Uw & Wsu Bsn Applicants 2009

U.S.A. Washington



I am a long time reader of the boards. I am applying to both UW and WSU (yakima campus) BSN program and am trying get feedback from past applicants on competitiveness of the matriculation process - tips on interviews or any other general information.

I look forward to your feedback!


Got my e-mail this morning! I'm so excited, and maybe a bit nervous too. Good luck everyone!

I got mine too :) Good luck!

What an exciting time for you guys. Good luck everyone! (from a senior UW nursing student)

Whew! Glad that's over! Now the wait begins! :S

I've been reading the posts for a little while. I'll be applying to UW for next year when I finally finish all of the required classes. Just wondering...What is the proctored essay like? What sorts of question(s) did they ask? Is there an interview or anything else too?

How did everyone do/like the essay from the other day? Any idea how many people showed up... seemed like.. hundreds!

I thought it was a bit brutal... but mostly because it was not anything I was prepared for. I left thinking, "well, there goes my chance of getting into UW."

Later though, I started feeling better about it, and I think that feeling of dread is just part of that feeling of being unprepared-- which of course is unavoidable, since we don't know what the question is until we get there!

They said there was 200 of us, so there WAS hundreds! Still, the odds are way better being one of 200 than one of 361!

Aaah, two months of waiting and speculating...

Yep, she said there were about 200 of us, and there are 96 slots... so I guess it's about 50/50. *shrug*

It was a tough question, I definitely had a deer in headlights moment at the beginning. I do hope that they aren't going to be too tough in terms of grammar and neatness and such, as it was a lot to think about and then turn around and write with only an hour to do it all! :p

They did say there's no wrong answer, and I stand by what I wrote, but I'm not sure how it will be received... there were soooo many different things to consider!

Good luck everyone!

Was it a scenario based question? Or more just like what is your opinion about an ethical or complex issue? I hope you all did well, I'm sure you did!

... perhaps I'm off - but I understood that 20-30 were already selected initially and that it was more like (96-20)/200 or (96-30)/200 which is like 33 to 38% assuming 20 to 30 were picked up already and 200 were present..

I've heard different numbers about how many they pick prior to the essay. I've heard anywhere from 10-30, depending on the pool of applicants. The tighter the spread, the fewer are picked right from the start.

Heh, as if it really matters what the actual percentage is... anyone who gets in is a total rock star. :) Let's be those rock stars!

But yes, you're correct. It is less than 50/50.

kittykitty10-- it was a scenario. But I can pretty much promise you that knowing that isn't going to help you prepare for the essay question. They change it every year, and it could pretty much be anything-- probably having to do with ethics, leadership, or just plain SENSE-- are you thinking like a nurse?

The best advice I can give you (not even knowing if I'm "in") is to make sure you're plenty calm before going in to write it, and read the question completely.

Then jot down a few key words that jump out at you, sketch out a quick outline, and make sure you use basic essay-writing skills. You'll want to have transitions, intros and summaries.

Seriously. That's the best preparation you can have. Everything else is just wild speculation, which is only going to get your head swimming and possibly make you freeze up when you get a question that is nothing like what you expected. I would stop even trying to figure out what kind of question it's going to be for that very reason.

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