Valencia College Nursing Fall 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone!

I received my acceptance letter to Valencia's Nursing Program for Fall 2015! I haven't been able to find anyone else for this semester, so I figured I'd start a new thread!

Orientation is July 17th, and I guess we'll find out everything needed at that time, but does anyone have an idea what else we can do to prepare until then?

I'm so excited, I cannot wait! It seems like it's taken forever to get here (going to RN school), but now it seems like it went by in the blink of an eye.

Thanks in advance & good luck future nurses!


what is the edition of the Fudamentals of Success book ?

Specializes in ER, ICU, CCT-RN, Educator/Peds Clinical.

I was also accepted for fall! I got a little ahead of myself and got the shoes, uniforms, stethoscope and I also went on the bookstore website and started buying the books that are required. I found the dosages and calculations books at barnes and noble for $2! So far my friends that are in the program recommend the davis book for success. I take the CPR/BLS class this Saturday (it's from 9-5 :no: ) Only 43 days left till orientation!

I applied to the traditional May 18th and have not received my acceptance letter. Did any of you apply near or after that date? I am just wondering where they are on the cut off. Of course, they won't tell you if you email.

I applied to the traditional May 18th and have not received my acceptance letter. Did any of you apply near or after that date? I am just wondering where they are on the cut off. Of course, they won't tell you if you email.

I applied on May 7 and they sent me the email on June 18 so they took a little bit to answer I was going crazy lol good luck hopefully u get it soon!

@ lauash: I TOTALLY got ahead of myself, and bought practically everything. I only need the VCC polo shirt, and the lab kit... I hope I'm not regretting it later if I got some wrong ones!

can you please can me the list of the books for Valencia nursing because I have no idea about the books we will need yet

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Your thread has been moved to the Nursing Schools and Colleges forum where the other school specific discussions are. We hope you will receive additional responses in this new location.

Have they announced the approximate date of which the fall program will start? I applied at the start of June and I know that they start somewhere in August.

from what I see in their site class is begin August the 31st.

Congratulations to all of you for your acceptance. I'll be at orientation with the SNA & I can't wait to meet all of you on Friday! You've made an excellent choice! In the meantime, please let me know if there's anything I can answer for you. Otherwise, I'll see you on Friday.

So, today was the big day. Welcome.

I would not get the dosage book. I never used mine. It is very, very basic math in that book. In nursing !, they will have a Dosage Boot camp where they will teach you what you need to know. So save your money.

Also, you are told to get the Davis Drug guide. Barely touched it in Nursing one, could have shared a copy, or goggled what info I needed. In Nursing 2, we have to research alot of meds. The book is written really small print that is hard for me to read, so I would look it up online anyway. THEN we are told they hate Davis and rather we used our Pharm book to look up meds. Sooooo....

I am sure they told you what chapters to start on. If not, Chapte4rs 31, 33, 29, 30, 32, 44, 9, 15, 26, 10, 36 are some that might be on your first test. Yes, all of those. Mine were in that order. This term might be different.

Alot to read? Yes. How to study? Read the chapter, focus on the stuff in colored blocks to 'memorize". IF you feel the need to memorize. Testing is different then any sort of test you have ever had. They are logic questions. What would you do first, etc? So the best thing is to actually read the chapters. You are taking in more then you realize. You do not have time to memorize every detail or to keep re reading the chapters. Look at that list of chapters.. NO TIME.

Nclex 3600. Free, online. It has practice questions and rationales. That is how you study and learn nursing. You can pick and chose your topics. You will be doing Fundamentals, of course. Pick from there. Go check out how the questions are set up and practice doing those sorts of questions. READ the rationale. That is how you learn. Do these, and you will have a clue to how you will be tested. And you will know how you need to study. You will not be asked to memorize and repeat lists, etc. You will be given situations and asked what should YOU do.

I know you will feel like you are not doing enough to get ready. But seriously, just read the chapter once, and go on to the next one. Do it when your paying attention, not when your bored tired.

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