Published Jan 14, 2012
12 Posts
I have been a nurse for about 2 years, and I have been at the VA for 6 months. My floor has a high turnover rate. So much so, that I am being trained for charge. I want to post out, but I hear I have to wait two years. I did not sign a recruitment bonus, so is this really the case? If so, what about other federal entities, when claiming federal status, I know you have to have 52 weeks continuous service, but can the agency that is losing me block my transfer?
38,333 Posts
I would go to the human resources department and ask.
Not really an option since they literally do not know anything. I've asked them plaenty of questions since I've sent my application package, and I can honestly say they are useless
1,002 Posts
I'm in the process of hopefully getting hired by the VA - my last step - VETPRO - I completed last week so I have no idea how long from here..I've been told 2 wks up to 9 months...this is by far the most stressful application process I've been in because there isn't a time frame and like you, no real contact for me in HR..anyway...when HR first contacted me to continue the process I was told a new hire is on probation for 2 years - seems like a long time to me but...nothing was said about not being able to transfer/apply for other jobs. Since no one can seem to answer your question in HR - would you be able to ask your manager/director? Another employee? If not, maybe just go ahead and apply for whatever position you want - you'd get an answer then I guess.
jeckrn, BSN, RN
1,868 Posts
There is no "transfer" to another federal agency or even to another VA for that matter. You must apply like anyone else and if the rules state you have to have 52 weeks before you can claim federal status then you have to have 52 weeks. Be careful on what you do since you are on a 2 year probation period and you can be let go from the VA if they feel you will not be a "good fit" even if you are a member of the union. You need to speak with HR to see how look you need be at your current position before you can transfer. If this is the floor that most new hires go to there will be a fair amount of turnover. Going to work for the VA takes time to adjust and a large amount of people have a hard time with it and end up leaving the VA. I really enjoyed my time at the VA, only left to go back on active duty in the military.
When you accept a position at the VA you have committed yourself for a period of time to that unit. This varies by VA and if you are a new hire or if it is a interfacility transfer.
Maybe I have perceived a tone with your response when perhaps there was not a tone. My floor is one of the most unprofessional places I have ever known, and it has nothing to do with it being the VA. It has to do with the caliber of people working on this floor. 6 of us were hired within 2 orientation groups of one another. 5 of this group feel the same way. Its not just me not fitting in. I actually like the work I do, and the patients like me. And usually at the end of a rather trying day, one of them always thanks me for being a good nurse, and that helps... a little. I have to stick it out until September, because of my lease. My reason for posting here was to see if anyone had ever heard of not being able to "apply" for other positions for two years. A year I find reasonable, 2 is ridiculous especially when I never signed a recruitment bonus, and I have refrained from putting my student loans into the forgiveness pot, because my position was eligible for that. That should be a clue that it isn't even worth 24k to stick around.
So let me reword my original question: does a va new hire have to wait out their probation period of 2 years to apply to other positions? If so will the va block a transfer to another federal entity is I apply and get a job offer?
And as far as the union is concerned, they are the problem, when they fight to keep the jobs of people who steal equipment, oh let's say a hoyer lift (true story) and they fight to keep the lazies from getting scolded, then I will refuse to contribute any money to their cause. If I am a good nurse, who makes a mistake, and gets fired, so be it. I don't need or want the unions help.
Maybe I have perceived a tone with your response when perhaps there was not a tone. My floor is one of the most unprofessional places I have ever known, and it has nothing to do with it being the VA. It has to do with the caliber of people working on this floor. 6 of us were hired within 2 orientation groups of one another. 5 of this group feel the same way. Its not just me not fitting in. I actually like the work I do, and the patients like me. And usually at the end of a rather trying day, one of them always thanks me for being a good nurse, and that helps... a little. I have to stick it out until September, because of my lease. My reason for posting here was to see if anyone had ever heard of not being able to "apply" for other positions for two years. A year I find reasonable, 2 is ridiculous especially when I never signed a recruitment bonus, and I have refrained from putting my student loans into the forgiveness pot, because my position was eligible for that. That should be a clue that it isn't even worth 24k to stick around. So let me reword my original question: does a va new hire have to wait out their probation period of 2 years to apply to other positions? If so will the va block a transfer to another federal entity is I apply and get a job offer?
I did not mean anything negative in my post. Just having worked at the VA one of the reasons for the turn over is adjusting to working there. As far as having to wait 2 years before you can apply to another position at the VA where you work at you need to ask HR to see how long you have to be on your unit before you can bid on a new position. As I also said, you do not transfer to another federal job you have to be hired into the position. Like any past or present employer they can make it difficult for you in getting your next job on how they answer questions about your work, even without saying anything negative. Can they block the transfer, I do not know, that is why you need to speak with HR.
Yes, 2 years is a long time for probation but where else do you start out with 8 hours of vacation, 4 hours of sick time for every 2 week pay period?
By your sentence about 24K & not worth sticking around sounds like you did not think that you would stay with the VA when you got hired. I am not saying that is what you were thinking but the comment looks that way is all.
