Vapotherm pulled by CDC???


According to our attending, there has been some sort of bacteria found in certain filters for Vapotherm, so the units have been pulled.

Has anyone else heard about this?? We were just starting to take off with using it!

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.
Specializes in NICU.

I hope they fix everything soon. I love Vapotherm, it's amazing!

The Fisher Prikel (sp?) version of it is very very similar, but the tubing is not nearly as long and flexible plus there aren't back-up alarms if it gets disconnected. Our babies seem to be having more apnea on it, too. When I listen to their chests, the airflow doesn't seem as strong as Vapotherm at the same pressure.

Still beats CPAP though!

I just heard about this recently as well. I hope the problem gets resolved quickly because Vapotherm is a wonderful device and so much better for the babies and for the nurses as well :)

Specializes in NICU, Med/Surg.


We have just tried Vapotherm for a few months and we loved it. Now we are not allowed to use it because there has been a few cases in us where the pressure has gone up so high that the babies eardrums actually broke!

There is no pressure valve protection to keep it from going off to high! :o

We are hoping the company can fix that so we can use it again....


I was told our vapotherms were pulled by the company,(not CDC) because they have 'discovered' there is no way to properly sterilize/clean them.

Our RT Manager told us that they were being pulled because of the growth of Staph and studies have shown they cause NEC. Not sure about the last one, maybe the amount of air in the belly?? I hope they get the problems ironed out, we like it too.

Our RT Manager told us that they were being pulled because of the growth of Staph and studies have shown they cause NEC. Not sure about the last one, maybe the amount of air in the belly?? I hope they get the problems ironed out, we like it too.

Oddly enough we saw an increase in NEC after we stopped using it because we would put kids on NIMV instead.

Specializes in NICU.
Our RT Manager told us that they were being pulled because of the growth of Staph and studies have shown they cause NEC. Not sure about the last one, maybe the amount of air in the belly?? I hope they get the problems ironed out, we like it too.

We had a lot of babies' bellies blowing up when we first started using it. You always have to have an NG or OG open to gravity at all times to vent the stomach. We usually put them on their tummies, too, and between that and the NG/OG open to gravity, we stopped having problems with big bellies. Even if the baby is taking all feedings PO, you still need to drop a tube for decompression.

Over the past year, since we've been exclusively using Vapotherm instead of CPAP, we've noticed a drop in acuity on our unit. The babies are just plain old doing better. Smaller and smaller babies are tolerating early extubation, and larger preemies are doing wonderful when given Curosurf and immediately pulling the ET and starting Vapotherm. We've never had this level of success with CPAP. The amount of infections, both NEC and staph, hasn't seemed to change.

The Fisher Prikel (sp?) that we are using now is pretty comparable. I still like Vapotherm better because it has back-up alarms. I suppose if Vapotherm never figures it out, at least we have something. Now, if the FP gets recalled, we're going to go bananas!!!!

Dawngloves I've been trying to PM you, but your box is full. Thanks!

Specializes in NICU, ICU,.

based on the letter we received from vapotherm," several hospitals, reported to cdc and fda, have indicated that some vapotherm devices are colonized by ralstonia spp. the source of contamination is not known, but testing is ongoing. we are therefore recommending that all vapotherm devices be removed from operation as soon as clinically and reasonably possbile..."

our unit has followed the recommendation and have discontinued use of vapotherm until futher notice :o . vapotherm is indeed a godsend! we miss the comfort it provided our babies as opposed to cpap. our unit was the first in the nation to send a baby home on vapotherm, (the story was posted on the vapotherm website).

i am currently researching for an alternative. thus far i have come across a product by smiths medical "aquinoox" which is also a high flow humidificaiton system. i have emailed smiths medical asking if this product has been approved for neonatal use, i have not yet received a response. i do plan on calling the company today and will keep everyone posted.


Specializes in Retired NICU.

Our Vapotherm was pulled a couple of weeks ago for the potential staph problem also. We had no problems with it in our NICU and used it a lot, it worked amazingly well, it was almost like a miracle treatment (surfactant comes to mind in the same category...) we certainly hope it will be back, NCPAP isn't nearly as effective or easy to manage in our experience!

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