UTHSCSA spring 2010 hopefuls!

U.S.A. Texas


Okay so im applying to uthscsa for the spring and was wondering if anyone knows what gpa they look at and any other helpful ideas to get an interview etc. my prereq gpa is 3.74 but my overall gpa is a 3.44...is that going to hurt my chances? :eek: i went in for a transcript review and debbie calculated the wrong gpa for me and i didnt notice until i got home. i hope they dont mess up with my application. eeeek im so nervous i wanna do everything possible to get in!!:D the only other place im applying to is sac but i much rather get my bachelor degree then an associates....

Hey all... out of town here but getting back tomorrow. Cheeky, I think Cali had mentioned meeting up at starbucks after the meet and greet that the school is hosting on December 2. Will you be there? See you all in a couple of days...

Had my nose to the grind stone for these last weeks of school so I totally missed the change in plans. I will be able to go to the school event--I am not sure if I will be able to meet afterwards. I have a recurring Wednesday night meeting with what will soon be my previous employer. I will have to see if I can get out of the meeting. Either way looking forward to Wednesday.

YAY! I am so glad to see that some of us are planning to go on Wednesday to the meet and greet. I am planning on going and would be up for coffee is anybody else wants to. Maybe we can find a signal or something for us to find each other in the crowd. I also did my book shopping early (as you may have found out I am a planner) on amazon and cut the price in about half and even got some of the recommened books. I know not everyone is doing that so soon but when you are ready it was super well worth it and shipping does not seem to take that long. See you in a few days!


u need a computer for school, but not for class lectures, its better if you just print the notes and write in info, bc if you take your comp more likely you are going to be on facebook or sme other site than listening to class..and yeah, there's going to be a lot of printing notes, so make sure you have a good printer with cheap ink or something otherwise you can print your notes at school


3802 tests fm notes, powerpoints-reading the book helps. 3209: frm the book, 3312 fm the notes, powerpoints... CLinical is not bad!! I love my instructor this semester, she was awesome... you shouldnt worry bout it, you just take care of pts. change briefs, help them up, but all skills you will learn in lab before you go to clinical.

Thanks for the advice. mar4 I have a laptop now but it is 17 inches and not something i can toss in my back pack;) Good to know about the printing. I am not a person that likes to take their computer to class but just wondering if for this program it is more handy. Is it cost efffective to print the notes at school?

10cents a page for black, dnt kw how much the color prints are. Just to give you an idea: notes for 3802 and 3312 are around 6-15 pgs each, n when you get power pts if you print them as handouts (6 per pg) can be up to like 25 pgs. 3209, bout 5 pg per class... so i dnt kw.

ok...that is what it normally costs. I have a laser printing at my husbnads buisness it is just not as convient. This gives me some idea. thanks again for the advice. Are they good about posting them early?

3209:2 days before

other classes just vary, it might be 1 week before

I know the meet and greet is Dec 2, but I forgot where I read this or if I deleted the email by accident....so can anyone tell me what building and what time the meet and greet will be??

Also, do I need to bring anything?

***and im down to meet up for coffee afterward :)

Hey jklivin, here's the info from the email:

"A big congratulation is in order for all of you who were recently admitted to the UT Health Science Center School of Nursing for the Spring 2010 semester. We would like to welcome you to our campus by hosting a Welcome Day on Wednesday, December 2nd. This will be held in the School of Nursing’s Hurd Auditorium from 4-6pm and light refreshments will be served."

So the question is how do we identify each other? See you all there!

Okay...so about identifying. I don't know if we all want to wear a certain color or something, so i thought it would just be easier to describe me:) I wear glasses and I have long curly blond hair. You will probably be able to find me unless we have a ton of other curly headed blondes this semester;) I think I will probably be wearing a black turtle neck. Any other ideas on how i can find you guys? See you later!

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