Published Apr 29, 2012
nicenurselpn, LPN
120 Posts
Nurses at my facility were just informed that starting on May 1st, we will no longer have the benefit of being off on opposite holidays. The DON has put into effect that nurses only (not the CNAS) will only have 2 holidays off a year............
I am pretty sure the mass exodus will be taking place shortly.......
Do not get me wrong, I am grateful to have a job in this economy, but this seems a little extreme. I plan on writing a nice little email, and explain if they expect the floor nurses to abide by this, then it is only fair that management should be expected to work every single holiday too. (When pigs fly!!)
Lynx25, LPN
331 Posts
Only Christmas and Thanksgiving are 'holidays' here. Nurses are supposed to work either one or the other- but so many of them cry "Oh but I have KIIIIIDSSSSS! I'm a special little snowflake that deserves ALL the days off!!!" I ended up working two weeks straight at Christmas, and a week of doubles around Thanksgiving.
It's alright though... you may have to work holidays, but then you have the option of taking more days off throughout the year.
Working holidays just comes with the job, I think. It doesn't bother me too much- I just "move" Christmas to the day I'd like it to be.
I guess it wouldn't be so bad if management would have to follow this mandate. They sit in their offices and make these decisions with no thought what so ever to their staff. They also have started to deny nurses switiching days with other nurses as well. I am so glad that I was off this past Christmas, as it was my first grandchilds first Christmas and got to spend the day with him!
Ruas61, BSN, RN
1,368 Posts
Wow, what a croack. It feels like this world is going back more and more to a indentured slave state.
1,341 Posts
Management has learned that jobs are hard to come by and they will get more and more cavelier in their ways of doing business.
The best thing to do is speak with your feet providing you can find a different job.
The other choice is to unionize, or become very familiar with policy and then make very good use of ALL of your sick time.
Take all of your breaks/lunches....
Hold their feet to the fire....
The wage and hour board is your friend.
Management has learned that jobs are hard to come by and they will get more and more cavelier in their ways of doing business.The best thing to do is speak with your feet providing you can find a different job.The other choice is to unionize, or become very familiar with policy and then make very good use of ALL of your sick time.Take all of your breaks/lunches....Hold their feet to the fire....The wage and hour board is your friend.
None of us floor nurses actually get to take our 30 minute breaks (which are deducted from us) due to there is no one to cover our units while we have our lunch or dinner breaks. I usually gulp my food down on the unit, while being interupted by the phone, families, or other staff members. I have gotten used to eating cold food.
I have considered calling the labor board and making an anomyous complaint of the nurses being unable to leave the building for an uninterupted dinner/lunch break.
I have been actively job searching and have polished up my resume. But due to being the primary wage earner in my household and the person who has the health insurance to cover my family, I will stay until something better comes along, and just keep smiling and breathing!
Call the labor board but do not do so anomously.
Stand proud, give your name. Then if the discipline you for reporting them you have an open and shut case in court.
I understan though about having to provide for your family.
So yes, sometimes we must suck things up in this world......
1,078 Posts
Ha! I feel like its the opposite in my area...all of the green inexperienced young mothers are stuck full time and working holidays. All of the experienced RNs go PRN, part time or contract and would NEVER be seen working holidays or weekends. Once enough of them "defect", the management starts instituting new rules for PRN folks and weekends and they moan and complain about holidays/weekends being "for new grads" and how "they just CANT do it anymore." They say, "DO you know how long they have been doing this? Ugh...I just WONT do a saturday.
As for op, its almost comically funny to think of the exodus. No offense. I know its not funny to you. I just literally laughed when I saw the expectation. How long till they are complaining to congress they need to import RNs from foreign countries again?
Only Christmas and Thanksgiving are 'holidays' here. Nurses are supposed to work either one or the other- but so many of them cry "Oh but I have KIIIIIDSSSSS! I'm a special little snowflake that deserves ALL the days off!!!" I ended up working two weeks straight at Christmas, and a week of doubles around Thanksgiving. .
I really don't mind working holidays, I am used to it. But, it was nice to know that if I had worked Christmas this past year, that next year I would have that holiday off. From what I understand, management will decree which 2 holidays the nurses only will have off. It is kinda comical in a way, because when I was working Christmas eve, we were not short on nurses, however we were critically short on CNAS. I was on the phone begging CNAS to come into work and bribing them with dinner paid for by the nurses! However, it is only nurses that will have to do this.
If we do not stand up, conditions are going to get worse, and worse, and worse.........
We must be unified.
brillohead, ADN, RN
1,781 Posts
I guess I would have to ask The Powers That Be if there was something wrong with the previous system... if it's not broken, why did they feel the need to fix it?