Vaccine Hesitancy

According to a recent Pew Research Report, 39% of people questioned “definitely or probably would not get a coronavirus vaccine,” and only 37% are comfortable enough to be first in line to get the vaccine. Everyone has to make their own personal decision and that decision is based on facts, but also on emotions, worldviews, and values. Nurses General Nursing Article


What’s behind the reluctance to take the Covid-19 vaccine? Anti-vaccination sentiment is nothing new. There are many reasons, including fringe conspiracies. The surrealness of our lives in 2020, a lack of hard information, skepticism and social media all gave rise to waves of conspiracies. 

One such conspiracy claims the vaccine contains microchips designed to alter our DNA and track our whereabouts. It even implicated Bill Gates in the narrative. But conspiracists and Covid-deniers are a small minority, as are ardent anti-vaxxers such as those who believe childhood vaccinations cause autism.

But now there’s a new group, who are neither conspiracists nor anti-vaxxers. To some, it’s a paradox that this group includes healthcare workers.

Anti-Covid-19 vaxxers

“I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but…”

The new group is anti-Covid-19 vaxxers. 

Reasons for Reluctance

It feels scary to inject an unknown substance into our bodies. Proponents are saying it’s safe now, but it’s understandable to worry about what’s as yet unknown.

Fear of adverse effects 

Some are not sure how the vaccine may affect their future fertility. Some say they do not want to be guinea pigs but might feel more comfortable in a few months after watching others and with real-world proof. Some believe the vaccine could cause future disease. It’s important for reporting agencies to be transparent about side effects.


One fear, that of being injected with the virus, is based on the understanding that most vaccines contain a version of the same germ or virus that causes the disease. But messenger RNA is not a germ or virus. mRNA teaches our cells to produce an immune response (antibodies).

Lack of information

Some who have been infected already believe it’s not needed because they have antibody protection. It’s not yet known how long antibody protection lasts. Can you be infected more than once? Cases have been recorded.

Novelty and rapid research and development 

Since vaccines typically take years, even decades, to develop, many are concerned at how fast the vaccines were rolled out and do not trust the accelerated process. Was safety compromised? Scientists say no. Researchers leveraged previous vaccine research and had newer technology as well as a lack of financial barriers.

Cultural mistrust of healthcare authorities

Mistrust in Latino and Black communities exists due to historic medical racism. Black males were lied to in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study for over 40 yrs, going back to 1932. 

According to a Pew Research Report here's the breakdown by race of who would definitely or probably get vaccinated:

  • 83% English-speaking Asian Americans 
  • 63% of Hispanic 
  • 61% of White adults. 
  • 42% of Black Americans 

The numbers speak volumes.

Herd immunity: What is it? 

Herd immunity is when a large percent of a population becomes immune to a disease, reducing the chance of person-to-person transmission by reducing the available hosts.

The more contagious a disease is, the more people in the community need immunity. Measles is one of the most contagious diseases, and according to the Mayo Clinic, 94% of the population must be immune, which is the threshold for measles. Polio, smallpox and diphtheria have been contained by herd immunity.

Originally the WHO said 60-70% but Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has recently said herd immunity could take up to 85% vaccine coverage

If entire communities of people refuse the vaccine then theoretically they are susceptible to the disease spreading quickly.  It could predict future hotspots of an outbreak.

However, it has not been proven that the vaccine prevents transmission. It’s possible that immunized people can catch the virus, not become sick, but still pass it on to others.


Nurse Responsibility

What is important is that we as clinicians stay informed on the latest vaccine data. Our words and actions carry weight with others. Be a source of credible information, and articulate your point of view.

I am receiving my second dose in days, and it’s a personal risk/benefit decision. I am over 65, work in a hospital, and there’s a good chance I could get very, very sick if infected. 

Be Safe

Finally, be safe. I can’t recall the source, but somewhere in Europe, maybe France, a leader said “pretend you have the virus and act accordingly”  If everyone did that, we could reduce transmission by distancing and masking.

Are you planning to get vaccinated and why or why not?

Best wishes and stay healthy,

Nurse Beth

Author, "First-Year Nurse",  the ultimate insider's guide to helping new nurses succeed while avoiding first-year pitfalls.


