paid Pearson again you can't try the PVT any more

yea i just probably failed . my friend did it to see if itll say error or something because she didnt pass & it said the same thing " good news we found your info " .

I will never understand why people cannot wait even 24 hours. OP, just wait it out. I know it's hard, but it makes no sense to waste your money, especially if you have to take the test again. Find something to occupy your time. We have all been in your spot of wanting to know, but having to wait. Good luck either way.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
yea i just probably failed . my friend did it to see if itll say error or something because she didnt pass & it said the same thing " good news we found your info " .

It only found your application information. You won't get a license # if you passed until you pay $150

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