Vanderbilt AG-ACNP program

Nursing Students NP Students


I have a question for anyone who might be able to help. I really really want to attend Vanderbilt's AG-ACNP program. My grades are great, I have 6 years experience in an ICU, I'm certified, I have great references, i'm a member of Sigma Theta Tau, I've studied abroad. My question is this...I did not do well on my GRE. I did not make the minimum score on a section. Will my application even be considered? If I need to, I'll take it again but there is no way to have new scores by the Dec. 1st deadline. Any info. would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Ugh is right. I'm reallllly over this whole waiting thing. It's time to know.

I've been stalking another blog and found out that, besides letters, they will update your application portal with decisions as well.

Hi all. I applied to back in November too. I'm a prespecialty (non-nurse) application for AGPC. This wait has been so awful! Luckily though we should all be receiving letters by the end of the week, so the anxiety over not knowing should come to an end soon :)

I just called the SON. They said they haven't made decisions yet. I guess it wasn't a no. Anyone else hear anything? I'M GOING CRAZY!!!

I also called and they said the same thing. I've been following another pre-specialty blog and it seems that the other specialties are finding out if they are waitlisted or accepted. This wait is torture!

Saving the best for last I guess!!!

I hear other direct entries haven't found out yet. I guess they're doing pre-specialties first.

Anyone get any news today?!?

No, but I am waiting very anxiously! I haven't gone to the orientation and plan on going Saturday (even if I've found out that I didn't get in). Since I live in Nashville and I want to do Adult Acute, Vanderbilt is my only option so I may end up waiting another year if I don't get in this go round. Maybe today will be the day :up:. Post here if you get any news jackpp.

Soooo....has anyone had the guts to call today?!? This week has been dreadful!!! I imagine everyone at sitting around a room laughing at our misery!!! Oh the power they possess!!

I just checked my mail and no luck yet.

I would call but I'm working :(. I am about ready to bite the bullet though.

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