I wWell actually, I asked about getting the ball rolling on the loan forgiveness while in orientation, and I was told I had to wait until I was officially boarded. That took a month. Thankfully. Because I was able to see exactly what I would be signing my time away for. And no, if I didn't intend to stay with the VA, I would have already quit, and I know I can't judge an institution by one floor, I would like to simply find another position.
238 Posts
Hi Ginnieann,
I know how u feel working on a unit u find unprofessional, but not the overall hospital. Just so u know many civilian hospitals are that way because they invest a ton of money in u during orientation so they don't want to make it easy for u to transfer, even tho most of us think once we get in its easy to move around, but thats only after we've pretty much given that unit the amount of work it cost to train you. I agree, 2 years is a loooooooooong time I worked @ a hospital where u couldn't transfer to another unit/ hospital until u had a year. I had two friends that applied to peds positions before their year was up & they had to get approval from their managers to even interview for the job. Lets just say management made it very difficult for them. They were not afraid to seek alternative options and in the end they ended up being able to transfer out, now they are in positions they absolutely LOVE. Do as jeckrn recommended, talk to HR. I'm sure you are not the 1st/ last to want off of a unit before your probationary period is over. But if your only option is to stay try to stick it out, idk how it is where u live, but RN's in the civilian sector are overworked and well underpaid & constantly putting their license @ risk.
I hope it all works out for you
2 Posts
Thank you for posting this. It is scary to ask around. People talk etc.. I don't recommend going to HR right away or saying negative things. I think there is a way to VENT. I feeeeel you on that. However. Can we get simple questions answered. Can I change VA or to DOD after 6 mo? My reasons are my own. I have been a nurse for 20yrs and feel....well that does not matter. I just need my question answered or considered before I go to HR or advertising my wondering. Lose lips sink ships. I love VA, etc. It is the city I live in is so crime infested. I know I am not safe here.
Darla Slevin
3 Posts
I would like to respond to this question because it is the first time I have been able to publicly share my VA experience since it all happened 3 years ago. It has taken that long to even feel safe to share it for fear of being found dead in an alley for being a whistleblower. I know my God has my back as He did then but the experience was very traumatic. It represented raw evil.
I was hired at the Birmingham, AL VA as a Maternity Care Coordinator with at the time 30 years experience as a nurse with half of that experience in Women’s Health. Everyone at the VA in Women’s Health was so excited to have me until a month into my employment I was “iced” by the leadership. Fast forward through orienting myself, 4 different managers(one who told me that I was being “iced”), after begging for a Performance Appraisal (PA), received a stellar PA at 14months, and now to 3 months before my 2 year probation was up. Up to this point I was ignored, threatened, and transitioned now a 4th manager, taken off committees on Woman’s Health, had no job description which was promised from day 1, joined the union because I felt threatened 2months into employment... loved my job taking care of women veterans. I wanted to leave but God kept telling me to stay and take care of the Veterans that fought for me.
So the current manager started writing me up for things that I did not do 3 months before my 2 year probation was up. No PIP was given and I refused to sign any document . I was then given another PA that said I was unsatisfactory in all areas of nursing and in my job. This PA immediately sent me straight to the VA Nurse Review Board . Was not even given time to prepare for rebuttal ( 14 days) which was supposed to be 30 days. My husband took 2weeks off from work to help me put the rebuttal together. I had a total of 10 letters from VA MD’s , PA’s , nurses, and even 3 women veterans that wrote letters on my behalf that attested to who I was as a a person and my nursing care. One of those letters went to at that time Senator Sessions office by a woman combat veteran that was infuriated by them releasing me as I would not be there for her second child and pregnancy for support. I had facts that refuted all their allegations. 200 pages worth!
I sat before the Nurse Review Board and they had my rebuttal in hand which looking back they probably were handed just before the meeting. I pleaded my case regardless before them . I also had to call my union rep, who was not even in the building, who told me the day before that she would be there for me at the Nurse Review Board which delayed the meeting until she arrived. They refused 3 woman Veterans to speak on my behalf . The Veterans has to sit out in the hallway. I did not feel safe and that any of this process was sound. I felt that not only was there false accusations but that all were in on it from leadership to HR to the Union. It was all so unjust and wrong . I felt like I was in a bad dream as I had never encountered anything like this in my career as a nurse.
The next day after the review as I was getting ready to leave I received an email from a former manager( not current manager) to come to the Directors of Primary Care’s office. I refused as I felt very unsafe . Within moments both this former manager and Director came barreling into my office demanding my security badge and keys to my office and told to clear my office, handed me a letter , and was told I would have a police escort out of the building. The letter said I was dismissed due to failing the Nurse Review Board in a small sentence stating the Director has the right to override the Review board which I feel was the plan all along.
Most of my colleagues at the VA were shocked to hear I was released as well as the Women Veterans that I served. Most of the staff was afraid to say anything due to fear of losing their jobs. Some of the staff sold their souls and lied to support the managers lies ... it was all such a travesty... all at the expense of the very ones that fought for our country.
I pray for the Veterans every day as well as for the souls that have been traded to join the dark side of the VA . I have learned a lot about our government , the lack of care for our nations heroes, and grew my faith in God in this whole experience.
Thank you for letting me share... don’t know if this will help or hurt. It was a chapter I closed up until now.