Herd immunity and COVID-19 (coronavirus): What you need to know. nd. Retrieved January 10 2021.

Funk, Cary. Tyson, Alec.  2020. Intent to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine Rises to 60% as Confidence in Research and Development Process Increases. Retrieved January 10, 2021.

McNeil Jr., Donald. How Much Herd Immunity Is Enough? 2020. Retrieved January 10, 2021.

The Tuskegee Timeline. Reviewed 2020. Retrieved January 10 2021.

Doshi, Peter. Will Covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us. 2020. Retrieved January 13, 2020.

1 hour ago, aanwyn said:

I’m good with difference of opinion. Im not good with rudeness, so I’ll end the conversation with you here. All the best.

Who’s being rude? I asked you how you felt about other similar situations. I’m legit trying to gauge if it’s just the vaccine stuff that’s bugging you. 

40 minutes ago, DallasRN said:

Totally agree, Jedrnurse. What others do in terms of vaccines, voting, etc. is on them. Not me. I make my own educated decisions and hope others do the same whether they differ from mine or not


That’s what I was saying but apparently I’m being rude. ?

1 hour ago, Jedrnurse said:

Can you expand on that a bit?

For my part, I don't see how seeing somebody wearing the sticker will induce guilt, unless it is bringing guilt that is already there to the fore...

Yep, also what I was saying. 

Specializes in school nurse.
On 1/24/2021 at 1:37 PM, Wuzzie said:

That’s what I was saying but apparently I’m being rude.

Bad nurse! No soup for you!

Specializes in Community Health, Med/Surg, ICU Stepdown.
22 hours ago, JVBT said:

I didn't think I'd be first in line, but strangely enough, I was, and recently got the second dose. I do trust the government. I like the government and I thank the government for developing the vaccine, shipping the vaccine, and all the other work they put getting it to our countrymen and women who have suffered a lot. Sometimes I think if people put as much thought into and hesitancy about what they put into their mouths on the daily as they do into vaccines, we would be a far far healthier country.

I haven't liked or trusted the government for the past 4 years, but I agree I've probably put things a lot more dangerous than the vaccine in my body in terms of junk food =( but I do agree those of us getting the first doses are sort of part of the clinical trials. Not as much so as those who took the vaccines that were still in development and not proven effective and no research on side effects (THEY were the research!). I appreciate them because I wouldn't really want to be experimented on! I get my second dose soon so I'll let everyone know if I turn into a lizard (one concern I saw on Youtube LOL)

Specializes in Community Health, Med/Surg, ICU Stepdown.

Something to add... my wife who is black said she was initially concerned that it would be another experiment on black people, but after seeing how it's been offered to wealthier (and whiter) communities first actually ENCOURAGED her to get it. Never thought of it that way. She said if it's something good it's offered to the privileged first, and if it needs to be experimented on people it will be offered to poor people and people of color first... since they're having trouble getting access to it and it's something a lot of wealthier and educated people want, it must be OK. wow... 

Specializes in ICU/ER/Med-Surg/Case Management/Manageme.
22 minutes ago, Wuzzie said:

That’s what I was saying but apparently I’m being rude. ?

Yep, also what I was saying. 

? It's all I the delivery, Wuzzie.  That said, I'm often the one who says "good morning" and the person swings around and says "what's your problem?!?" ?

On 1/20/2021 at 8:45 PM, aanwyn said:

Pfizer’s & Moderna’s mRNA vaccines were tested in approx 78k people collectively (with only approx half of that receiving the vaccine). That is 0.0002% of the US pop. (using 2019 #s). In the world of science this says “the results seem promising but further research is needed before extrapolating findings as safe for worldwide human use.” I’m not willing to be part of a clinical trial & that is exactly what recipients are.

If you divide your population by 78,000 the result is 2.37 x 10^-4. That’s the same as 0.000237 but it’s not the same as 0.0002%. It’s 0.02%. Still, I agree that it is a tiny part of the total population. 

