Published Aug 31, 2015
43 Posts
Hello, All!
I figured I would start a new thread for people applying to the UVA CNL Program for 2016. I have to admit I'm pretty nervous about applying, and I really hope it all works out. I'm graduating from Virginia Tech this May with a degree in Psychology. I haven't completed all of my pre-reqs yet, but my gpa is decent, and I'm a nationally certified EMT. I'm nearly done with my application, but a little nervous that my references won't submit their letters in time :/ let me know how your process is going!
- Caroline
10 Articles; 19,050 Posts
Good luck connecting with UVA CNL applicants and students.
78 Posts
Hello! I'm applying to. Almost to the finish line! Fortunately I've had to have most of my materials ready for other applications already so this one is going pretty smoothly so far, but I haven't started ironing out my essays yet. Good luck to you!
Thank you! Good luck to you as well. I've submitted my application, and now I'm just waiting to make sure that everything else got in alright. I'm really urging my references to get their letters in at this point. I'm hopeful, but still nervous! I know how competitive this program is.
11 Posts
Hi, Carolid-
I'm applying too. I made myself stop editing my essays and just send them in already. And I too have one reference that hasn't been submitted! Talk about crunch time... I'm just staying on her, true panic time will be this weekend. Everything else is in though.
It's a long two months to decision, it will always be hanging there. I applied last year and didn't get in, pretty sure I blew it on the interview. But now we have a place to all hold on together. Good luck!
I'm so sorry for your fate last year. Hopefully this year will be different! It is, indeed, approaching crunch time and I will definitely be sending out another reminder on Monday if they haven't submitted their letters by then. That will be my "MAYDAY" reminder. I'm sure it will be a very long two months. How do you think you blew it on your interview, if you don't mind me asking? I truly hope it can turn out well for all of us this year!
Does anybody know anything about the interview process beyond what's available on the website? Like:
What kinds of questions we should prepare for?
How much they factor in to the admissions decisions?
41 Posts
In case this is helpful regarding your interview question:
Like she wrote, we can't really say much about it, but I echo what she wrote in that it's pretty short, super straight forward and not intimidating at all. Just be prepared to tell them what makes you unique, why you want to be a nurse, etc.
With my botched interview, it was just a combo of factors. Most importantly, I HATE talking on the phone. I am awesome face-to-face... not so much on the phone. So, I was completely uncomfortable the whole time and that probably came thru. Secondly, I think I was so nervous about trying to cover ALL the bases that I tried to plan my answers too much instead of just answering honestly. I wanted so badly to show that I had healthcare experience, that I knew what I was getting in to, that I had leadership skills, that I could handle the academic load, why I wanted UVA's program.... and I think in the end none of it got through. I have a very weak undergrad GPA and last year had very little hands-on patient experience and I think I just tried so hard I screwed myself up. I don't feel like I was myself, nor do I feel like I adequately represented myself in the phone interview so that's my goal for this year. I may review some of the basic information right before and read some of the sample questions posted around in different places but I think it'll go better if I just... go with it. :)
ON THE OTHER HAND... they just simply can't take everyone. That's the hard truth. Perhaps if I had done a great interview, I STILL would have gotten passed over simply because of the competitiveness of the applicant pool. And because there aren't many hard-and-fast requirements for the program, we don't have anything concrete to "shoot for" except that we'll be judged on our "entire package". Thus, the saying goes (which is easier said than done): give it your best shot and let the chips fall where they may.
If someone hears about their interview, please post here so we know it's starting!
If they're doing the process the same way they did last year (and on the same timeline), they sent out e-mails roughly between mid October and mid November to those who got interviews. (I got my e-mail 11/16. Not sure if they extended interviews all at once or over those four weeks.)
So, unless they've changed something, I would think you should hear from them within the next month if they're going to extend an interview invite.
Best of luck to you all!
In case this is helpful regarding your interview question:
Just reading through that thread made me anxious It's hard to believe we're in their same position. This wait may kill me. Thank you though; it was helpful!