UTMB Spring 2010

U.S.A. Texas


Hey guys Im making this thread so all of the applicants for UTMB Spring 2010 can follow each other through the process and help each other out! The application deadline is coming up soon! Goodluck to all!:nuke: I know they are only exepting 60 for the spring.

Specializes in hematology/oncology.

I am so glad I am not the only one thinking it. I met someone while taking Prairie view net test and she is admitted in fall class. She told me it was so easy to get in, but they are trying to offer them classes online.

You are definitely not the only one who says a "special" little prayer at night!

They may be offering online classes, really? It sounds like PV may be trying to improve their program. I read somewhere that they are giving laptops to all new nursing students!

I went to an open house at Prairie View a few months ago.

But I decided not to apply. I spoke to a couple of people who went to school there and they all said the same thing "we started with 90+ people and only 32 graduated!" or some other low number. I asked the host at the open house what their attrition rate was and she said "she didn't know" :confused:

I also met a physician's assistant who went there and she said the teachers were so incredibly hard on the students. She said every semester the teachers picked someone to treat bad. She said she watched the teachers "take" grades away from students.

There was also a scandal there in 2008. about 11 students were caught cheating on a "comprehensive exam" (don't know which one) and they were not allowed to graduate with their class, but were allowed to come back the next semester and graduate. I mention this because it makes me wonder what employers think of PV students when I apply for a job, do they think you could be one of the cheaters? ( I probably think too much)

But one point they all agreed on was ...PV produces competent "NO" EXCELLENT nurses in the field.

It's good to know I can get into PV if UTMB and TWU turn me down, but the stories I've hear about PV concern me because I want to be successful in the nursing program and a competent nurse once I am out.

Guys I've been thinking the same thing lol.....I guess we all have to wait and see!

Specializes in hematology/oncology.

Hey, Mssealy I mean that UTMB is offering online classes for this fall semester according to a student registered for this fall. PV is my second choice, the scandal that you are tlking about is they cheated on their exit exam. I had a co-worker who graduated with that class. I am really suprised they allowed those students to come back. What happened to ethics? Well at this point I'm just praying to get in so I can become an RN, I've been a nursing assistant for almost 8yrs and its time for me to walk that hallway with a different swagger.LOL.

hey jazzynurse2b!

omg utmb just became the bomb! online classes for us generic folk, well i just won't know how to act!! and i agree with you, i want to get in and get mine too! did your coworker share any nice things about the program at pv?

lets get our swag on like jazzynurse2b

hi misspink86! isn' this great news about the online classes.

Wow really that would be great! I'm so excited, I really do hope all of us get in! Ms sealy did they post your 3 different gpas on econnect?

misspink86 i haven't seen gpas on econnects. where would it listed? and is there a way we can verify they have our transcript info listed correctly on econnects?

Oh I just thought it might be listed to give us an idea. I hope I didnt calculate my gpas wrong, I went to this site to calculate it http://www.foothill.edu/transfer/counseling.calc.html

The only way to know for sure about the transcripts is to call enrollment services. I called today to see if they got my last 2 transcripts and the lady checked and said they did she also did mention it was swamped in the back with transcripts.....I'm just hoping its not all for the nursing school lol

Specializes in hematology/oncology.

Ms Sealy,

I have heard great things about PV, they told me that the poeple that don't succeed are those that come in thinking they know everything. But for the most part they said that if you let the profs. know you need help they are there. They liked it so much that the three of them are starting in the master's program.

Specializes in hematology/oncology.

Also, after speaking to the lady that selects the students for PV she told me that its based on first come first serve on entrance, not on GPA, NET, as long as you meet expectations you are ok. And they are excepting 100 students this year.


i'm glad to get some good feedback on the pv program. i will definitely keep them in mind. thank you!

that's' exactly what we were told at the open house, first come first served! like you said as long as you meet the minimum requirements and get everything in on time while there are spots available, you are in!


maybe they will add our transcript and gpa info to econnects later, but it's not on there now.


i used the twu gpa calculator.

instructions for using the gpa calculator:


first degree gpa calculator:


for those who already have a degree use this one:

second degree calculator:


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