Valencia College Nursing Fall 2015


Hi everyone!

I received my acceptance letter to Valencia's Nursing Program for Fall 2015! I haven't been able to find anyone else for this semester, so I figured I'd start a new thread!

Orientation is July 17th, and I guess we'll find out everything needed at that time, but does anyone have an idea what else we can do to prepare until then?

I'm so excited, I cannot wait! It seems like it's taken forever to get here (going to RN school), but now it seems like it went by in the blink of an eye.

Thanks in advance & good luck future nurses!


I'm currently in the program and its very challenging but doable. Make sure to study/read assigned chapters everyday and brush up on your dosages! Make use of the lab tutors for help specially for check off skills (they're awesome)! Take Fundamentals very seriously coz that's where most students resequence! Good luck everyone!

Don't forget about the Facebook page for the 2015 Fall VCC students! Go LIKE it!

For the current students, I have a question. Is the Calculating Dosages Safely book REALLY required? I've heard from a couple people it's not really needed, but I just wanna make sure. I don't like buying books I won't use (tight on money right now) and I'm confident in my math and conversions.

If you are 100% sure of your conversions skills, then maybe do some practices online, and the practices offered through the Nursing ATLAS wesbite, and then give it a go. But I have to admit, the book is very helpful... I'd be safe than sorry. and if you have financial aid, they would cover books.

Here's to hoping someone sees this before tomorrow...

Anyone know when/where we get our shirts (for those that ordered them) and our name tags?

Name tags were to be preordered from the bookstore. And t-shirts were to be ordered from the student nurse association

Gotcha, but when will we actually get them? I ordered from the bookstore and VNSA, but I haven't seen any info on when we can pick them up.

Gotcha, but when will we actually get them? I ordered from the bookstore and VNSA, but I haven't seen any info on when we can pick them up.

The bookstore said to return to store the first week of classes and see if they've come in, you were supposed to keep your receipt.. And the polos they said would be given to us the first week of class also.

The bookstore said to return to store the first week of classes and see if they've come in, you were supposed to keep your receipt.. And the polos they said would be given to us the first week of class also.

Oh no! I'm not sure what I did with my receipt for the name tags (definitely still have the lab kit one, that's for sure). As for the polos, I guess. I just want to make sure I have my community uniform ready for lab on Thursday.

I picked up my name tag last week so it should be ready and I didn't have my receipt they asked for my ID ... See u guys tomorrow :)

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