What do you know about statistical power? There is nothing unusual about the size of the phase 3 trials for these vaccines, if anything they were actually quite large. How big do you think that the trials were that preceded the approvals of many of the medications that you give to your patients on a daily basis? You might be surprised by the relatively small size of them. (Any clinical trial will sound tiny if you compare it to the entire population and in this case you might as well divide your 78,000 with the global population since the vaccine trials took place in several countries and are now being distributed worldwide).

Personally I didn’t hesitate to take the vaccine when it was offered. When weighing the known risks of a Covid-19 infection and the significant effect that this pandemic has had on our lives against a possible but very rare vaccine side effect, it wasn’t a difficult decision. Driving a car is likely a significantly bigger risk and my parachuting hobby definitely is.

30 minutes ago, DallasRN said:

It's all I the delivery, Wuzzie. 

Nah, I’ve found that when I deliver something contrary to what the hearer believes or wants to hear or if it challenges them in any way no matter how minor its often pegged as “rude” because they don’t like what they’re hearing.  Personally I find it rude to make assumptions about someone’s intent without asking for clarification first, especially in forums. ?

Specializes in school nurse.
13 minutes ago, macawake said:

it wasn’t a difficult decision. Driving a car is likely a significantly bigger risk and my parachuting hobby definitely is.

...and parachuting in a car even more so. ?

On 1/19/2021 at 8:53 AM, Nurse Beth said:

The surrealness of our lives in 2020, a lack of hard information, skepticism and social media all gave rise to waves of conspiracies. 

These same elements (and more) have also given rise to legitimate concern unrelated to conspiracies.

Random thoughts:

In order to talk about this with others in the community, it's important to ask about their concerns and to not assume that they are the likes who are concerned about being implanted with microchips.


With regard to the stickers, I do think there's a big difference between one that says, "I got my Covid-19 shot!" (or some more catchy version), and "I did my part." The former doesn't make a moral statement about others, and IMO the latter does. The opposite of the former is that someone else "didn't get the shot" but the opposite of the latter is that someone else "didn't do [their] part"--which is a whole different ball of wax.

Plus, there are many people who want to "do [their] part" and are on every list they can get on to get the shot ASAP, and they're just waiting for organization and vaccine supply. Are they doing their part? Maybe they should wear a sticker that says, "I'd like to do my part but I'm in line behind you jerks wearing the stickers!"

I don't really give a rip if people want to wear stickers about how they did their part, but I secretly feel they are acting like a$$es.


For the record, I got the shot and am thankful for the opportunity.

On 1/20/2021 at 12:08 PM, yadda_yadda_yadda said:

Most educated people (nurses or not) are opting out because this is NOT a vaccine, in the sense that we know vaccines to be...

Can you provide a source which supports your claim that most educated people are opting out? Because I’ll post a link that appears to indicate the opposite.

It seems that people with a postgraduate degree are most likely to take get the vaccine, followed by college graduates. The survey indicates that those least likely to take the vaccine are individuals with high school or less or some college education. 

Completely anecdotal, but on my unit 97% have now received their first vaccine dose ? (vaccination is voluntary).  My unit only has nurses and physicians employed. 

On 1/20/2021 at 12:08 PM, yadda_yadda_yadda said:

It is a Phase 1a product...this is a CLINICAL TRIAL.

No way would I allow a Phase 1a drug to be introduced into my system.

The vaccines that have been granted EUA’s are not Phase 1a. If you’ve actually been involved in pharmaceutical research you should darn well know that your statement is incorrect. 

They have gone through phase 3 trials and the results have been reviewed and have met the criteria for emergency use authorization. 1a is an initial safety phase that involves a very small number of people.

On 1/24/2021 at 2:44 PM, Jedrnurse said:

...and parachuting in a car even more so. ?

I try very hard to not do that  ?

5 minutes ago, JKL33 said:

With regard to the stickers, I do think there's a big difference between one that says, "I got my Covid-19 shot!" (or some more catchy version), and "I did my part." 

Yeah, that’s why I asked if it was the specific wording or the stickers in general. 

5 minutes ago, JKL33 said:

In order to talk about this with others in the community, it's important to ask about their concerns and to not assume that they are the likes who are concerned about being implanted with microchips.

Especially since we are voluntarily on our person literally everywhere we go carrying a very big and very expensive micro-chip.