UTA Spring 2019 PMHNP

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Does anyone have any info on the program?

I was told that they are making it longer the last time I spoke with an advisor.

Also from a current student I heard that they had hired a pediatric NP to be director of the psych NP Program.

It is extremely hard to get info from the school. I had called them, sent an email and filled out the request for info form. Also some information online is old and incorrect.

Hello there :-)

I am considering applying to the PMHNP program at UTA for Fall 2019 start.

I am also looking at a couple of other schools.

I wanted to know your thoughts on UTA's program. It seems to be one of the longest out there. It is hard to get information from the school or the website. I am trying to figure out exactly how long this program takes.

Thanks in advance for any information!

I started this program in August 2017. It is a hard program but it is doable. My original degree plan had me graduating in 4.5 years, but I had an advisor make some changes and now I will graduate in August 2020. I think 3 years is pretty much the quickest this program can be finished in. Let me know if you have any more questions.

If UTA here is Ut Arlington Pmhnp, I will advise anyone planning on going here to think hard. The program is hybrid, that means you will go to class about 4 times a month to have the teacher read from PowerPoint slides, something you could have read at home. The exams have a 2 hrs window on Saturdays and you are on Camera which means you will take off an entire day of work to take exams within that window. If I knew about Walden when I was applying to PMHNP programs, I would have gone there but now I’m stuck. Walden don’t have to be on Camera and no school visits too. I have coworkers who attended Walden who have just recently passed Boards :


May I ask what year you are? I just started at UTA this Fall. I’m actually takIng classes on campus as that’s my preference and I can schedule around them. I’d be interested to know more about the hybrid classes.

Thanks so much,


I’m in year 2. The Pmhnp is hybrid. I think FNP has traditional and hybrid. I know that Pmhnp is hybrid for the psych classes. For core classes you can take 100% online

Gotcha. Yes, I’m on campus for as many classes as I can be. I’m a little nervous about the online portion.

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

Anybody know if UTA takes transfer students from other Texas schools.

Hubby got into Texas State's program knowing it was one of the fastest in the nation and is now regretting the pace. One issue (though maybe an advantage now) is that they complete all the three Ps the first semester, which he passed with a 3.67 GPA. He is now re-considering UTA, which he didn't want because they are so slow compared toTexas State's program which full-time is only 4 semesters. But the pace is insane even with no other jobs.

Anyone know? Or know the page link where they have application dates? I found one that says Summer acceptance requires application by 4/1 but I don't know if that would apply to PMHNP or if they would take a transfer student. I've seen here on this thread that they aren't often very responsive so thought I'd ask here first.

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