Published Feb 23, 2015
OUxPhys, BSN, RN
1,203 Posts
I am currently in clinicals here in Cleveland and a nurse told me they dont use narcotic meds or PCA pumps at the VA, is that true? I also heard that you dont get to do as much at the VA (like hang Heparin) as you would other hospitals.
I'm a vet and I think it would be cool to work at the VA but its like one big secret. I can't shadow or see a floor, all I can really do is take a tour of the Cleveland VAMC and that's about it.
Anyone with experience at a VA medical center that can help me paint a picture as to what its like working for the VA and what you did as a floor nurse would be greatly appreciated!
789 Posts
My experience at a VA is over 20 years ago so I cannot give you an accurate account of the recent happenings at VA Medical Centers.
I will say to think about your comment regarding narcotics. What would one use for post operative pain, cancer pain, chronic pain, etc., if there was absolutely no narcotic use within the institution?
There may be a nurse from the education department who would be willing to discuss VA nursing with you or possibly with your class.
I agree. After thinking about what they said it didn't really make a lot of sense. I can see them not overprescribing narcotic pain meds but not prescribing them at all doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
jeckrn, BSN, RN
1,868 Posts
It could be for the pain management program. When I worked at the VA people who were in the pain management program could not be prescribed narcotics unless it was thru the pain management program. If they used narcotics from any other source they were kicked out of the program. I gave lots of narcotics when needed.
How is their EMR? I know they created their own. At my school we actually had access to to it for training purposes (paid subscription through the school) and its terrible, although Im sure they have updated it considerably.
435 Posts
I'm at a va now but leaving soon. The emr is not hard to learn, its ok. They do prescribe narcotics...too many imo. It's a lot like any other hospital.
RN BSN 2014
How did you like your time there?
I have worked with 5 or 6 EMR's and would have to say it was the best one at the time. Yes, it had room for improvements but compared to some it was like driving a new Lexus vs a model T.
Anna S, RN
452 Posts
The VA prescribes narcs, heparin is given, just about like any other hospital as far as that goes. Each VA is different, and it really depends on your individual unit mgr whether or not the unit is a good place to work. In my experience, no expense is spared for the Vets.
One thing that is not good- the sick leave policy is very generous, so when I worked at the VA (just a couple years ago), PCTs called in sick frequently- we worked short on PCTs almost daily. Nurses almost never called off sick.
Yea I figured that would be a problem. I get to "tour" the Cleveland VA medical center on Friday. I didnt realize how hard it is to just ask to see what a floor is like.
1,413 Posts
At my training site, the VA is very adamant about not allowing a veteran to have both a benzodiazepine and an opiate or opioid. However, they mail out tons of crap.
1 Post
Hey! I work here now as an RN! I could ask my supervisor if you could shadow at some time.